I told you I'd have this one done really soon, didn't I? Okay, so I lied. I can't believe this chapter's just been sitting around my computer ready to go. Well, I did give it one more edit, so, hope you like it!

On her way to school, Tohru was feeling pretty good about herself. No one seemed to pay any notice to her or that she was really a girl in a boy's uniform. Maybe it was just that everyone else was too busy to notice, but she still took it as a good sign.

Turning down the small road that would take her to Kaibara High School, she walked past the front gate and into the schoolyard.

"A girl!" A student cried out.

What? How could they know? Did I forget something? Tohru was having an internal freak-out and turning very red.

"He looks just like a girl!" The student continued.

She let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding in. Phew, that was close. Just act like a boy, just act like a boy… and no one will figure it out.

"Hey," Tohru said, imitating her best male voice. It didn't come out all that masculine, but considering her feminine features, it somehow seemed to fit her girly-boy image.

That's when a whole school yard of people came over.

"A new student!"


"They are letting girls go here now?"

"Hey, don't be mean to him on his first day!"

Comment after comment was becoming too much. Everyone was asking questions, or poking at the new student until she finally became too overwhelmed and dropped to her knees.

"Woah! What'd we do?" One boy asked.

"Are you okay?" Another boy inquired with a princely voice. She looked up and he was holding his hand out to help her up. Wow… he's so pretty. Can a guy really be so pretty? Maybe I'm not the only girl here after all. She laughed to herself as she took his hand and stood back on her feet.

"Hello, I'm Yuki Sohma. How about I show you around?"

"Okay!" Tohru flashed one of her giant smiles, but then tried to tone it down, just a notch. Act like a boy, act like a boy… she kept reminding herself. I should really pay more attention and watch how boys really act, anyway.

He gave her the standard tour – office, gym, bathroom, classrooms – before coming to a stop. "I never did catch your name."

"It's Tohru Honda. It's a pleasure to meet you." She bowed before him, and he politely bowed back.

"The pleasure is all mine. Now, if you think you can find your way around here, I'll be going. There's some things I need to attend to before classes start."

"Yes, no problem. Thank you for everything Yuki!"

He nodded and then took off down the hall.

Now where was the registration office again? Tohru took off in the opposite direction and began randomly wandering down the halls until she found the room she was looking for.

After handing in her form and being given her class schedule, she went out in search of her first class. Right away after finding the room, she spotted Yuki. The two shared the same classroom! Even though he's sitting all the way on the other side of the room, at least there is someone familiar here!

Just wanted to take the time to thank the people that have reviewed, favorited, and alerted this story. Thanks a ton :) It means a lot!