A/N: To all who have read and/or reviewed DD, thanks so very much for spending some of your time with us. Because I am not on the Rangerhunters account, I have not been able to reply directly to the reviews you have left, but have read (and enjoyed) each and every one of them. Marilyn and I had so much fun writing these stories together. Re-reading, editing and seeing this posted again has brought back a wealth of fond memories. I hope you all have experienced a smidgen of the enjoyment we had in creating it.
Special thanks to our dear friend May, who so generously offered to edit and post DD. It's greatly appreciated.
Pat (pmwmom)

Dangerous Deals - Chapter 19

Two pairs of eyes opened the minute the plane's wheels touched the runway. One pair the color of a blue summer sky, the other the color of dark decadent chocolate.

"Time to get up, Babe." Neither one of them bothered to move. A subdued ringing sounded from Ranger's side of the bed. Sighing, he rose up on his forearms and reached for the intercom phone.

"Yes, John," Ranger answered.

"Evening, boss. Just wanted to make sure you and your beautiful bride-to-be were… awake?" John teased. "The ground crew frowns on planes moving after they're parked."

"Very funny, John." Ranger accepted his employee's pre-nuptial teasing. "Is the car here?"

"Of course," John answered. "See you in a few."

Stephanie was already moving toward the bathroom. "Are we going to stop and get something to eat or just go straight to the hotel?" She let out a slight yelp as he grabbed her hand and spun her around to take possession of her mouth with a deep and passionate kiss. Surrendering, she matched every caressing stroke of his tongue, her hands drifting downward as the kiss intensified.

"Careful, Babe," he said, capturing her hands with his.

"Sorry." She smiled up into his face and pretended to struggle free from his grasp. "Umm… I really do need to go to the bathroom."

He released his hold and gave her a light two-fingered push in the direction of the bathroom. "Go, I'll get dressed."

It didn't take her long to finish up and when she opened the door she stopped dead in her tracks at the sight that greeted her. At first, she was so shocked she couldn't figure out if she should say something or laugh. Laughing won out. It started with just a stifled giggle, grew into a smothered laugh, and ended in a full body shaking, tear producing, and hold-your-sides laugh.

He turned to look at her with a questioning smile on his face. "What's so funny?"

Doubled over with laughter, she stumbled across the room and collapsed on the bed.


He watched as she fought to get a breath between the peals of laughter. Giving up on getting an answer, he shook his head and turned his back to her. He managed to shove one arm into his shirt before the high pitch sound of Stephanie's laughter stopped him and he whipped around to face her.

"What is so damn funny?" The tone of his voice made it clear he was becoming impatient.

Forcing herself off the bed, Stephanie stood in front of him and pointed into the mirror. Ranger turned and looked, "What?"

She shook her head and then turned him back around and pointed to the mirror again. "Now look." The shocked look on his face caused her to fall onto the floor with fresh laughter.

"That son of a bitch!" He swore through clenched teeth. Reflecting back at him was a drawing of a bull's eye target in heavy black lines. The center of the target was the bandage that covered his stitches and on the other cheek was a large 'T'. Stephanie watched him stomp over to the phone, the phrase moving target ran through her mind and she started laughing all over again.

Ranger hit the speaker button, "John, connect me with Tank."

"Hey, boss, everything going okay?" Tank's deep voice filled the air.

"You are a dead man," Ranger growled back.

Tank's laughter seemed to shake the walls. "You can try, but I wouldn't take any bets on it. Speaking of bets, have you landed yet?"

"Yes, why?"

"Who noticed it, you or Bombshell?"

"She did, why?"

"Hold on. Okay, you guys, who had landed and discovered by the Bombshell?"

"Hot damn, I won!" Bobby's voice came over the speaker.

Ranger shut his eyes and shook his head. Tank was going to pay big time for this, he vowed under his breath and disconnected the call.

"Now that's the kind of target practice I can get into!" Stephanie walked over and put her arms around his waist.

Ranger gave up and smiled as he pulled her close.

Stephanie managed to have her laughter under control before they left the plane, but when John handed Ranger a rubber donut to sit on, a fresh round of laughter overtook her.

