Author's note: Eh, my first Byakuya and Hisana fan fiction. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach

Chapter One:

Hisana woke up, the peak of the sun shone brightly in her room for some reason; the window had no blinds, so she couldn't really do anything about it. Hisana groaned another day of torture serving tea to perverts and other people of importance. Hisana pushed aside the blankets and got out bed. She quickly brushed her teeth, and washed her face and began to prepare herself for the day.


"It's been a long time since we have gone out, as captains, with no responsibilities to worry about." Yamamoto said suddenly, all of the captains took interest in this,

"Ah, Yama-Jii, what do you propose?" Kyouraku, captain of squad eight asked, Yamamoto opened his eyes,

"How about a nice day at a tea house, we can relax there and talk about normal affairs." Yamamoto suggested, everybody murmured in agreement.

"I agree, there has been a lot of tension around the captains, I can feel it, and we should take this opportunity to relax." Unohana, captain of the fourth squad said calmly. Everybody nodded, and with that Yamamoto tapped his cane against the marble floor, announcing the meeting over,

"Meeting dismissed, I expect you ready to leave for Rukongai at three in the afternoon." With that, all of the captains filed out, some of them dreading of what was going to happen this afternoon.


Hisana put on the white powder that would cover her face, not like she needed it, but her boss told her that she had to, no matter how much her skin was like that color. She sighed as she reluctantly took off the lid that held the pink blush; she lightly feathered some on her cheekbones. She didn't bother with lip paint or any type of make up, the only three things every tea girl that was mandatory to wear was, the face paint, blush, and perfume. Hisana lightly sprayed some perfume that smelled of cherry blossoms on her neck, behind her ears, and wrist. Anywhere else seemed, ridiculous to her. She slipped on a purple kimono with sakura petals gracefully making a pattern on the kimono. She clipped up her hair in a jaw clip that was black which almost matched her ebony colored hair. The purple seemed to reflect her sapphire colored eyes. Hisana then opened the door and came in joined some of her friends. Miyako and Kiki, both were so different from each other, but all became friendly towards each other because they needed to have someone survive this hell hole with them.

"Good morning Miyako and Kiki." Hisana said covering her mouth with her small and slim hand to cover her yawn.

"Good morning Hisana." Both said in chorus, "Did you hear?" Kiki asked, Hisana raised a brow after putting her hand back to her side,

"What is it? I hope it's not important nobles visiting, or anybody of high rank, I couldn't handle the last group." Miyako and Kiki nodded in agreement, for some reason, it was always Hisana's bad luck that whatever high rank grouping or noble grouping came in, she was always stuck with them, and some of them were perverts. One time she had to restrain herself from pouring the tea pot over a noble's head that was secretly pinching her ass when nobody was looking.

"The boss had given word to some people that all of the captains from thirteen court guard squads are coming today for some relaxation from their busy life." Miyako said, Hisana snorted,

"I don't see the point, all of them are crazy, hopefully my luck I won't get stuck with them, I hate that I'm always paired with the nobles or the high ranking groups." Hisana's hands were hidden in her purple sleeves; she crossed her index and middle finger for hope that she didn't get stuck with the captains.

"Let's hope that neither of us does, come on, I expect the boss will be angry if we waste more time." Kiki offered and all of the girls lifted their kimonos and started to run towards the central meeting room where they would be given their placing for the day. One thing that Hisana hated about working here, it was also a pleasure girl working business, Hisana, because of her beauty would always be sometime mistaken as one. Hisana, Miyako, and Kiki giggled as they ran towards the meeting room or more like the assignments to hell room. Hisana, Miyako, and Kiki refrained themselves from any more unseemly giggles as they slid open the door and stepped into the line, where two more girls were to come. Hisana looked from the row to herself; there really were two girls missing, Loly, and Menoly. Hisana didn't like Loly and Menoly because they were mean to everybody, and they were the reason why Hisana was always 'falling' into the laps of men, they would trip her, everybody knew of Hisana's clumsiness and her weak health. She had cancer, but she was going pretty strong, some coughing fits landed her into bed for days, but the managers didn't mind, they were caring and always were worried for their workers. When Loly and Menoly filed into the room after giving Hisana an evil smirk, they went into the lines.

