Author's Note: It's also Miyo86's birthday, and for this drabble challenge she made a little list of things that would make her day. I decided to give her: Hurt!Dean and Dean having trouble breathing. Couldn't fit all of your wishes Miyo86, since I only have 100 words, but I hope this is close enough to make you happy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Challenge word: Pressure

Disclaimer: If they were mine I wouldn't do this to them. Honestly!

Word count: 100


High-pressured Down Below

The mermen dragged Dean deeper into the ocean, unaffected by his panicked resistance. The first attack had broken his nose. The second had ripped the mouthpiece away, saltwater and blood mixing in his mouth. The third left two of the assailants with death-grips on his arms, preventing him from re-attaching his air supply. Colored dots swarmed his vision as pressure mounted and his brain clamored for oxygen. Then, just as his body surrendered, the mouthpiece was forced back in place. He inhaled deeply, shaken by the near-suffocation and the cruel message it delivered: At Our Mercy. Bastards, they have plans!