"Consider this an early wedding present." Unable to hold his laughter in check, John gave up and laughed along with Stephanie.

Ranger narrowed his eyes and yanked the inflated pillow out of John's hand. "Remind Tank that paybacks are hell." He smiled then lowered his large body into the back seat, taking care to place the pillow under his damaged cheek.

When the limo pulled up in front of the Venetian, Ranger raised a questioning eyebrow as the driver handed him an envelope with the Rangeman logo printed in the upper left hand corner. "I was told to give you this upon our arrival."

Ranger opened the letter.


We know the Venetian is a little different from your usual accommodations, but given your "condition", we thought you'd be more comfortable and the soon-to-be Mrs. M would find both the shopping and restaurants excellent.

Best wishes to you both,

All the guys.

Ranger handed Stephanie the letter and watched as her eyes lit up with excitement. "Coming Babe?" Ranger held his hand out to Stephanie.

Nodding, she placed her small hand in his large one.

They stood for a moment enjoying the desert night air while the valet gathered their luggage. "I know you asked me earlier about dinner, before Tank's little entertainment, but would you mind eating here?"

"Room service will be just fine." She smiled and started to walk into the hotel, but he pulled her back.

"I love you," Ranger whispered and raised her hand to his lips.

"I love you, too," Stephanie whispered back.

Hand in hand, they walked into the lobby and up to the registration desk and then on to the express elevator for an uninterrupted ride to the penthouse suite.


An attractive man with dark hair stepped off the elevator opposite the one Ranger and Stephanie were waiting for and stared in utter amazement, the other occupants forging past his unmoving body. For the past two years, he and the others had tried to get a chance at Manoso without his cohorts around him. And today he walks into the hotel unguarded and with a woman!!! He stepped out of his elevator, reaching inside his jacket for his cell phone, while at the same time Manoso and the woman stepped into theirs. He hit one button and paced in a small circle until the call was answered.

"You are not going to fucking believe who just walked into the hotel without any of his bodyguards." The man listened for a moment. "No, Manoso." He smiled, knowing that his news would bring him back into favor with the important man. "Yes sir, I'll keep you updated. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow." He disconnected and walked over to the reception desk. "Excuse me. I think I just saw my cousin check in. His last name is Manoso, first name Ricardo."

The young woman behind the desk studied the man. Yes, there was a possible similarity between the two men, but... "Yes, Mr. Manoso is registered here," she answered.

"I'd like to surprise him. Could I have his room number?" The man smiled, hoping against hope that she'd give him the information.

"Sorry, sir, we don't give out that information. We'll be glad to connect you to his room though," she answered. "There's a house phone right over there."

The man let his smile die as he shook his head. "No, thanks. Maybe I should give him some time to settle in before I surprise him. " Oh yes, he thought, he would be back and he would use whatever means necessary to obtain the answers he sought.


Taking in the unexpected magnificence of the multi-room suite, Stephanie's mouth gaped open. "This place is bigger than my whole apartment!" she exclaimed hugging him.

He looked down into her animated face and realized that they needed to talk. "Stephanie, sit down." Holding her hand, he led her to the sofa. "I need to answer some of those questions you've wanted to ask for the last couple of years."

"No, Ranger, I don't need any answers. We've answered the one question that needed answering. We love each other." She placed her hands on the sides of his face and pulled him into a brief kiss and then looked into his eyes. "I mean that. The fact that I love you and you love me is all I need to know."

He searched her face, seeking other questions, and finding none, he continued. "I do love you, but I feel I owe you some answers because our love might not be enough when you hear about some of the other parts of my life."

Stephanie looked into his eyes and made her decision. "Fine. You have five minutes to tell me what you think I need to know, but only five minutes. Whatever you can't fit into five minutes, I don't need to know."

The look on his face was one of surprise. "Okay. I'm 30 years old, born and raised in New Jersey. I come from a middle class family; my mother and father are still alive. I have one brother and four sisters. I'm the next to the youngest. You know that I've been married before and that I have a daughter, Julie, who lives in Miami. You know I own RangeMan, but there are times when I do special requests for the government. And it's that part of my life that I feel the need to warn you about…" Ranger found himself hesitating.

