Some clarifications...

First of all, I do not own the characters. Please don't sue me, blah blah blah. I'm writing this to entertain myself and my fellow readers (I hope there's someone out there who will enjoy reading it). We, crazy fan fic writers, make not even a cent out of this.

Second, I'm not a native English speaker, I have majored in English at uni though, so my English is not bad but, of course, it is not 100% mistake free. If you spot a mistake; you may correct me in the reviews section ;)

Also, as I'm not American, I chose not to write the dialogues with southern accent, it will be in plain English, no abbreviations or misspelled words, just plain English. (Just imagine the accent!) However, I'll include French words in our Gambit speech. It makes everyone happy!

Finally, the story itself. The story is written based in the comics and the 90s X-Men: The Animated Series. In other words, my Rogue flies and is not a teen. The beginning of it is set in the Savage Land. It is loosely inspired on episodes Till Death Do Us Part 1 and 2 and episode Red Dawn, all of season 2 X-Men: The Animated Series (Gambit and Rogue fans, if you haven't watched, PLEASE DO! Gambit tells Rogue he loves her. Cute! The series are available on DVD now) Magneto and Xavier have been captured by Mr Sinister. When the X Men arrive to rescue them, they realize they can't use their powers in the Savage Land…

You can expect romance, comedy, drama and adventure. M rated: there will be occasional bad language and sex scenes so…

I think that's about everything you should know to read and enjoy the story. I really hope you do. It's my first fic! Reviews will be appreciated. : )


Everyone was gathered for dinner, a rare event for the ever busy X Men. Amongst all the missions they were assigned to, which generally included a lot of fight and strain, they all longed for some regular good friendly time together. Their beloved professor Xavier was not present. He was on a trip to meet his friend (who Oh, also happened to be his archenemy!) Magneto. Once again, the plan was to try to persuade Magneto to work with the X-Men, rather than against them. The X-Men were chatting away after a hearty meal prepared by Gambit.

"Dinner was superb, Gambit."

"Merci, Beast."

"So, how's your research going, Beast?" Cyclops asked with interest.

"Well, not as smoothly as I anticipated, Scott. But thanks for asking anyway. Yesterday, I blew up the lab… again. It's been the third time this month. But 'If If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor.' Einstein."

Scott gave a little chuckle. "Nice quote! Well, Beast, you know how we are all so proud of your accomplishments in the field of Genetics. We trust that you will reach your goals any time soon. We are sincerely hoping that you will be able to, to, to…"

"To discover whatever it is that you are trying to. And for fuck's sake, don't you try to tell us what it is again, 'cause we ain't never gonna get it." Wolverine interrupted with his hoarse voice.

"Wolverine, always so tactful."

"Thanks for the compliment, Storm."

"Always welcome, my dear friend." She smiled and winked at him.

"B O R I N G!!! Weren't we supposed to do some training session in the danger room? That would be so much more fun!" Jubilee said with the best squeaky voice that she could manage. Who could blame her? It always worked with Logan.

Rogue cleared her throat and said, "Isn't it past your bed time, Jubilee?"

"Oh, come on! It's only 10:30!"

"Well, maybe it's YOUR bed time, Cher. Gambit is here to help you with that. Gambit can put you to bed right now if you wish. All you have to do is ask." He smirked at Rogue. He got his black and red eyes unashamedly staring at her breast. She rolled her eyes and started playing with strands of her hair in a nervous self-conscious way.

"Don't you mind our friend Gambit, Rogue. You know how persistent he can be." Storm said calmly.

"I should put him in a coma one of these days. I bet that would wipe that smirk right out of his face."

He continued smiling at her as she'd just promised she would give him a thousand dollars. And he went on:

"Cherie, don't forget that I'm no Fred Flinstone, but I can make your Bedrock."

Everyone started laughing out loud. Except for the author of those pretty little words and, of course, for Wolverine. The later rolled his eyes and stood up, walking slowly towards the door. "Gotta get out of here. All this lovey dovey talk is making me sick!"

"Come on, Wolverine. Don't be so harsh. Gambit was just joking around." Jean said.

"Hey, say what, red head? That was no joke. I am being serious here!" He said a little louder than it would have been normal. He had his brow furrowed. He tried to reach for Rogue's hands and said "Cher, you know that it ain't no game. You know how Gambit is willing to treat you right for long, long temps."

"Gambit, perhaps you should update your repertoire of pick up lines. That was just plain lame!" Jean said. Rogue looked at him with a scornful smile and shook her head in amusement. When was Gambit ever going to learn? She thought to herself. It was not that she wouldn't be with him because she didn't want to. But her powers were always in the way of things. So, before she could fall for him and hurt herself, she chose to create this imaginary shield to protect her from his constant advances. She had to tell him off all the time. It was rather annoying. Flattering, well, yes, who wouldn't want to be flirted by a oh so so sexy guy like him. But she was beginning to wonder why he would never give up. Was it possible that he had genuine feelings for her?

"Now, hey, Logan. You're saying my talk makes you feel sick. It's funny you say so. You should watch yourself when we are in nights out at the bars in town and you get all drunk and start rambling on and on about how much you love Jean!"