"Alright, as you heard, the captains of the thirteen court guard squads are coming in this afternoon, only one girl gets this job, so get your hopes up in a chance of winning this special opportunity." The managers went down the line and handed everybody slips of paper that had their assignment for the day. The girls were refrained, as a rule, not to open their slips of paper that held their assignments until the managers left. When the managers were done passing out the slips of paper, giving the final slip to Loly, they walked out the room and closed it shut. Hisana walked to Miyako and Kiki,

"Who did you guys get for the day?" Hisana asked, Miyako sighed,

"The Shiba clan sister and brothers, it seems like they always come here, I'm pretty sure the eldest brother Kaien is always looking for me, because when he comes here, he always requests me." Miyako said, Hisana held up her sleeve to her hand, Hisana giggled,

"Maybe he strikes a liking to you Miyako, what about you Kiki?" Hisana asked as she turned to Kiki, Kiki pursed her lips and held the slip of paper in the air for Hisana and Miyako to read. They were a bunch of old men, oh dear. When Hisana and Miyako patted Kiki's shoulder, Miyako's and Kiki's interest went to Hisana's slip of paper.

"Open yours Hisana; we would like to see your customers for the day." Kiki urged, Hisana sucked in a breath, she closed her eyes and opened the paper, making sure that Miyako and Kiki wouldn't see it before her, she opened her eyes and nearly screamed a 'no' to the whole room. Hisana breathed deeply,

"Damn it." Hisana whispered under her breath, she had gotten the assignment of serving the thirteen captains along with the head captain; this was going to be one long day. She gave her piece of paper to Miyako and Kiki, both gasped as they read the paper.

"This is bad Hisana, your luck always gets its way, and we feel sorry for you." Then even adding to her bad luck, Menoly and Loly decided to make their appearance to Hisana.

"So what task did you get Hisana, one of the men asking for pleasure?" Loly said, Hisana rolled her eyes,

"Shut up Loly, it is none of your concern; you do not need to know of my business." Menoly snorted,

"We have every right to know so, so what is it?" Menoly asked Loly and Menoly stood with their hands on their hips; both wore matching white kimonos that had red marks that resembled blood stains.

"Some men, there is nothing more to it." Hisana said, Loly huffed,

"We have talked to all the girls and we got their answers, and we know ourselves that one of you three have the job with the captains so who is it?" Menoly asked, Miyako and Kiki looked their eyes away, Hisana pursed her lips, Menoly smirked at the looks on their faces,

"So Hisana, you are the one who got it, you are always lucky, hope you have fun, putting personally yourself in hell." Menoly and Loly sneered before they went away, Hisana rolled her eyes,

"I think they are personally asking me to give them my cancer." Hisana grumped to Miyako and Kiki, they all swallowed and gave a good bye to each other, and it seems their customers came. Hisana walked out the now empty room and walked around to pick some tea cups and green tea to boil. She made it and kept it there to keep it warm. She picked tea cups that were a pure white, with a gold rim and sakura petals on branches for decorations. She went into one of the big rooms and opened the doors and started to prep, wiping the large wooden table and taking out plush and plump cushions and putting them on the floor neatly. She went back into the kitchens and grabbed the tea cups she had chosen and walked back to the room. She rearranged the cups, there was going to be fourteen people. She walked out of the room and stood by the door waiting for the captains to come.


"Ah, Byakuya, why so quiet, you will probably see pretty girls there." Kyouraku said to Byakuya, who was walking quietly next to Hitsugaya and Ukitake.

"Captain Kyouraku, there is no reason for me to be thinking such ill thoughts on coming here just to see pretty women." Byakuya said stiffly, Kyouraku tipped his hat,

"Why so tense Byakuya, there is nothing wrong with thinking about that, I do it all the time when I look at my lovely Nanao-Chan." Ukitake and Hitsugaya snorted,

"Yeah, when she isn't yelling at you and hitting you with her fan." Hitsugaya said, his arms were crossed and his eyes closed.

"You are just jealous little Hitsugaya that you can't get the girl of your dreams because she loves Aizen too much." Kyouraku teased, everybody turned to see Hitsugaya's face turn red, Aizen heard his name and decided to walk with them, leaving Gin to follow,

"What about me Kyouraku?" Aizen asked politely with a smile, Kyouraku tipped his hat,

"I was explaining to shortie that he couldn't get your vice captain to go out with him because she is in love with you." Kyouraku asked, smiling widely when he saw Hitsugaya's face turn even redder.

