I don't own Shugo Chara. Most (some) of my inspiration is from Rosario+Vampire and I don't own that either.
"Hey Amu, are you excited for high school year? Oh, wait. I'm sorry, you're not going." Wakana sighed, "We'll miss you."
"I am fine; I might just go to a school with my standards. Probably a public school," Amu replied.
"Well, ja ne, we'll contact you," Misaki replied.
Amu tried to smile but she just couldn't. She couldn't go to her friends' school. She didn't make the cut. She walked home.
When Amu came home, her family was surprisingly happy. "Amu-Chan, we got you enrolled to a high school!" Her mom said.
Amu was shocked,"H-how!?!"
"In the newspaper we found an article about going to a boarding school where you can be yourself! Well, at least that's what I think it means…" Her mom finished.
Amu was curious," Wait…WHAT? Let me see the paper!"
Her mom gave her the paper. "Ryuu Ibuki High. Where we welcome magic, bloodsucking, and your inner monster abilities… "It was hard to interpret…but Amu was lucky she could go to a BOARDING school. Without her little whiny sister, the weird people at school and her annoying parents, it would be wonderful.
"Start packing. You have to leave on two weeks," Her mom finished.
"Sure Mom," Amu went upstairs.
"Oh! And here's your uniform." Her mom gave her a uniform. The uniform was just like the Seiyo Academy one except the shirt was torn on the edges and the skirt was black and white plaid.
Gothic….Amu thought.
Two Weeks Later…
"Amu, give us a hug." Amu's mom said. Amu gave her mom, dad, and Ami a hug.
"We're gonna mish you onee-chan," Ami said.
"Oh! The bus is here! Bye Amu!" her Mom exclaimed. Amu grabbed her stuff and ran for the bus.
When Amu opened the bus door, the inside looked a lot bigger than she thought. "Put your stuff under your name," the bus driver was chewing gum…well, at least it looked like gum.
She saw her name and put her bags under it. The she sat in a bus seat. There were so many people in the bus. They all had slightly different uniforms. She sat next to a boy who had a black suit on. Weird uniform…
The boy smiled," Hi, I am Hotori Tadase. You must be new. Did you come for middle school?"
"OH! A new person? Yaya wants to see!" A girl popped up from the seat in front of her. She had the same uniform as Amu.
"Yaya! Don't be excited. It might scare the thing!" A girl with a purple ponytail popped up next to the other girl. She turned to Amu," I am Fujisaki Nadeshiko. Nice to meet you. This is Yaya." Nadeshiko was wearing a purple shirt with a black choker and a black ragged-edge skirt with fishnet tights.
Amu smiled," I am Hinamori Amu."
"Well, since you're new here, we'll show you the popularity rank." Tadase said.
"Ok…" Amu replied.
Nadeshiko started," The top ranks are Tsukiyomi Ikuto. He's over there," she pointed to a blue-haired guy in the back seat. He had the same uniform as Tadase. "He's a Sapphire Uniform."
"Ruby?" Amu was confused.
"There are different ranks in uniforms." Tadase replied.
"The other top rank is Mashiro Rima. She's over there." Nadeshiko continued.
Yaya whispered," Rumors have it she's a succubus."
"Yaya!" Nadeshiko strictly scowled at her.
"Gomenesai," Yaya replied.
Amu was shocked. A succubus? Aren't those…demons? Then Amu asked," Are Ikuto and Rima…together?"
Yaya started laughing. Nadeshiko continued," No, but there are rumors that they secretly are. I don't believe in it though."
"That's 'because Ikuto's sister will never let ANYONE date him!" Yaya was laughing so hard.
It made no sense to Amu why Yaya was laughing.
"Oh. We're here," Tadase said.
Everyone grabbed their bags. RIH, here we come, Amu thought.