Sakura fought to get the pillow off her face, because she couldn't breathe….but her fighting to weaken, she was fading in and out. Her fighting had stopped, seeing as she couldn't breathe. The pillow came off her face slowly, and felt someone's hand come across her mouth, and also the person come to her ear.

"If I can't have you…then no one can," he whispered. Sakura tried to focus on the voice, but she was more concentrated to breathe, when the hand came off her mouth she gasped for air, she started coughing, she peered open her eyes to see red, and black. As she was coughing she heard a scream, she looked to the door to see a nurse. Sakura sat up to try and breathe better, but it jus made her cough worse. Sakura turned her head to see Gaara standing over somebody. Her vision was still fussy so she couldn't quite make the person out.

"Gaara?" Sakura wheezed.

"I thought you said you'd be fine," he said sternly.

"Well I am now," she slightly smiled. Gaara pulled her to him and felt something wet drop on to her cheek, and realized that it was a tear. Sakura's vision started to clear, she glanced over to see that person that Gaara was standing over, was in fact Saskue….drenched in what looked like his own blood.

"Gaara, what did you do?" Sakura asked and then she heard the sound of sirens coming towards the hospital, "did you kill him?" she asked again slightly panicked.

"If I didn't he was going to kill you," Gaara said…his head hung low. They turned their heads to hear a lot of footsteps, coming down the hall way.

"I love you Sakura," Gaara said as he was grabbed from behind and pushed out the door.

"Gaara!" Sakura shouted she went to go after him but was restrained from behind.

"Let go of me!" she shrieked as she tried to get out of their grasp, as she got out from their reach another pair of arms restrained her. Sakura fought to go after Gaara but was quickly restrained, because she wouldn't settle down they had to put her into a mental jacket, which made her fight more, even with the jacket she still fought until she felt a prick on her arm, which it then made her feel dizzy, making her black out.

As she woke she found that she was in a restrained bed. She didn't want to fight she just wanted to go see Gaara.

"I love you Sakura." That moment in time kept replaying in her head. She didn't cry, fight when the doctors came she just lied there looking at the ceiling. It was just about sunset, when the doctors came and released her. She gathered her stuff and walked out of the hospital. Sakura walked down the familiar street of her house, which she saw was still being rebuilt. So she kept walking, where? She didn't know she kept walking. When she stopped walking she found her self in front of a jail…juvy. She walked towards the doors, and walked in. She saw the front desk, and walked towards it.

"Can I help you?" a male asked.

"Ma'am?" he asked again.

"Umm yes….is there a guy here named Sabuku no Gaara?" (A/N sorry if I spelt his last name wrong!!)

"Yes he is outside…follow me." Sakura went with the man, and stayed fairly close to him. As they walked out side, she saw a certain red head.

"Sabuku! You got a visitor!" The man said, and left. Gaara turned his head to see pink.

"Sakura," Gaara gasped and ran over to her. Sakura ran into him and wrapped her arms around him, hef returned the gesture.

"I thought that I would never see you again," Gaara whispered in her hair. Sakura pulled away.

"Why would you think that; because after all you do love me," Sakura giggled. Sakura went on her tippy toes, and claimed Gaara's lips. Gaara pulled away.

"I guess your right," he smirked and went back to kissing her. They pulled away when the guy from the desk came and told them to break it up because visiting hours were now over. Sakura gave him one last kiss before she left.

"I'll be back tomorrow," Sakura told him and smiled.

"Well I hope tomorrow comes fast then," he smirked. She laughed and started to walk away.

The end….

Okay please don't hate me I know that it's SUPER short and I apologize but I wanted to get it done, and I'm really sorry that I didn't update till now.