
"Everyone, they've all lost their sense of place in the world, like kites without strings or tails."

Those were some of Annie's last words. I found them true even then, but now even more so. I took a long drag of my cigarette and exhaled, looking to the blood red sky of the setting sun. I hated this planet, but I was attached to it all the same; this was where it all started and where it's likely to end, the place where I've already died twice.

I was lost then as I am now, except then I thought by searching for my angel, my Julia, was my purpose, then when I found her, I couldn't run away with her. I found out then, she was not my proof that I was alive; just someone who I shared a dream with, someone I shared a nightmare with. I loved her, but in a way where I couldn't believe any of it was real, for it really wasn't you see, it was all a dream. Then it all ended, and I was still that kite without a string, same as before I met her.

Then slowly something changed. I didn't live in a dream anymore. I was anchored to reality, a reality I began to think of as my home. It was the Bebop. Altogether it was what gave me a sense of meaning. At first, it was just an aid in my search for Julia, then something happened. Jet and I, we became partners; comrades. I've always hated three things, women with attitude, kids, and dogs. Somewhere along the way we managed to pick up all three. Ed and Ein I could never understand, I just accepted it. They grew on me as well, I came to think of them as part of the Bebop, a part that without, we could not stand.

Then there was Faye, Faye Valentine. She was the string to my kite. She was what held me down to reality, to the Bebop. At first, I thought I'd miss her purely out of familiarity. At that point I still thought Julia was what I lived my life for, that was proven wrong when I couldn't run with her, I still wasn't sure if I was really alive. I was the one who foolishly cut that string by going back to fight my past, even though I was the one who told her the past doesn't matter.

It's been two years and I still miss her. It wasn't familiarity, it was something more. Something I didn't want to give it a name. I see her face when I sleep. I see her face when I wake up. The memory of Julia melodic humming was replaced by Faye's off key mumbling. Two years, and everyday I wish I was back on the Bebop, hunting bounties, eating Jet's bell peppers and beef (sans the beef), watching Ed's spastic actions, and smoking with Faye, fighting with Faye, seeing Faye, being with Faye. Two years ago I walked away from the woman who gave me my sense of place in the world, and that woman was not Julia.

I put my cigarette out on the ash tray. Walking away from the window I headed part my desk toward the elevator. Taking the elevator to the Lobby floor, I was immediately flanked by Touya and Haji. All the suits I passed bowed as I made my way to the double glass doors, my trench coat billowing behind me.

"Spike-sama." Touya said accompanying it with a bow, I stopped before I left the building deciding to make an announcement.

"Get ready for hell boys." I said loud and clear for all of them to hear, then I proceeded walking out the doors.

I smirked, It was time to get my woman back.

So this is just the beginning, everything will be explained later, but what's the fun in giving it all away so soon? Please review guys! I'd appreciate it! =)