Disclaimer: Ownership of all trademark characters, symbols, etc is held by their respective companies and such.
My name is Tsukune Aono… at least it is the name that I have gone by.
For the past sixteen years I lived as human, believing I was one of them. It wasn't until I came to this place, Youkai academy, that I was proven wrong.
It started just after we beat Kuyou of the enforcers.
I had dreams that showed me buildings on fire and running and screaming.
And yet I felt… good.
The next time was when I had to deal with Chopper Rikishi
This time I dreamt about battles against gigantic beasts. Beasts I have never seen before but they felt familiar to me.
Then came the night after we faced Ruby for the first time.
I saw some kind of large insect. It kept screeching and squealing at me. What I found strange was I could understand it.
It said to me: "I know I cannot defeat in battle, _______. But I must do whatever it takes to stop you."
"Enlighten me, how are you going to do that?" I heard a voice call back. It sounded like mine.
"I can't kill you; I doubt this anything that can. However, I can imprison you."
And then everything became white.
After the fight at Witch's Knoll, I didn't have those dreams.
I had figured that I only have those dreams whenever Moka-san gave me her vampire blood. It must've been a side effect or something because I was also getting stronger. I went to ask her if what was happening to me was normal. When she told me no, Yukari suggested that my dreams could be memories of a past life.
If that's true then who was I in a past life? Or better yet, what?
Afterwards came beating coach Kotsubo and gaining friendship with Mizore as well as gaining more of my "memories".
It was just after the "rematch" with Saizou that I had gained all my memories. And with them came something that allowed me to make sense of everything.
I remembered my name.
My true name.
The name that synonymous with death and destruction.
That name when uttered strikes terror into the very core of my enemies and victims.
I am what some call the king of the monsters.
I am the titan that punishes humanity.
I am a vengeful god
I am… Godzilla.
A/N: I've been having writer's block with my latest story so I wrote this out of boredom. Tell me what you think.