A/N: Mostly Michael's perspective. Get a little info on his past (made up to explain certain things and why he'd done what he had). Basically, I tried to get into his head on this one. So, enjoy!

Michael didn't move. He was certainly stunned. He was sure she'd stay with him. He knew that she felt the same for him as he did for her. Or maybe… Maybe I was just kidding myself, he thought sadly.

Disappointed, Michael roamed the house, trying to clear his head and sort his thoughts. He wandered aimlessly and eventually ventured back to the living room. However, he now noticed a well-worn letter next to an open box. Not realizing what it was, Michael picked it up and read its contents. As he read, he realized it was the same letter he had written so long ago, in a time where everything seemed right in the world.

Michael chuckled humorlessly. He was a different man back then—a carefree, adventurous man with nothing to tie him down. Until Fiona came along. Michael tried. He tried so hard not to get emotionally involved, but his efforts were ultimately futile. He fell in love…hard. Back then, his emotions were more open. Back then, he was more affectionate. Back then, he was more of a gentleman. More of a romantic. Michael sighed heavily. He'd changed so much since then. He wanted to be that same man, but he wasn't. He was colder, more closed off. He was no longer than man that made romantic gestures just because he wanted to. No, the Michael Fiona knew back then was gone. The one she knew now wasn't close to being the Michael of before.

However, Michael had hope, as little as it was. In rare moments, he witnessed the old Michael come forth, like the time he believed Fiona had died in the fire. Or even tonight, when he had asked her to stay with him in Miami. I guess not all hope is lost, he thought. Maybe I can be that same man…

After reading the letter several times, he placed it back in the box and replaced the lid. Michael lingered though. He didn't know why. Maybe he thought Fiona would return home. Or maybe he just didn't want to leave with a sad memory.

But it was getting late, so Michael decided to head back to the loft to get some rest—although, with a heavy heart.

Upon his arrival, he noticed the light was on, which didn't really surprise him since he usually kept it on anyway. What was different was that the door to the loft was slightly ajar. Grabbing his .45 caliber handgun from the Charger, he made his way quietly up the stairs. Nudging the door open, he surveyed the area with his gun drawn. However, the scene before him wasn't as dangerous as he thought. Actually, to the contrary.

Instead of an intruder, it was Fiona that had crept into his loft and had fallen asleep in his bed, under the covers.

Michael walked over, trying to be as stealthy as possible so he wouldn't wake her. When he was close enough, he knelt beside her. He reached out to brush a strand of hair away from her face. As he caressed her cheek with his finger, he noticed that she had cried herself to sleep, her cheeks stained with dried tears. Oh, Fi. Why would you do this to yourself? Michael continued to gaze lovingly at Fi's sleeping form before he himself succumbed to sleep.

Michael took a quick shower, and returned in only pajama bottoms, leaving his chest bare. Fi hadn't moved. He sat on the opposite side of the bed and removed the covers before sliding in. He wanted to bring Fi close, but he was hesitant, scared that he'd scary Fiona away, if he hadn't already. Instead, he stared at the ceiling, wondering how long it'd be for the ache in his heart to fade away once she was gone. He couldn't see himself living without her now that she was back in his life. But then again, he couldn't be with her. He was scared of commitment. Because if he was involved with her, his enemies would use it to their advantage. But even so, he was already in a deep hole that he couldn't climb out of. At any moment, Fi could be taken away from him. And he couldn't bear the guilt and shame if anything ever happened to her.

He had his job. He had his girl. He had his life. But now… everything was in shambles. He lost his job and he wanted it back! He wanted to fulfill that need to help his country in a never ending war between good and evil. But Fiona didn't understand that. She couldn't understand why he wanted his job back so badly. It wasn't because he wanted it back for the sake of having a job. He just wanted to clear his name! He had to rectify the burn notice, because he didn't want to go down as the spy that had committed treason against his own country. He wanted justice. That's all it was. But, in pursuing the burn notice, he was going to lose Fiona. She wasn't going to stick around and watch him do it. He was dancing with the devil, he knew it, but he wanted his life back! But he wondered, was his job really worth getting back? At the expense of losing Fi in the process?

Michael's mind spun in circles as he finally drifted off into a restless sleep. Unbeknownst to him, Michael had shift closer to Fi being pulled by the warmth of the smaller and lithe body beside him. Eventually, he spooned her from behind letting his face rest in the long tresses of her hair. Snuggling closer in his sleep, he wrapped an arm around her waist, and tightened his grip slightly as if to make sure she was really there. She didn't wake up, tired from the turmoil from the last few days and the upcoming days. She only shifted once, but it only brought he closer to Michael as she moved back against his solid chest and moving her hand to cover his own around her waist.

Michael dreamed of Fi that night. He saw they're life together flash before their eyes. And even their future. He saw a ring. He saw a little girl with her mother's green eyes and his black hair. He saw their 20th anniversary. He saw them growing old together. He saw their life.

Fi, too, dreamed of Michael. She saw the same things he did. However, she saw a little boy with his father's blue eyes and her brown hair. She saw their home. She saw their love. She saw them growing older together. She saw the life that they could have.

But it's just a dream. One that will never come true. One that will always make you think of 'what if'?

But, although they couldn't be together in real life, they could be together in their dreams… at least, until morning comes around to thrust them back into reality. Come early morning, they'd have to face their problems head on.

So, a little explanatin of the old Michael (at least, what I wanted old Michael to be ;) go literary freedom! lol.) If you guys want an explanation as to why Fi went to the loft... I might write a chapter for it. But if you guys just accept it and let it go, then that's okay too lol. And is it sad that I used a Jeffrey Donovan movie reference? lol.