A/N: Hey guys. I'm thrilled to announce that this story was nominated for a Mystic Award. The Award is "The Golden Apple" award, for the character Tanya. Go vote! www(dot)(dot)com
More info on the awards on my page :)
I've already written the prequel; but it isn't exactly a prequel. It was written for another contest, but I read it over and up to the age of 15 it makes sense for this story. Expect that to be uploaded within the next few days, once I get all the tech problems done.
The sequel is in the works. You guys are awesome. Thanks for all the reviews and favorites. You ALL have my love. Review responses will be posted some other time
PS: I'm sorry to have posted this chapter, but I wanted to let you guys know of the status of the prequel and sequel. I'll delete this chapter on October 12, 2009. :)