Disclaimer: The author owns only the storyline of this fictional work, taking credit for neither the Ouran High School Host Club, The Black Butler, or any of the characters affiliated with either series.

Title: Phantomhive Manor Panic
Pairings: NONE

Please read before starting the chapter.

(A/N): Alrighty, here it is! Chapter seven. Once again, thank you for all of your reviews, and critiques. Couple of things I want to address this time before the start of the chapter.

Someone did mention that in the last chapter that my gender-related nouns got a little confusing in reference to Haruhi. For that I apologize. That was something I actually caught myself having to correct a couple of times as I edited my rough draft, but it would seem that a few still made their way into the final. When I have time, I'll go look through that again.

Also, a couple of people have mentioned that they had some issues with both Nekozawa's and Shiro's presence because of either a lack of realism/believability to their appearance in the story, or because they don't feel very plot-relevant. Umm . . .slightly confused as to how they don't seem plot-relevant when I haven't really established where this is all going yet - and, again, I apologize for that because I know it shouldn't take this long establish a storyline - but I would like to touch on this, and before the story begins because I'm letting you know now that this sort of thing happens again, and may also happen a few more times.

So, the way I see it, in creating an Ouran/Kuro crossover, it's not only important to bring a set of characters together, and create believable interactions between them (while keeping them in-character), it's also important to find a way to balance and bring in the same themes, and "feel" to both stories, as well. While Kuroshitsuji has a tendency to be historically-based, and move in a logical, and chronological order, and though this story takes place in Kuro's setting, the thing is, Ouran is very different from this series in that respect. While the humor is generally the same, there are a lot of ways in which these two stories differ, one of which is that not everything in Ouran makes sense. It's silly, and playful. High-power motors and bananas appear at random, characters pop-up out of nowhere all the time, Hosts dance like the Backstreet Boys in front of a backdrop of roses as they passionately rant - it's silly, it's whimsical, and by bringing in these character in the most over-the-top fashion, that's the "feel" of Ouran that I'm trying to bring into a Kuro-setting in attempting to crossover themes.

As for them not really being plot-relevant, well, in a lot of ways (very subtle ways, but still a lot) these characters have helped to propel this story forward through their interactions with the other characters. I'd rather not spoil it right now and say where this story is going and who will play what role, but the thing is, all of that aside, I don't feel that everything in a story always needs to be relevant to the main storyline. As both a reader and semi-writer, something I noticed is that if someone tries to make every little detail relevant to the plot, the reader (consciously or not) will pick up on the pattern and it will either become a tedious read, or they will be able to see prematurely where you're taking the story. Even then, sometimes, it's the little details that deviate from the point that help to give it a little something extra.

Anyway, sorry. I know this is a really long author's note. I'm not trying to argue with anyone, though. I'm just trying to justify why I wrote this story the way I did. Just to let you know, I maybe starting another fanfic for a different fandom. If and when this happens, I'm just to let you know ahead of time, I AM NOT giving up on this story. Not after how much drafting I've done, and not after seven chapters! If anything, I'll be writing the two concurrently.

Alright. Rambling. Sorry. Enjoy.

"A 'Host Club?'" Ciel repeated the title he had just been told.

"Yeah." Hikaru confirmed. "It's kind of what we call ourselves."

"But it's not primarily what we do. It's more of an extracurricular, or side-activity. We're still in schooling. Tamaki is our club's President. He came up with the idea while we were still in our early adolescent years of education, and officially founded it the following year in our upper levels of instruction." Kyouya added, purposely leaving out the terms "middle school" and "high school" to simplify his explanation.

"I see. But speaking of Mr. Suou . . ." Ciel's gaze traveled to the far corner of the Earl's expansive living area, where the subject in question was crouched down in a fetal position, facing the wall. "What's going on? Is he ill?"

"Yeah, no. Don't worry about it. This is typical." said Hikaru. His brother adding shortly after, "just ignore him. That's how we cope."

"Tama-chan is just sad that Haru-chan's not here." Hunny explained from his seat next to Mori.

"Yeah." the much taller boy assented.

Seemingly not paying them any attention, Tamaki mumbled to himself. "Haruhi . . ."

"Oh, that." said Ciel. "I assure you, he's fine. My butler is more than capable of looking out for his well-being."