"Stephanie, I have enemies. Very dangerous enemies." He waited before going on. "Because of that, you will need to have someone with you most of the time. Someone like Tank, Lester or Bobby."

"Or you?" she asked with a slight smile on her face.

"Please, Stephanie, this is serious," he was beginning to sound exasperated.

"Ranger, I am being serious." She reassured him. "I know that my life will change. I haven't been blind these last two years. I know you have good reasons to be careful." She glanced at her watch in an exaggerated way indicating to him that time was passing.

"And… and I'd like to have more children. I want to have a family with you." He placed a hand on her stomach. "If you don't want the problems that marrying me will bring into your life and if you don't want children, please, Stephanie, tell me now."

A solitary tear rolled down her cheek. "Ranger, I love you. It would take more than a few enemies to keep me from wanting to spend the rest of my life with you." She placed her hand on top of his. "And yes, I would love to raise a family with you."

"You're sure?"

She smiled and leaned in to kiss him again. "I'm sure." Her stomach rumbled. "Guess your five minutes are up! Could we please order some dinner?"

She watched his face relax and realized that he must have been holding his breath waiting for her answer.

"Let me cook you dinner tonight, you need to rest that marvelous backside of yours. It may be damaged, but I expect everything else to be in working order for our wedding night!" She crossed the room and starting perusing the room service menu.

"Cook dinner?" His shoulders shook with laughter.

"Look, Target Ass, you'd better be nice or I really will cook you dinner." She wasn't able to hide the mirth from her face as she remembered the sight of his decorated butt.

Even taking slow measured strides, Ranger crossed the room in half a second to stand in front of her. Looking into his face, she saw that desire had darkened his eyes.

"Oh no!" she said and took a step backwards, hoping to put some space between his desire and her raging hormones. "The deal is no sex until after we're married."

His look of desire was replaced with a scowl. "In that case, Ms. Plum, I suggest that you eat hearty tonight and get plenty of rest, because I have plans for the first day of our wedded life. Rather big plans!" Ranger's expression changed again to predatory as he lowered his lips to touch hers. "I plan on ruining you in numerous ways and in numerous places."

Stephanie moaned. Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.


The man's call was answered on the third ring. "I have an update for you. Manoso's plane is scheduled to leave from here the day after tomorrow. The pilot hasn't filed a flight plan, yet, but I will know as soon as he does. Manoso and his female companion are staying in the penthouse suite. No other friends have checked in."

"Good. Keep me posted. We'll be there late tomorrow." The call ended.


Stephanie opened her eyes and smiled. "Good morning," she said, her voice still soft with sleep. Ranger was kneeling by her side of the bed, his forearms resting on the mattress, hair wet and skin smelling fresh from his shower.

"Morning, Babe." Ranger brushed some of the tangled curls back from her face. "Time you got up. We've got lots to do today… marriage license, rings, clothes, and we have an appointment at the Candlelight Wedding Chapel at sunset." He traced her lower lip with the pad of his thumb.

"Then I guess I'd better get ready." She threw back the covers and turned onto her side, stretching her naked body, knowing that her breasts would be staring him in the face. Ranger dropped his head down between his forearms. It was his turn to moan.


The man followed them throughout the day. He still could not believe that they were here to get married! Fate had played into his hands this time.

He checked the time. Alfredo's plane would be landing in less than an hour and he did not want to be late. He knew that Manoso and the woman were getting married later that day and that they had dinner reservations at Zeffirino's afterwards. Additional reports said Manoso had recently been wounded, although he didn't appear to be suffering. The pilot still had not filed their flight plans, but they were still scheduled to depart early tomorrow. The man checked the time again and decided now would be perfect to meet Alfredo.


Ranger stood at the altar, waiting. Stephanie had insisted that he not see the dress she had chosen during their whirlwind shopping adventure, nor would she allow him to see the other little something she had bought for later.

His head turned as the first note sounded and his breath stopped. Dear God, she was so beautiful. The simple ivory dress caressed the curves of her body with each step she took.

Stephanie's eyes never left Ranger's as she walked down the short aisle, her insides trembling with each step. She placed her hand in Ranger's and gave it a light squeeze before they turned to face the minister.

