Okay the winner of my poll was Lost Hope! By a long shot which shocked me. You guyz pick my depressing story over my funny and romantic. What kind of fans do I have? LOL Just kidding. I like this story. It was very second story to ever write. I'm just now posting it.

I have the entire playlist for this story still being made, but for now here are the songs for this chapter: Empty Room by Marjorie Fair, We are Brokenby Paramore, and Dreams by Cranberries.

Hope you enjoy!

The months passed. I felt numb. No thoughts passed through my head. I used to be human, now I was closer to a zombie. People already treated me like I was dead so I didn't mind. I was pushing my cereal around with the usual expression on my face. Today was like every other day; never a difference. Days came and went without any excitement, just like I liked it.


I jumped at the sudden outburst from Charlie. I looked up at him.

"I can't take this anymore," he sighed.

I was confused. Did I do something wrong? I thought I was doing a great job at not letting any emotion show. I did my chores and went to school, what could cause this sudden anger?

"What's wrong." I meant to say it as a question, but my flat voice made it sound like a statement.

He looked up from his hands. "THAT! That dead voice! That dead look! That dead......" He trailed off, taking a deep breath. "I thought a month or two would be enough. That you would go back to normal or something at least human," he sighed again. "It's been seven months since Edward left. He's not coming back."

That was below the belt. I gasped, trying to keep my emotions under control; some emotions slipped through. I was angry now---the first real thing I'd felt in months. He knew it was a rule not to talk about him. I felt myself ripping at the seams.

"Bella?" He sounded worried. Maybe he realized his mistake and felt bad. I didn't care, my mind was elsewhere. Charlie's voice was faded and distant.

Just the sound of his name caused the memories to come pouring out---out of the closet I tried desperately to close now. I felt myself start shaking violently. "Bella! Bella, are you okay?!" Charlie was freaking out, but I couldn't stop. I attempted to pull the closet door shut but it only opened wider. They just came, one after the other until I realized something......the memories were different.

I froze.

"Bella, please say something." He was begging now.

I gasped. "I can't remember," I whispered.

"What?" I looked into Charlie's worried eyes.

"I can't remember!" I screamed.

I ran outside, into the pouring rain. I was still numb so the cold water didn't bother me. I ran to my truck and tried starting it.

"I have to- I have to go see.......I have to go....." I stumbled over my words. I didn't know where Edward---I flinched at the name---was, but I had to go somewhere. I racked my hectic brain, tying to think of where he could be. I wouldn't give up. I couldn't.

For a second, my brain cleared so I could think straight. I had to pack some clothes and money. I looked down at my frozen hand, held where the ignition was. I also needed my keys if I was going to get anywhere. I sighed, scared to see Charlie's face again.

I walked back inside, dripping wet. Charlie was still standing by my seat where I was before I ran out.

I took a deep breathe. "Dad, I think you're right," I lied. "I need to get away from here. I need a change of scenery."

Charlie finally looked up at me. I thought I saw relief or hope cross his face. "Take as long as you need." He spoke his words slowly and carefully, waiting for the crazy me to come out again.

"Thanks Dad. I'll call once I get where I'm going." I said with a weak smile; the first smile in seven months.

I'd apologize for it being so short, but I don't want to. The others will be longer as they go, but the first few are starting the story so deal with it. :)

I forgot to mention this story is dedicated to JasperSAYSrelax128. My writing style and attitude has been altered bcuz of her. Check out her stories. Not for me, but bcuz you guyz will die of laughter. I'm like a less funny model of her so you'll love her.

Review this short beginning pleez. I want to know your thoughts. Next chapter today or tomorrow. Expect it!