"Indeed, Mr. Suou." Nekozawa affirmed, suddenly appearing behind Tamaki, and earning a shriek of terror from his idol. "Do not underestimate the power of the supernatural, and that of which the dark forces possess. It would not be in your best interest to do so, you see . . ."

"Yes . . .well," Ciel blinked, slightly perplexed by the over-the-top display in the opposite corner of the room that only provided a small glimpse of what the majority of the day had been like thus far. He turned to Kyouya. "Tell me more about this host club of yours. Is it a lucrative business? You don't strike me as the type to pursue an endeavor without the promise of some sort of gain."

"We actually do render our services free of charge, however, we do profit from the additional merchandise we either sell or auction off." Was Kyouya's response. "Although, most of the additional funding does go to financing club activities."

"And what of the net profit?"

Kyoya just looked at the young Earl smiling, but before the Young Master could voice that he expected an answer, Soma cut in.

"But I still do not understand." The prince said. "What is it exactly that you do in this group?"

Directing his polite smile to Soma, Kyouya responded, "I think it would be best if our President explained that to you himself, your majesty. Tamaki?"

"You never call me that."

"That's because you're not actually royalty. Now, don't be rude to your host or to Prince Soma."

"Yeah, milord. Isn't it your "duty" as host club king to explain what we're all about in the first place?" The twins said baiting him, as Shiro rolled his eyes knowing what was soon to follow.

Tamaki stood up slowly. "You're right."

With more conviction, he turned around sharply.


He pointed right at Ciel who looked more than a little alarmed.

Suddenly overcome with emotion for reasons no one else understood, the self-proclaimed "king" started to move about the room in a flamboyant display of what could have been a well-choreographed dance, as he began his explanation. "Yes! We are the Ouran High School Host Club! The school's most elite, and handsomest boys (with way too much time on their hands) who are dedicated to entertaining and fulfilling the fantasies and wishes of young ladies (who also have way too much time on their hands)!"

Prancing straight up to Ciel with his face angled, and his pointer finger erected next to his chin, Tamaki struck the pose that he so often did when he meant business."Each member of the host club was carefully hand-selected by me, the king, to represent a specific type of man that would capture a lady's heart!"

Tamaki began to gesture around the room.

"The cool type!"

"The Boy-Lolita!"

"Aha! That's me! Hahahahaha!"

"The mischievous type, also doubling in the forbidden brotherly-love act!"

"At your service."

"The strong, silent type!"

Mori nodded.

"And last but certainly not least, me. The princely-type!"

"Don't forget me!" Shiro practically shouted.

"Oh, right." Tamaki nodded. "Let's not forget our honorary grade school host: the Naughty-Lolita!"

"Huh? But wait, isn't that what you just called the other boy?" asked Finny who had a bag of fertilizer slung over his shoulder. The servants had gotten caught up in the conversation amidst their housework.

"Yeah." Bard agreed, " 'Lolita', or whatever? Sounds kinda boring to have two of the same thing."


The floor began to shake with violent tremors shortly after a high-pitched female voice echoed throughout the manor.

Soma shrieked, as Ciel yelled out, "Wh- what's going on here?!"

Tamaki looked over at his vice president. "Kyouya? Tell me that's not - "

"Ua-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha . . ."

A young girl emerged from below the manor atop a large, metal platform which continued to rise, twisting out of the living room floor.


"How the hell -?"


"I didn't do it! We didn't do it! . . . For once! Make sure he knows it, make sure Sebastian knows it!"

"R-Renge, how did you get here?" Tamaki asked, suddenly weary but by no means surprised.

"Same way I usually get around." Was the nonchalant reply. "Besides, you all know I live in France, which really isn't that far away. Geographically speaking, it's much closer than Japan."

Even the twins were slightly taken aback. "Well, yeah, but then there's the whole space-time issu -"

"Anyway, back to why I'm here! While the Boy-Lolita is generally an all-encompassing type that refers to a young-looking boy, or a male who looks younger than he actually is, there are various subcategories that fall under it. Take these two here. . ." Renge pointed between Hunny and Shiro. ". . . for example. Hunny-sempai embodies the Boy-Lolita in its most archetypical and base form. He's the oldest in the group, but he both looks and acts much younger than he actually is. Shiro on the other hand, fits the loli-description in terms of just looks, but adds a bit more flare to his style by spicing it up with his attitude! I JUST LOVE IT!"