"Good evening," Reverend Jack said. "Stephanie and Ricardo, you have chosen today as the day to join your hearts, your love and your lives in holy matrimony. I understand that the vows you wish to exchange are in your own words."

Reverend Jack turned his head in Stephanie's direction. "Stephanie."

"Carlos, I promise to love you forever. And in making that promise, I will try to learn how to take better care of myself physically so that I will be there for you always. You are my best friend and my first true love. You are my everything." Tears blurred her vision and emotion caught in her throat. "I love you with all my heart and soul." Taking his left hand, she slid the gold wedding band down his ring finger.

"Carlos." Reverend Jack turned to Ranger.

"Stephanie, I promise to love you forever. You've awakened feelings inside me that I thought were silenced forever. I promise to love and protect you for the rest of my life, but in return, I ask that you promise never to change your inner self, always be true to yourself, to the person who completes me. Babe, I love you with every fiber of my being and God help the person who tries to come between us." Slipping a matching gold wedding band onto her left ring finger, he then raised her hand to his lips.

"By the power entrusted to me by the great state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and wife."


Reverend Jack watched as the happy couple left the chapel and climbed into the waiting limo. Smiling, he reached inside the pocket of his robe, pulled out his cell phone and a business card and dialed the number imprinted on it. The call was answered on the first ring.

"Carlos Manoso and Stephanie Plum are now legally married…yes…yes…no, no problems."

"Thank you, Reverend."

"My pleasure," Reverend Jack answered and closed his phone.


All through dinner, Stephanie was aware that she was rubbing the back of her wedding band with her left thumb.

"Second thoughts, Babe?" Ranger asked as he glanced down at her hand. "Not too late, you know, we haven't consummated this deal." He smiled at her.

"No second thoughts, just enjoying the moment." She licked her lips and realized it wasn't food she was hungry for. Ranger must have read the change in her expression because, without saying a word, he signaled for the waiter.

"Yes, Mr. Manoso?" the waiter asked.

"We'd like the bill please." The waiter handed him the bill. Ranger gave it a brief glance and then signed it.

He moved behind Stephanie's chair and pulled it back from the table. "Ready?" he whispered into her ear.

"Ready," she answered.


"Damn," Lester growled. "I can't believe that I lost every bet." He sat sulking in the SUV outside of the police station.

Grinning, Tank looked over at him. "Well, let me just confirm that for you, my friend. You DID lose every one of your bets!" Tank laughed. "Reverend Jack verified that yes, they had gotten married; yes, Ranger wore a ring; and that nothing exploded." Tank laughed again. "That in itself has got to be a miracle."

"Yep, I have to agree." Lester wore a matching grin. "This is gonna be one hell of a ride."


Ranger could feel the light shivers running through Stephanie's fingers when they stood next to each other, holding hands in the elevator. He released her hand and moved behind her. He dropped his hands to her hips and his lips to her neck. "I believe the additional terms you added to our deal have been met." He felt her knees give out as he lightly bit the top of her shoulder. "Just so you know, I plan on making up for lost time and I'm going to enjoy consummating the end of our deal."

She sighed in anticipation. As his hands slid up to cover her breasts, the sigh turned to a moan. "Mmm, me too." His thumbs brushed across her nipples and she would have moaned again if the elevator doors hadn't pinged open.

He nudged her out of the elevator and towards the penthouse. He swiped the keycard through and opened the door. When she moved to step inside, his arm shot out to stop her. Picking her up in his arms, he brushed a light kiss across her lips. "I want to carry my bride across the threshold."

She found herself blushing. How could a man propose by making a deal, then turn around and be so romantic? It was so contradictory! But, no matter what else Ranger was, he was just a man, like Tank had stated.

Kicking the door shut with his foot, he continued straight on into the bedroom. He set her on her feet next to the bed and pulled her close. "I love you, Mrs. Manoso." Before she could respond, his lips captured hers, his tongue thrusting deep in her mouth, his hands smoothing and stroking up and down her back in a slow rhythm.

She was finding it hard to stand by the time they stopped for breath. Ranger stepped back and removed his jacket, tossing it on the bedroom chair. When he began to unknot his tie, Stephanie sank to the bed, kicking her shoes off on the way down, and settling back to enjoy the show.

