A/N hiiiiiiiii well finall someone reviewed and told me to do something finallllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is going to be short cuz no one but my favorite reader now Ichiro Kuragari !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! review but im going to work with her and chelseas dares k

disclaimer : i do not own or the ppl that did the anime wouldnt put so much twinsest and would put a lot more thing and would of kept it going o.o i just confused myself..........

ME: ok today people i wont be reading the dare chelsea said i cant that she is and laughed evily ii have a bad feeling

chelsea: hi weirdos (gets hit in the head) ok the frist one is from the only person that reviewed Ichiro Kuragari !!!!!!! and this is the dare:

Okay First. Everyone has to dogpile Gaaragirl and second Tamaki Kyouya and
the Twins are locked in a closet for ten miniutes STRAIGHT!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!

ME: wth! what ever just dont hurt me k

everyone else: (gives evil smiles to me)

ME: ahhhh (everyone jumps on me and i fal they yel dog pile!!!!!!!!! and i scream my back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) ok that over now kyouya tamaki and twins in the freaking closet

tamaki and kyouya: huh but were not dont with our water drinking contest

ME: ok hurry (a few secs LATER kyouya smiles evily and say its a tie)

chelsea: ok in the closet (they go in)

i look the door and star the timer

2 secs later tamaki and kyouya bang on the door

tamaki: i have to pee

kyouya: the twins put haruhi in here tooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chelsea well this works for my dare the first thing i want is them to tie tamaki up and put make up on him and everyone in the closet to kiss haruhi exept tamaki

they do as she says

tamaki screams: my daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

everyone out side laughs and i scream times up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i laugh as tamali come out mad with make up on and huruhi is red faced and tha twins are walking together trying to act calm but hikaru is red faced too and kyouya act bored but is smileing hmmmmmm i wounder if he like haruhi

chelsea: ok for my last door i would like the twins to read whats on kyouyas note book and comp and if its to long just read the first chapter!!!!!!!!!

twins: ok

hikaru: omg i will read this for you its from the notebook it say

look at haruhi today dressed as a girl wow she looks so pretty and that smile it just makes my heart melt i wish i would be able to date her it would be wonderful being able too.................. i cant read this part this is a t rated fic no lemons right

meO.O omg ummmmmmm yea right now kaoru your turn

kaoru: ok i will start

today the twins got haruhi in that swim suit the maids of there did a wonderfull job i seen her secretly while she was changing she has a beautiful body .............................................................. sorry he goes into explenations and now for the next part hmmmm i wonder how i can make her a new dept to pay mabea i can use it to keep her in the club cuz everyone know if she leaves she will be a girl to everyone and she will have all the guys chaseing her i jst cant let that happen i need her here shes the only one that i think i can love and i cant live with out her mabea i can convince a reader to make her date me or to make her at least make love to me like......................................................... ok kyouya is afically a perv

haruhi: walks in the door hey what happend i had to do wash my mouth hikaru was eating a pbj b4 he kissed me and i tased it

everyone but kyouya and tamaki: O.o stay away from kyouya haruhi

haruhi: why i like kyouya if i picked anyone to get with it would be him the only reason im not with him is he seems like he hates me and i cant be with him if im in the club

everyone: what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

kyouya drags haruhi off

me damnit now what will happen

everyonew is frozen in shock

A/N: hahaHA i knew that i could twist around chelseas dare in some way now its up to you the readers to decide everyones fate k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bye