Still somewhat bewildered, Ciel stared at the girl. "Fantastic. Now, care to explain who you are, or at the very least how you ended up here - "

Renge practically shrieked with joy upon seeing the young boy. "Y-you! You're- you're . . . YOU'RE JUST THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER . . ."

Soma turned to Tamaki, as Renge started her new bout. " 'Princely-type,' you say? That's funny. You don't seem very much like a prince. And I would know."


"And what makes you think you know what it means to be prince-like?!"

"Simple. I am one."

The twins laughed.

"Knock it off, you two! Just because he is a prince, doesn't necessarily mean . . ."

Ciel sighed, tuning her out- tuning them all out as he rubbed his temples with one hand. There was much- too much, going on at the moment, both in his work, and in his home, and these guests with their capricious, aimlessly random, and downright chaotic tendencies were far from helping matters.

"Master Ciel." The young Earl looked up, to find Agni standing over him. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but your mail is in."

He sighed. "Yes. Please take it up to my office."

"Yes, sir."

As Agni walked away, Ciel caught a glimpse of one of the envelopes, and his eyes narrowed slightly. After these past few years, he recognized that type of paper, that print, and that seal easily, despite the fact that the name was an alias.

It was a summons from the Queen.

"Ah. It's starting to rain." Haruhi held up her hand to feel the light prickle of the water droplets falling from the darkened clouds hanging above the city.

"This way, Mr. Fujioka."

As the rain started to pour more heavily onto the street, Sebastian motioned for her to follow him under an overhang of the nearest building, their footsteps barely audible against the increasing downpour.

"Please wait here, sir." Sebastian looked back at the young host beside him. "I will fetch the carriage and bring it around to you. Hopefully by the time I come back, this will have cleared up."

"Why can't I just go with you?"

Sebastian blinked, not accustomed to being questioned on his considerate gestures. Smiling, though, he responded."So that you don't have to walk out into the rain. We wouldn't want you catching cold so soon after you after your rapid recovery from your last ailment, now would we?"

Haruhi glanced down the street in the direction they had come, a sheet of rain now inhibiting her view. "There's no need to fuss over me. Home is in the opposite direction from where we are now, isn't it? It'd be a waste of time for you to come all the way back when I could just walk with you." Walking over towards him, she reached out to the groceries he cradled in his arms. "And I can help you carry those, you know."

There it was again.

That sincere consideration.

Though he'd begun to have his suspicions about their purpose, Sebastian could detect no malicious intent or ill-will being harbored by any of the young men. But even then, this thoughtfulness spanned beyond that of his companion's happy-go-lucky good-naturedness. About to kindly insist otherwise, Sebastian opened his mouth to speak, but a soft, timid, utterance stopped him.


He looked up to the source of the noise. A young stray cat that had wandered into the street to greet them. The creature stood up, gazing at them curiously with striking green eyes that contrasted it's matted-down and soaked snowy-white fur. It mewled again, and Haruhi started towards it, breaking Sebastian from his admiration-inspired reverie.

"Hey, little guy. Aww, you're getting all wet."

Sebastian observed quietly as his companion approached the animal. Upon reaching the cat, Haruhi gently picked it up and brought it back under the overhang. The young host took off the light-blue blazer he had been wearing and started to dry the cat with whatever dry patches were left on the clothing, speaking to it in light, cheerful tones all the while.

After watching the brief exchange, Sebastian's eyes widened slightly.

There it was. The kindness, the quiet thoughtfulness, the light, sweet laughter, and a gentle smile that radiated warmth and sincerity.

The missing piece.

Looking over the cat's savior, he took note of Haruhi's white, completely soaked-through dress shirt, and this only helped to affirm what he was already aware of. Sebastian closed his eyes, an amused smile playing across his face as he removed his own trench coat and moved towards them.

Haruhi laughed, as the cat purred and butted its head against the hand she offered. Not having had heard anyone advance, she was surprised when she felt a gentle weight fall on her shoulders, warming her, and unbeknownst to the girl, helping to maintain her modesty. She looked up, meeting the gaze of one Sebastian Michaelis.

"It appears the rain is starting to let up. And as much as it pains me to part with such an elegant creature, I'm afraid it's getting late and we ought to start for home. Shall we, Miss Fujioka?"