His eyes never left hers as he took his time pulling his tie from underneath his shirt collar. Without breaking eye contact, that too was tossed onto the chair. Pulling his shirttails from his waistband, he unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, and then with slow seductive moves, he continued down until his shirt was hanging open allowing brief glimpses of his well-developed chest and abs. Her hands ached to touch him, but instead she knotted her hands in the bed covers. He removed one cufflink and then its mate. These were thrown in the general vicinity of the chair, and she heard the soft plunk as they hit the carpet. When he unbuttoned his pants, she bit her lip. Her moan accompanied the slow scrape of his zipper as he pulled it down. He took a step closer and gave a quick wiggle of his hips: his pants fell to the floor, revealing that he had, indeed, been going commando. She watched him step out of the crumpled pair of pants, and realized that somewhere along the way she had missed him removing his shoes and socks.

Now he was standing in front of her, naked except for a small smile on his lips, a dark glint in his eyes and his strong desire dancing in front of her face. She groaned; her eyes mesmerized by every enticing twitch of his large erection. She bit down on her lower lip hard, hoping to keep the drool and her tongue inside her mouth while her fingernails racked up and down the top of her thighs.

"Now it's your turn," he said, lifting her to her feet and turning her around so he could begin the same slow, seductive journey with her zipper that he'd done with his.

He tangled one hand in her hair and tipped her head back, kissing her with more passion than she'd ever experienced. She hadn't even noticed he'd finished the zipper's descent until she felt the straps of her dress gliding over her shoulders and her dress pooling at her feet. He stepped back, his eyes darkening further, drinking her in. She knewby the look of pure hunger on his face that she had achieved the effect she was hoping for. He looked like a dangerous animal that hadn't eaten for days, and she was the food that had been placed before him. It wouldn't be long before he pounced.

Her lingerie was more seductive than if she'd worn none. Matching ivory, so sheer it appeared as a coat of shimmer on her skin, the bra just covered her nipples, the opaque material showing off their darkened color and aroused state. Her thong was a tiny triangular scrap held together by satin ribbon that highlighted, rather than covered, her mound. The thigh highs she'd chosen were topped with delicate lace.

He took a moment to savor her. Stepping back to her, he reached down and lifted her left hand to his lips and kissed her wedding ring. "Mine."

Her eyes glittered with happy tears. "Always."

He tilted her head to the side, granting his mouth full access to the creamy soft skin of her neck while he trailed his lips down her throat. Kisses that made her blood run hot. The kisses turned to gentle nips and she moaned as her blood approached the boiling point. She felt him smile against her skin. When he held her skin with his teeth and sucked, her moans grew louder and her knees went weak.

She felt herself tightening at the erotic sensations his fingers were causing when he teased her nipples through the thin material of her bra. She needed to touch him, to stroke him; He pulled her closer with his arm, leaving his hand free to undo the hooks on her bra. As the straps slid off, she felt herself being lowered onto the bed.

He stood at the end of the bed gazing at her, "You are so beautiful." His voice was a mere whisper.

She reached her hand out to him and he began licking and kissing his way up her body. She rubbed her body against his, her hands stroking his chest, lingering over his nipples. She squirmed with anticipation when she felt the weight of his erection tease her inner thigh.

"Slow down, Babe. We've got all night, and I want to make sure this marriage is consummated in every imaginable way." He rubbed his erection against her stomach in long slow strokes, creating a promise of what was to come.

She felt, rather than saw the smile on his lips that were just a breath away from hers. If it pleased him to please her, she'd be noble and endure.

He kissed the fresh mark at the base of her neck before giving his full attention to her breasts. He used his tongue, teeth and lips on one, his large hand and strong fingers on the other, each soft mound receiving equal pleasure. The fingers of his other hand snapped the thin band of ribbon on the side of her thong. She released a long, low moan. Just the thought of what exquisite bliss his fingers and lips were going to cause between her legs had her dripping wet.

