Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach.

Byakuya flashed stepped through the Seireitei, chasing after the annoying captain know as Yoruichi Shihoin. The pestering woman had once again interrupted his training with her childish antics of stealing his hair ribbon and disappearing. Not only was she a captain of the 13 Court Guard Squads, she was a member of one of the greatest noble families, yet she insisted on forcing him into her games and pranks. He did not have time for her antics. His time was better suited to strengthening himself as the heir to the Kuchiki clan. He scowled in irritation as he lost trail of her reitsu and was forced to stop and consider other methods of locating her. It peeved him that she managed to elude him once again with her shunpo abilities. However, he was very close to surpassing her, no matter that she is the Goddess of Flash.

Looking around, he realized that he'd landed in the Rukongai districts. Possibly in one of the lowest from what he could tell of his surroundings. He caught movement out of the corner of his eye as a group of men staggered from between two of the buildings. As common for the people of these districts, they were dressed in tattered clothing covered with dirt and grime. Byakuya could tell that they were a bad bunch due to the excessive amount of scars and sharpened swords that suggested they'd been in more than their share of fights.

One of the men, bearing a distinctive scar along the side of his face, circled around him. "You don't look like you belong in these parts, kid."

Another of the men eyed his clothing. "He looks like one of them rich brats. He's probably carrying a hefty amount of coin, don't you think?" He looked to his associates.

Sharing filthy smirks, the men moved to assault him. Quickly drawing his zanpakuto, he slashed one of them as they reached out to grab him. Yelling in pain, the others immediately raised their swords to engage. Smirking at their insolence, he was just about to speak his shikai command when he felt a fast approaching reitsu then was suddenly snatched up in a blur and carried away across the rooftops of several buildings and huts. They soon stopped, landing at the opening of a forest some distance away. Outraged, he looked at the person who dared to interrupt his fight. He was surprised to see that it was a raven-haired girl who looked to be around his age. Like the bandits, she wore tattered clothing, however, with considerably less dirt and a less unpleasant appearance.

"Why did you dare to interrupt me?"

She glanced at him through long bangs. "There's no need to engage in a meaningless battle."

He glared, annoyed by her reprimanding look. No one had ever dared to look at him in such a way. "They intended to rob me."

"Even so, they are weaker and you could easily elude them without fighting. You could've harmed the innocent bystanders in that area or caused a large ruckus that would only make the situation worse, brat."

He scowled. "How dare you call me brat? It's Byakuya, heir of the Kuchiki noble family. You are to show me respect, Rukongai girl." He looked down his nose at her.

Unfazed, she quirked an eyebrow. "What are you doing all the way out here, noble brat?"

His eye began to twitch in anger. "That is none of your concern."

She shrugged. "Well, I just want to know why a noble brat like you would be in these parts. Kids shouldn't play in dangerous places."

Trying to get a cool on his temper, he reframed from pulled out his sword to demonstrate his strength. However, it wouldn't be fair if she possessed no swordsmanship. As he's pondering this, he notices the zanpakuto hanging from her side. "You're a soul reaper?" He was confused by this, due to her attire.


"Then why do you have a zanpakuto? Not to mention the fact that you are adept at using flash step."

She shrugged. "When you wish for the strength strong enough, sometimes it can be granted. Growing up in these areas, you often face pretty dangerous situations. Guess you wouldn't know nothing about that, noble brat."

He ignored her jab lest his temper explode. "Why haven't you enrolled into the Academy?" Her reitsu was more than strong enough to enter. Having already manifested her zanpakuto, it was a done deal.

She looked towards the huts and people of the violent district. "I became strong so I could protect the innocent people from those who make nothing but violence like the ones who attacked you."

His brows furrowed. "As a soul reaper, you could protect them all the same and become even stronger."

She glanced at him. "Soul reapers protect only in bigger crisis, not such small matters as this. They don't protect us from the everyday crimes we face such as bandits. I prefer to stay in my realm so I can protect on a more personal and familiar basis."

Before he could further question her, she turned to leave. For some reason, his mouth moved before rational thought. "I didn't get your name." When she raised her eyebrows at him, he scoffed. "I figured you wouldn't want to be addressed as Rukongai girl."

Her smile made her look radiant through the filth. He ignored the small flutter in his heart. "Rukia."

With that she disappeared. He could have easily kept up with her, but decided otherwise. Moving towards the opposite direction, he flash stepped back towards the Seireitei, having completely forgotten about the reason why he left in the first place.

A/N: I hope you liked the first chapter. This is my first attempt at a long story. (I don't count my OHSHC story as long because it basically a one shot cut up into parts.) As usual, I welcome flames, but don't be too harsh, please.