Title: This fic temporarily has no title. When you REVIEW (hint hint nudge nudge) you can suggest a title if you wish. If you do, we'll love you forever.

Author: Bluefroggy (Celia and Margaret)

Summary: Trory future fic. Rory and Tristan get married after Harvard.

Rating: PG-13 (Just to be on the safe side)

Feedback? What do you honestly think? Do we want feedback or not? (If you think the answer is no, you seriously don't know us.)

Author's Note: We've decided against having insane author's notes in this one, because they're awfully time consuming. We will, however, pop in every so often to say hello.


Chapter 1: Valedictorian

Rory has broken up with Dean. Tristan had returned at the end of Softmore year and they have been dating. Tristan went to Harvard with Rory.

Rory looked down at her graduation gown. She had received a full scholarship to Harvard. Her eyes turned to Tristan standing next to her. They exchanged smiles.

"Here's this years valedictorian, Rory Gilmore," the Dean said into the loudspeaker.

"Here goes nothing," Rory whispered to Tristan.

She stepped in front of the microphone and tapped it with a finger.

"Hello." Rory said into the mic. "Four years at Harvard. It has been a lot of work." There were sounds of agreement from her classmates, "But I know that they are only preparing us for real life as adults, which will only be harder. I know that as we take as we take our next step into the world, we will remember, and hopefully make use of what we have learned. Congratulations class of 2008. Look Mom, we did it!"

Lorelai smiled. Luke and little five-year-old Christopher clapped along with everyone else in the auditorium.