He gave a sharp squeeze to the soft flesh of her breast before he trailed his hand down across her stomach, brushed her hips, stroked her inner thigh, and then settled between her legs. Long, talented fingers teased her wet folds while the wide pad of his thumb stroked and circled her swollen clit. When she raised her hips to pull his fingers in deeper, he removed them and gave her clit a quick pinch. The sensation became a bolt of hot white lightening, flashing through her body. Her need became so great that she wasn't sure she could breathe.

He slid two fingers back inside her, this time increasing the depth and rhythm until she felt her body coiling tight. One or two more stokes was all she needed for release, yet she found enough breath to beg as he stilled his fingers. "Please…please…"

He answered her by opening her legs wider to accommodate his broad shoulders as he buried his tongue inside her, nipping at her clit with tender bites. Stephanie felt the tight coiling of her orgasm building. He lifted her hips up just enough to allow him more access to the object of his desire and took the sensitive bundle of nerves between his teeth. She screamed when her climax exploded throughout her body.

He lowered her hips back down on the bed and continued to stroke her with his fingers, allowing one or two to slip back inside over her wetness with quick smooth thrusts to prolong her orgasm.

As her body release slowed to shudders, he moved back up to her mouth and slipped his tongue inside her mouth. He deepened the kiss and she felt him push into her. She raised her hips in hope to speed things along. She felt, rather than thought, how much she'd missed this, missed him. She started to wrap her legs around his waist and he stopped her with his hands.

"Ohmigod, I'm sorry, I forgot," her eyes filled with tears.

"It's okay," he kissed her forehead.

She bit her lip, "Maybe we should wait."

He shook his head, "No way are we not going to do this, but as much as I love watching your face when you climax, rolling you over might be our best option and I can guarantee you'll climax like never before."


He lifted his eyebrow and smiled.

Without another thought, she forgot all her inhibitions and rolled over and raised her hips. "Prove it!"

He entered her in one powerful thrust, drawing a gasp from her and a groan from him. He began taking slow, smooth strokes and then changed into quicker, harder ones. He was so deep inside her that she lost all conscious thought. Sensation took over as she felt the delicious pressure of an orgasm building, her walls tightening around him. He responded by pounding into her, each drive pushing her closer to the edge. Out of instinct, she rose up onto her forearms and he reached under to squeeze her breasts. His motions were growing a little out of control, a little wilder.

She felt the pleasure-pain of her orgasm rip through her, causing her body to spasm. She heard him let go of a low, growling moan as he shot his hot release deep inside of her.

Sated, he slowly pulled out of her and dropped onto the side of his uninjured hip. She collapsed face down on the bed. Neither of them spoke until they had their breathing under control.

"Well?" he turned and smiled at her.

She faced him and smiled back. "Oh yeah, you proved it. There's also something to be said for consummating."

He kissed her lightly on the mouth. "Then we're gonna have to consummate more often."

"Anytime you want, I'm willing."

He held her eyes with his own, his face serious. "You belong to me, Stephanie and I belong to you. Every time we consummate, it will be a reminder."

She shook her head. "Every time I look at you, I'm reminded that I belong to you and you to me." She smiled, rubbing her hand over his ass in light easy strokes. "In sickness and in health…"

He smiled back. "For richer or poorer…"

"Till death do us part…"

"No, Babe, even beyond that. I'll love you through eternity."

She felt the tears threaten as brush a kiss over her lips. Damn, he really was a romantic, and he was all hers, forever and ever.

The End

As an additional thank you to all the readers…

Here's a preview of the sequel to Dangerous Deals

Dangerous Mergers

Tank rolled over and reached for his cell phone. Whoever was calling him tonight must be planning on dying. He, Lester, Bobby and some of the cops had celebrated in their boss's honor.

"Talk!" he barked into the phone.

"Uh, I'm trying to reach a company called RangeMan. Have I got the right number?" A tired male voice came from the other end.

Tank hauled his full size straight up. The woman next to him turned on her side and buried her head under her pillow, trying to avoid the tone of her partner's conversation. "Yes, now talk."

"This is Detective Miller of the Las Vegas Homicide Department," the man said.

Tank was already out of the bed and pulling on his pants while he listened to the detective and then he froze. Regaining his breath he shouted into the phone, "What the fuck do you mean he's dead?"

To be continued…..