Edward's Point of View

I sat in the broom closet with a dreamy look on my face. She wanted to kiss me too. I can't believe I actually did though. I wasn't planning on it, but when I saw her standing there, I couldn't help it. She kissed me back, but then it was as if a lightning bolt struck her down from our cloud. Suddenly she was that shell of hate again. She used to laugh at my mood swings?

Edward, can I come in?

I opened the door to Alice. She was trying to hide her smile, but failing miserably. "Edward tell me this vision happened please?" Her mind replayed the kiss I just shared with Bella.

I sighed. "Yes, that happened."

She squealed. "So she forgave you!"

The corners of my mouth turned down. "Yes, I kissed her, but no, she didn't forgive me. She wouldn't have let me kiss her if she saw it coming," I answered morosely.

"But I saw more visions of you together in the future. Explain that!" Alice's voice was raised two octaves higher.

I leaned my head back against the wall. "She gave me a month to change her mind about me. Thirty days to gain her love back. If she feels the same about me then I leave."

Alice's mouth was slightly open in shock. "Leave...Denali?" She asked.

I looked at her with an empty expression.

She gasped as it clicked. "No! No Edward, you can't! Think of Esme and Carlisle! ...Think of me." She collapsed onto the ground, not caring about her clothes. "Don't kill yourself Edward, please don't," she whispered brokenly. "We just got you back."

I pulled her into my arms. "Alice, that's only if I fail. I haven't even started on the thirty days yet. Have faith, little sister." I comforted her.

She hugged me tight, recomposing herself. "You've got a long month ahead of you. Those sisters aren't gonna let her go so easily."

I chuckled, "I know."

Where's Alice? Bella's long gone by now. I heard Tanya's thoughts nearby.

"I have to go. Give my regards to the family," I spoke quickly, running out the door.

Bella's Point of View

I walked out of the mall towards the safety of trees. As soon as I was out of the crowd, I ran. I ran fast and far. I didn't stop to think or say goodbye. I'd be back soon. The wind whipped around my face, tangling my hair and clothes, but I ran faster still. The angrier I was with myself, the faster I pushed my legs.

In a couple of hours, I was back in Forks. The welcome sign never looked so welcoming before. I walked into town and found the store. I needed something to cover me up so people wouldn't recognize me. A couple minutes later I was back in the rain with a knee-length trench coat and hat. I looked like one of those sexy detectives in the movies. Pulling the hat down, I made my way through the streets.

"Did you hear about what happened to Chief Swan's daughter?"

I stopped and listened to the women gossiping.

"No, my grand daughter isn't one to get involved in other people's business." I turned and saw Angela's grandmother with someone else.

"Well I heard she's in a mental institution. Ever since that Cullen boy she was dating raped her, she went into a spiralling depression."

My anger was still boiling over. My hands were in fists as I marched up to them. "What did you just say?" I growled.

The other lady, I now recognized as Jessica's mom, flinched.

"He didn't rape her! He never even touched her!" I defended.

"And where did you hear that?" Mrs. Stanley sneered.

"Bella Swan was a friend of mine," I told her cautiously pulling my hat lower. I shouldn't have gotten involved.

"Then where is she?" She challenged.

I stepped away. "She's...gone..." I didn't even know where she went. Angela's grandma stood up, watching me.

"Well, you should stay out of conversations unless you know what you're talking about." Mrs. Stanley marched off.

I turned back to the old lady. She was smiling at me now. I stared at her silently, nobody spoke. It was like she was seeing right through me. Finally she patted my shoulder. "Charlie really misses you. Angela does too," she talked, walking away.

My mouth flew open. She recognized me and I'd met her maybe once or twice. "Tell Angela thank you!"

Her grandma stopped and turned.

"For being my only friend. Tell her thank you...for me," I whispered.

She smiled in understanding. "You'll find your way again, dear. It may not be soon, but you'll find it." She walked away silently.

I headed farther into town until I reached the school. It was lunch time and all the kids were eating. I stood a short distance from the large window. I saw Mike and Tyler laughing at something Eric did, Jessica and Lauren were grimacing at them, and then I saw Angela. She sat away from the crowd with a sad look on her face. I watched all of them living on like normal people. Angela suddenly looked out the window at me with hope written on her face. Her eyes fell on mine. I took my hat off so she could see me better. She opened her mouth to say some the others, but then closed it with a smile. I smiled back at her.

"You're in a happier place, aren't you?" She whispered to herself, but I understood her.

I nodded happily. "I will be," I mouthed.

Her eyes widened at seeing I could hear her. "With Edward?" she inquired.

I started to shake my head, but stopped. I am happy with Edward. When he's near, I'm elated. I only feel truly sad when he's not there. "Yes," I told her.

"Thank you for coming back one last time," she spoke softly.

"Goodbye Angela. I'll miss your friendship."

"Me too," she whispered, a single tear running down her cheek.

"Hey Ang, what are you looking at?" Ben asked, following her gaze.

I was gone before he saw me. "I was just remembering..." A smile could be heard in her voice.

The last place I went was Charlie's house. He wasn't home so I walked in. The answering machine was packed with worried calls from Renee. Charlie must have told her that I was no longer with him. I went upstairs to my room. I left it a wreck in my hurry to escape. I wanted to leave Charlie something to show him that I was there.

In a couple minutes, the room was spotless. I then moved onto the bathroom and kitchen. When I reached the kitchen I was suddenly worried. What would he do without me? I opened the fridge to find it still full from when I last shopped. I pulled some ingredients out and started on his dinner. By the time I finished, it was fifteen minutes till five. I sat down at the table and wrote a letter to him.

I came back to check on you, but you were at work. It's better this way. I just wanted to come back one last time. I fixed you that lasagna you love. Grandma's recipe. I made enough for many leftovers. Just warm it up. Don't worry about Mom, I'll send her letter explaining things.
I'm doing great. The family really treats me like one of them. It's nice. I've really started over. I've finally woken up from my nightmare. I can think of happier times without cringing from the bad.
Please don't think you did something wrong with raising me. It was you that kept me alive. Thank you, Dad. Just know, I'll never be far. I'm always here with you.
Love for eternity,

I folded the note and placed it by his plate. I heard the cruiser pull up and Charlie get out. I fought with myself on if I should just see him one last time. His keys jingled in the lock. With a last look at my home, I left out the back door. I stood at the edge of the forest to listen. His boots dragged slowly into the kitchen. He stopped suddenly and gasped. A slight smile played on my lips as I heard paper being rustled. A few seconds later, he ran to the back door and looked out. His eyes searched the tree line for something. I turned and walked away when I heard him.

"You're always welcome back, Isabella," he whispered sadly, walking back into the house.