The Talk and Komui's failure

I didn't know what General Cloud had in store for me as she showed me a night gown, at first I expected something that damn sexy with fishnet or other transparent material. Not like I wanted to wear something like that, it was silky looking lavender night gown. Its neckline was V shaped with some frills on its straps, the gown was short but it was as short as my uniform.

"Night gown?" I asked the obvious.

General Claud grinned, it was unusual grin she had on her face, but then again… she was drunk. I pondered for a moment, is it alright to ask advice from her on this state? She turned the gown around so I can see its left side, to my horror the front and the back was connected by tiny string from armpit to waist.


Claud Nine grinned, "What kind of language is that Lenalee?"

I pointed at the night gown but the incoherent words were all I could blurt out, "$^$#$^!"

"Speak English please…" She said as twirling her blonde locks, "And Lenalee… gentleman like Allen would like a girl who make herself clear…" I blinked at her statement, and then she added. "In many ways…"

I blushed deep red at what she might imply, "Bu…bu but…"

"That's an improvement…" She noted mischievously, "At least I am understand what you said, do you want to say some thing along the line…" General trailed off, "But General Claud! That nightgown is too revealing! It's too daring for me to wear such sexy gown!" She sang-songed, imitating Lenalee's girlish squeal. All I could do was nodding frantically with red face, fortunately she sighed then out the nightgown down. "Okay… you know what I thought? One that look WOW from side glance have more impact." General Claud commented which made me blushed redder if it was possible. "Especially when you turn around like this!" She said as turning around like a ballet dancer, General Claud was really drunk this time. "Or maybe something from leather like S&M queen, hmm… quite unusual method to deal with a gentlemen but… unorthodox method always…"

Before she could go on with the psycho idea I cut her in, "General! Can you please give me… something normal?" I pleaded helplessly, "What a girl usually do?"

General Claud gave me a look, and then she whined like a little girl. "Eeeeeh? Come on Lenalee~ for a girl as special as you…" She was waving her hands frantically by now, looked more and more out of character. I swore I would never ever touch anything alcoholic. "Your first time should be speeeeecial! Memorable! His first feast on you would last the whole night and after that you won't be able to walk but sitting in a wheelchair for a week!"

"General Claud!" I yelled, my head was getting dizzy at her last sentences. "I just… want to confess first! A normal one without any sex!" I confessed pleadingly.

"Nah…" She pouted, "Lenalee… you know what? To secure your man… your gentleman within your grasp…" General Claud trailed off as drawing circle on her left palm. "You should give him unforgettable taste of you…" Oh God… just kill me already, I thought helplessly. "If not…"

I gulped, "If not?"

By now general Claud had her middle finger and forefinger running out of her left palm, "Shoo~ bye~ bye my little wolf…" She sang-songed mischievously. I gaped at her, "Lenalee… gentlemen like Allen might be hard to turn his eyes away from the girl he loves, however… as you know he is kind and genial to almost everybody to the point it's feel like the whole world is equally precious to him!" Then she pointed at me sharply, "You! As a girl, even if he does love you… well it would be hard to feel special with this kind of guy!" She explained loftily, in which I though she might has recover from her drunkenness a little. "That's why you have to claim him as yours alone! That not even the world could take him away from you!"

The last sentence hit me hard, wasn't that what had bugging me the most about Allen? That I was afraid he would disappear, taken away from me by this war and the world? "Uhm… what do you mean?"

She sighed tiredly, "Oh my dear Lenalee…" General Claud muttered as tracing my face gently with her long slender fingers, "Don't you see that boy always thinking it's completely fine if he died for the world? That for him… his life is all for salvation of this world?" She asked in whispery voice, "And you Lenalee if you can make him yours…"

I gulped, "If I can make him… become mine?" I repeated absentmindedly, and my heart was fluttering helplessly.

General Claud smirked, "He won't be as suicidal as before at the very least or better… he become aware that…" Her forefingers traced my jaw line, to my next and down to my heart, "He could no longer throwing his life away because he is yours, Lenalee… if you wish him to not disappear from your world… you… have to claim Allen Walker." General Claud cupped my cheeks, her face inched closer to mine, "Until his body, mind and heart is full of you… that he will return from battlefield no matter what… for you~"

"Mine…" That's even though sounded so… sick of me for wanting to possess him so badly but in the other hand… maybe it was, no… it surely was what I wanted since long time ago.

Research Lab

"So this mosquitoes actually are robots" Komui explained haughtily as clearing his throat, "Off course because of my magnificent intelligence, I was capable of making this robot to have the same size as real mosquito, and off course act and fly like one!"

Reever was seething in rage as he listened Komui's explanation which already wasting his precious fifteen minutes, not to mention Lenalee was nowhere to be seen therefore their precious black elixir had not been delivered to nourish their tired body and mind. "Komui… stop yapping about your stupidity! I seriously cannot see what might this stupid project can be any use for our exorcists nor fighting Akuma! And from how much you boast how alike you stupid insects with the real one just saying it's a BAD news for us!"