"OUCH! I guess you crossed the line there, Cajun!" Rogue said shaking her head.

"Now it's getting interesting."

"Jubilee!" Rogue said in disapprovingly."I don't believe you want to see these two fight. No good can come out of this."

"So, Gambo! Do you want to talk lovey dovey to my adamantium claws, now do you?"

When Wolverine was almost reaching Gambit, a soft voice come out of the speakers, startling everyone:

"There's a message for the X-Men from Professor Charles Xavier. Please go to the meeting room as soon as possible."

"Wow, lucky me!" Gambit said smiling stretching from one ear to the other.

"It is nothing bad, is it, Wolves?"

"Of course not, kid. This must be some sort of catch up from the Professor. Whatever he's been doing with his old pal, Magneto, wouldn't cause him any trouble. Magneto can never do Charles any harm. He can't handle his psychological attacks, so he just leaves the professor alone."

"OK, then. Cool! I was getting kinda worried."

As the group slowly made their way to the meeting room, Storm slowed her pace so that she could start a private conversation with Gambit.

" Gambit, what's wrong with you? Are you missing some sort of sensitivity chip? Why do you keep on teasing Rogue?"

"Gambit is no dumbass! I'm not doing that for fun."

"Are you not? That does not make much sense to me. You keep throwing yourself over every woman that crosses your path. But you're missing something here. Rogue is not any girl. I care for her. WE all care for her. You know about her powers, her limitations and how much that upsets her, and still, amazingly enough, you keep flirting and trying to charm her. Do you think that's even appropriate?"

"Storm, you gotta believe me. I know that no one does. But at least YOU have to believe me when I say I do have feelings for her."

"Well, it seems to me that you have feelings for everyone. Because, ever since I know you, bed hopping has always been your favorite sport."

"If she doesn't give Gambit any hope, a boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do, mon amie. And besides, I do believe that she has feelings for me too. "

"Is that so, Gambit?" She narrowed her eyes and casted a disapproving look upon him. But before he had the chance to defend himself, Jubilee came running towards them. Something must have scared the life out of her. She was pale and trembling a bit.

"Storm! Gambit! You gotta come! Quick!"

" Hey! Calm down! What's going on, petite?"

"The professor! He needs our help!"

They ran to reach the room and were received by very concerned looking X-Men.

"Scott, what exactly is going on?"

"Professor Xavier and Magneto have apparently being captured. He's sent us a very confusing message. We couldn't understand much. Beast is trying to get the coordinates from where the message's been sent. We must act now. We gotta go and rescue them."

"Of course! Jean, how is it possible that you haven't sensed anything?"

" I think the professor maybe unconscious by now, or maybe something has caused him to temporarily lose his powers. I really don't know. I don't know what to make of it. We had contacted each other earlier this week, he was on his way and reported no abnormalities. Everything was going according to his plan. He sent us this message from his plane, he didn't even try to contact me psychically. He may have tried but something must have blocked it, really don't know… " she looked down and shook her head. But they could all see a tear streaming down her face.

"Don't worry, honey. We'll get to him soon enough and we'll bring him back safely." Cyclops said, patting her on the back trying to console her. Wolverine narrowed his eyes and said:

"What are we waiting for? Let's go get him and kick some serious ass!"

"Yeah, Wolverine is right. Let's get going." Rogue said enthusiastically.

"I've just got the message exact coordinates. We can depart right now, my friends."

"Sure. Let's!"

" Hey, not you, young lady. Somebody has to stay back in the mansion, in case the professor tries to contact us again." Storm said.

"Fuck! I DO NOT fucking believe it."

"Hey, watch your language, young lady! Apparently you've been around me more than you should've. You're gonna stay here and that's that."

"Wolverine is right, Jubilee. We really need you to stay here. Now, the rest of us, to the black bird. NOW!" Cyclops commanded.

And off they went. Ready to face the unknown. They would do whatever it took to rescue Charles Xavier. If they had to lay their lives for him, they would, without hesitance. Because that's what it meant to be one of the uncanny X-Men.

As everyone entered the blackbird and adjusted to their seats, fastened their seatbelts, Rogue, one of the first to go in, looked out of the window pensively. She knew she should be worrying about professor Xavier, but instead she was still contemplating the possibilities with Gambit if she didn't have her powers. Then one thought crossed her mind. Maybe her appeal was exactly the fact that he couldn't touch her. He was not used to being refused by women, so, in his mind, she thought, that can only be a big turn on. She's the hard to get one. The one who seems to have another inhuman power: the ability to ignore Gambit, Mr. Ladies man. Her line of thought was suddenly broken by the interruption of the passenger next to her. She threw him an annoyed look and sighed.

"Cher, do you work for UPS? I could have sworn I saw you checking my package." He said with a sneer and then chuckled at his own joke.

"Oh, Gambit. This is going to be a long, long ride, isn't it?"

"Always hoping for that, mon amour. The ride with Gambit is always long."

Oh my, he was a machine. A tacky flirting machine! She rolled her eyes, considered changing seats for a while, but gave in. Everyone has their crosses to bear. He was hers. The little devil was not that bad, she decided. It took some great self control, but she could handle it.

And the session of Gambit love talk went on and on as they crossed the sky.