Disclaimer: All Naruto Characters are the property of Masashi Kishimoto
M (ItaSaku)

In the Silence

Chapter 1- Snowfall and Laughter

It was far too cold, she decided. Winter was great, and the snow, which they got so infrequently in Konoha, was beautiful. But right now, under the howling winds of a blizzard in northern Takigakure, huddled in a small open to the air cave, it could only be described as hell.

"Its soooooo cold! Teme! Can't you do something?! You know, some Katon jutsu or whatnot to start a fire?" Naruto's voice echoed slightly as he tried to speak over the wind. Secretly Sakura agreed with his first statement, but decided if she was ever caught whining like that she would only get weird looks. The blond on the other hand could get away with almost anything and people would just write it off as part of his natural personality.

"No." Replied the raven haired young man from beside her. She glanced his way noting that like everyone else he was huddled in on himself, arms wrapped around his torso, knees tucked partially up. For once he had forgone the white open-chested shirt and loose pants in favor of his more traditional clan wear. His high collared long sleeved black shirt with the necessary Uchiha fan on the back, was tucked neatly into simple black pants. Just like the old days she thought only a little different.

Come to think of it, they were all just slight changes away from the old days, even Kakashi. Naruto- as always- wore some sort of orange, only now it was muted, serving as the edging for a deep blue jacket and black pants hanging open over his sandals. He had finally been convinced- and Sakura had held no little part in his realization- that he didn't have to announce himself with bright orange a mile before they reached where they were going.

He had found the effects of a wardrobe change astonishing. People who didn't already know him took him more seriously, whereas once they would have overlooked him in favor of his more sullen Uchiha team mate. Naruto sometimes teasingly begroned to the three of them that he missed taking people by surprise, but then again, he still did just that. Having grown his hair out as he got older he had more than once been on the receiving end of astonished glances from people who remembered the fourth Hokage. The fact that he was almost the spitting image of his father, plus whiskers, pleased him to no end. He had even taken to wearing a longer coat sometimes when he was in the Village- practice he said, for when he became Hokage. Sakura would never tell him, but the long coat suit him quite a bit.

On her other side was Kakashi, who- as always -was engrossed in his book, only half listening to the almost one-sided conversation of Naruto. His silver hair was swept up in all defiance of gravity- a fact Sakura had still yet to reconcile with the natural laws of the world- and his hitai-ite was pulled down over his Sharingan eye and tucked over the edge of his dark blue mask. It wasn't a change in his clothing- he still wore his vest and dark blue uniform- that Sakura had noted to herself, but instead the simple fact that he no longer wore his mask all the time. It was up now, a barrier he had said earlier receiving a jealous glare from her, against the cold. And yet it was almost odd to see it on him. He never wore it when the four of them were alone anymore.

He had informed them on their fist mission together after they had all become Jonin, that if they had lasted this long together then some secrets were better off shared. And he had proceeded- to the delight of the three of them including Sasuke- to pull down his mask and smile. She chuckled to herself at the memory. Naruto had almost fallen on his face because he was leaning forward so far to see if his prognosis of fish lips or buck teeth had been right, and the Uchiha had actually turned to stare. She herself had not been counted out of the ogling. They had all tried time and time again to find out what was under that mask, and there he was just casually pulling it off.

The man in question looked up then shifting slightly and ruining the warm spot he had created on her side. "What's so funny Sakura?"

"Oh, I was just remembering the first time you…"


The two of them glanced to the side where Naruto had just jumped up from his place next to Sasuke.

"Because dobe, if I start a fire now, the wind will just put it out and all I will have accomplished is a waste of chakra."

Naruto glared, understanding the Uchiha and hating that he was right. "AAARRRRGGGHHH! I am so tired of being cold! Kakashi, how much longer till we get home?"

The silver haired jonin thought for a moment. "Maybe three days if we move quickly, but if this storm keeps up it could take us around five."


"Naruto stop yelling!" she ground out trying to tuck herself closer to the two warm bodies on either side of her. "It only echoes and you're too loud. Do you want me to hit you?"

"No." He dropped his eyes looking like a hurt puppy and it took all her will to not smile the way he wanted her too.

"Then shut up and stop complaining. I'm cold too but you don't hear me screaming it at the top of my lungs. Now sit back down. Just seeing you stand there makes me cold."

"But Sakura-channnnnn…."

"Hu-uh Naruto, sit."

And with that he sat, resuming his place at his best friend's side. Beside her she could feel Kakashi laugh a bit as he turned back towards his book. She smiled too, and leaned in against his shoulder reading over it.

"I don't think so Sakura." And before she could even read a sentence he snapped it closed, tucking it in one of the many pockets of his vest, as she pouted slightly.

"Sakura, I didn't know you had learned that while I was away." She looked over as Sasuke who had spoken.

"Learned what?"

"The love of Icha Icha."

She spluttered in shocked outrage.

On his other side Naruto suddenly howled with laughter. "Teme! Did you just make a joke?!"

"Hn." Sasuke replied with a smirk.

She glared as she regained he ability to speak. "You jerk! You know I haven't! But there's not exactly a whole lot to do if you hadn't noticed. Besides, its not my fault that it's the only thing Mr. Closet Pervert over here can read."

"Hey, I resent that." Kakashi declared "I have never once hidden my enjoyment of the series." His visible eye creased in a smile as she looked at him with a glare. "And it's very educational."

If it was possible Naruto began to laugh even harder, rolling around in his place so vigorously she was afraid Sasuke would move, taking his warmth with him. But the Uchiha only smirked again and tucked his hands under his arms.

"God help me." She said aloud. "I'm surrounded by idiots."

Chapter 2- Arrival of One's Past