A/N. I'd like to offer a special thanks to RonsGirlFriday for her help with doing the beta stuff this story. Thanks RonsGirlFriday.
"Kisses for Ginny!" cries Molly as she bends over and kisses her eleven week-old baby daughter on the forehead. "Ginny!" squeals a little boy standing on the other end of the rug. She watches as the toddler walks across the rug to the freckle-faced, red-haired baby lying on a blanket between her mother's legs. Carefully the little boy places his hands on Molly's legs, leans over and plants a big, open mouth, slobbery kiss on the baby girl's forehead, and laughs. Responding to the delight on his face, or perhaps just to being kissed, she laughs as well.
"Raspberry for Ginny!" cries Molly, exposing the baby girl's belly and blowing loudly on it.
"Ginny," echoes the toddler, as he leans over to copy her, blowing noisily on the baby's stomach. Reaching out with both her tiny hands, Ginny grabs two small handfuls of hair and gurgles happily as the little boy blows another wet raspberry on her belly.
Molly carefully unwraps the boy's hair from the little fingers whilst smiling at her daughter. "Ginny, you have to let go of him occasionally, you know."
Quietly the door opens, and Arabella Figg carefully enters the room. Spying the toddler and the infant playing on the floor with Molly, she walks over and sits on the floor beside them.
"I was worried about waking them, but I see that's not a problem."
Molly laughs. "Not these two. Far too interested in playing 'Kisses for Ginny' to sleep. Watch: Kisses for Ginny!" Bending over, Molly again kisses the laughing infant, this time on the cheek.
"Ginny!" screeches the toddler, as he leans over to plant wet, slobbery kisses on the same spot. With a loud, happy noise, the baby waves her chubby little hands and kicks her legs in the air, causing Arabella to laugh at their obvious joy: "There's something about watching those two play like that. Totally wrapped up in what they are doing like there's not a care in the world. Like there's no-one but them."
"How old is she now, Molly?"
A wistful smile appears on Molly's face as Arabella's question brings back the memories of Ginny's birth. "She's ten weeks old today."
"She has such lovely red hair, just like her brothers."
"That she does." Molly turns towards Arabella, her face shifting to a more serious look. "The meeting?" she asks.
"I gave my report, such as it was. Not much need of me in there now, so I'll mind these two if you like, so you can go join in."
"Thank you, Arabella. It's why I'm here." Slowly, Molly rises to her feet, careful not to disturb the happily playing children. With a small wave and a cheerful, "Bye-bye, dearies," she walks to the door and leaves the room.
Arabella gives the two young children a smile and cocks her head slightly to one side. "Kisses for Ginny?"
Arabella Figg sits quietly on the couch under an antique lamp, sometimes reading, sometimes dozing. But mainly just watching the two little forms sleeping on a blanket in the middle of the room's showcase rug. The little boy is curled up against the baby, one of his hands gently holding the little girl's hand as they both sleep the sleep of the innocent
Behind her she hears the soft creak of the door opening.
"How were they, Arabella?" Molly asks as she walks into the room.
"She was an angel, Molly. A perfect little angel." Arabella turns as a second person enters the room. "Harry was was a proper little gentleman too, Lily."
A/N Also need to thank HarryLillyJames for her help as well. Hopefully by now you realize why I didn't thank her at the top of the story.