Welcome to my story; The Locket. I know that the title is kind of odd but that was all that I could think of at this point in time – if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to send them my way if you want.
Disclaimer: I do not and never will own Twilight.
"Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet." ~Vietnamese Proverb
After everything that I had put my baby sister through, I still loved her and I need to tell her that, but how? She would have died so long ago now. She would have died after a long and happy life. She would have died without her big brother in her life.
All I have is the locket that I gave her and she gave me. This one piece of jewellery is all I have left to remind me of my beautiful little sister. Even Rosie cannot begin to fill that void, though I have tried to explain to her so many times – she never had anyone as close to her as Cathy was to me. I told Catherine everything; all my secrets, my worries, my thoughts. We were inseparable, even in the womb. Our mother used to tell us both how we fought even before we were born, kicking her so much. Yes, I loved her, but we were siblings – thus, we fought. A lot.
Why is it that you never realise how much someone means to you until they have gone? None of my brothers and sisters can compare to Cathy. Not even Alice, who is like her in so many ways – so alert and in your face. I never thought that I would miss her so much. I loved her.
I love her.
I would be extremely grateful if you review; it helps me to improve my writing and it makes me smile. It can be good or bad, suggestions or criticism, anything really.