"There is no such thing, I am just fatherly to her, that's all, and I care for my subordinates." Aizen said waving his hand, Kyouraku chuckled,

"I see in the look in her eyes, I imagine little whitey over here must be jealous." Hitsugaya then took the blush away and glared at Kyouraku, the temperature dropped about ten degrees, everybody noticed it,

"Who are you calling 'little whitey' Kyouraku?" Hitsugaya said Ukitake waved his hand to stop the oncoming fight.

"It's nothing, don't worry, just a joke, I hope I don't spot anybody lovelier than my lovely Nanao-Chan, even though I treat her very nicely, she is always so mean to me." Kyouraku complained,

"I don't know Kyouraku, it's maybe because you flirt with her and touch her in places she doesn't want to be touched." Ukitake suggested, it was the truth,

"No she doesn't, I happen to think that she likes it." Everybody sweat dropped. Everybody stopped all of the sudden,

"Well, we are here." Yamamoto said, everybody sighed, Yamamoto led them in and the managers greeted them.

"Ah, I see that you have made it, please follow me to your room. The young lady that will be serving you is named Hisana, she is quite youthful and pretty, I think you will enjoy her presence." The manager started to lead them to a secluded area, all of the girls stopped their duties just to take a peek at them and then go back to their respectful jobs. The manager stopped seeing Hisana standing and awaiting their presence, everybody did agree of what the manager had said about Hisana was true. She was very pretty. Hisana did a half bow to them,

"Please Hisana, do the best you can." The manager said as he left to go attend some other business.

"I am Hisana, I will be your server today, please enjoy yourself today." Hisana said politely, her voice sounding like tinkling gentle bells as she slid open the door and the captains filed in. They all sat down while Hisana poured the tea, she went to Byakuya last, and she hadn't noticed that her jaw clip was forming loose around her hair, as she bent down to pour his tea, her jaw clip fell out of her hair, her ebony locks falling free and out of form, the jaw clip happened to land in Byakuya's hands. Hisana's eyes widened a little bit, she finished pouring his tea and then backed away gently, and she bowed to Byakuya,

"I'm sorry for that; may I please have my clip back?" Hisana asked, Byakuya looked at her and then the clip, he liked her with her hair up, but she looked more prettier with her hair down, he held out the clip, and gave a small smile at her, people widened their eyes and almost fainted, Hisana didn't faint,

"Here you go; I believe you look prettier with your hair down." Hisana blushed red as she took the clip, their hands blushed and Hisana turned redder, she bowed to everyone and then rushed out calmly almost slamming the door closed. After she left, Kyouraku's and Ukitake's gaze from the almost slammed door left and to Byakuya who seemed in a pretty good mood now,

"My, my Byakuya, you seem in a good mood all of the sudden." Byakuya almost choked on his tea but he refrained himself. He set his tea down.

"I do not know what you are talking about Kyouraku, you do not decide whether I am in a good mood or not." Byakuya said stoically, Kyouraku tipped his hat,

"Though, I admit, Byakuya, she is rather pretty, maybe even prettier than the girl you used to like." Kyouraku said Byakuya had to stop a blush; everybody smirked as they saw him fidget a little bit, his voice making little cracks.

"I do not know what you are talking about again Kyouraku." Kyouraku poked his side,

"I think you do know what I'm talking about, how about I inform them for you! Byakuya used to like…" Kyouraku was then shut up when Byakuya gave him a cold stare, Kyouraku laughed. Ukitake, Unohana, and Yamamoto chuckled, they knew very well who Byakuya used to like.

"You have no right to give them my personal life matters, you fool." Byakuya said, Kyouraku tipped his hat even more,

"My, my, Byakuya, so tense all the time, you even commented on how pretty she was, that is a first for you Byakuya, and here all this time I thought you were gay." Byakuya widened his eyes, and then Kyouraku was suddenly knocked out and sprawled on the floor. Everybody gaped at Kyouraku, not noticing the smirk Byakuya had on while sipping his tea.

Author's note: Eh, how do you think for a first chapter? I don't know you tell me, please review.