Komui pouted, "BUT! It's a great invention! Next only to my Komurin!"

"Which is the more reason for us to destroy it to pieces!" He roared.

The exorcists were staring at heated argument before them, Allen was wondering how worse this would be, because the last time Komui's invention wreck havoc all of their members became zombies. Lavi was thinking the same but he also though it might be hilarious if someone was infected, preferably Yuu. Bookman was thinking to run because he though he had enough when zombies fiasco occurred. Marie was hoping it would not be worse than last time; Miranda and Krory were thinking of doing their best because before they were completely useless and the source of problem. Kanda was scowling and thinking of chopping Komui to pieces once this fiasco ended, this incident proved they might be very well better of without Komui. General Cross was still out cold in his room, Tiedoll and Socaro as usual didn't care as they was spending their afternoon in their luxurious bathroom.

"Anyway…" Reever trailed off, "Let's move on guys!" He yelled.

Claud Nine's Room

"So Lenalee think about it…" General Claud said as led me to her door.

I nodded numbly, "Yes General…" I blinked when she opened the door there was a mosquito flew inside, and faster before I could notice landed on my neck. But much to my shock General Claud slapped my neck that I yelped in pain, "Ouch!"

General Claud looked at flattened mosquito on her palm, "Che… nasty bug…"


Much to our shock when we looked to our side Allen was near in the corridor outside General's room, pointing at us in horror. I blushed deep red, "Allen-kun?"

"It… it bit you!" He stammered in panic.

We looked at him as if he had grown another head, "So? What's the big deal? It's just a tiny bug~" General Claud muttered nonchalantly.

"It's Komui's! Everyone in scientist department said it's poisonous and you will get sick if you get bitten!" He explained in panic then suddenly he held my shoulder firmly, his face inches from mine. "Are you alright Lenalee?" I off course blushed redder and my temperature rose, for the first time in my life I was grateful for my brother's invention.

General Claud smirked then said, "Oh… Lenalee looks like… she is having a fever! Allen bring her back to her room!"

My eyes widened at her suggestion, "But…" Allen stammered which almost disappointed me, "Shouldn't I bring her to infirmary instead?"

General Claud fortunately was as cunning as Cross Marian if not more, "There are finders who injured from recent mission there. So Walker who knows if this sickness is contagious?" She cooed.

Allen was too naïve therefore he swallowed that reason and before I knew it Allen picked me up in bridal style, "Al… Allen!" I yelped.

"Well… Walker I will leave her in your hand since, I think I should hand this to Reever~" She said as showed flattened mosquito on her palm.

Allen nodded and sprinted with top speed to my room.

Lelalee's Room

He laid me down gently on my bed, looked so worried about me checking my temperature with his gentle hand and I can't help but clung to his touch. "Lenalee I think your temperature is raising up!" He exclaimed in panic then began to look around, "Why General Claud didn't call Komui or Reever quickly?" He wondered out loud in panic.

"Allen…" I called, my voice husky with desire, "I feel so hot…" I admitted shyly, then an idea crossed my mind. "I think the poison that mosquito injected to my neck is spreading…"

I was so cruel, but then again if I didn't do this Allen would never ever did this for me. "What should I do Lenalee?" He asked in panic.

"Uhm…" I fidgeted shyly, "Could you… suck out the poison out of my neck?" I asked nervously, "You know… first aid if you get bitten by something poisonous." Thank you so much General Claud, if I never talk to you I would never ever come out with this.

Allen blushed deep red, stammering. "But… but that…"

"Please Allen?" I pleaded helplessly, "I think…I can't… it's so hot, my neck…"

"Hold on Lenalee…" He assured me, "You will be fine! I will do it!" And with that he hovered above me with his lips inched closer to my neck. Dear God… my heart felt like it's about to explode.

Allen's lips glued on my neck as he began to suck slowly, I can't help but moaned in pleasure startling him. Afraid he would stop I yelped, "Please don't stop Allen! I think... I feel better after..." He only could nod dumbly before once again closing his eyes shut tightly and continue his first aid.

Research Lab

"What?" Claud muttered dazedly, "So… that mosquito I crushed…"

Johny nodded as he adjusting his glasses, "Yes… it's just a normal mosquito…"

She shrugged, "Oh well… that's sounds good to me."

The afro scientist raised an eyebrow, "Well, by the way… who's got bitten by this bug?"

Claud smirked mischievously, "No one Johny… I just happened to catch this mosquito then I heard about this commotion so…"

"Oh…" The scientist can't help but wonder why General Claud was smirking like that, it as if she just won a lotree or something.

"Ho ho ho ho ho!"

And why she laughed like that?

Review Please~

The lemon is the next XP Sorry for teasing you for a very looooooooooooong time! Please read other story of mine too!

Anyway... you can start to curse for late update in 1... 2...3...