This is my first attempt at a Thuke story. Hopefully it turned out okay!

Enjoy and review please!

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO!


Chapter One—Saved


"Are we there yet?" A seven-year-old Annabeth asked.

Luke resisted the urge to smile. "Not quite," He replied. Annabeth in turn huffed, crossed her arms, and fell back against her seat. Thalia smirked before turning back to look out the window of the train.

Grover, on the other hand, was shuffling his feet nervously. He held a worried, anxious look on his face, like he was waiting for something to happen.

Luke noticed this and his amused demeanor instantly fell. "What's wrong, Grover?" He asked.

Grover gave a nervous bleat and said, "I smell monsters,"

Luke's brow furrowed, and his hand subconsciously itched towards his sword on his hip. Annabeth sat up nervously and glanced between Grover, Thalia, and Luke.

"Hey, guys," Thalia suddenly said. "I think I see…" She put her hands up against the window and squinted her eyes to try and see the strange figure running in the distance. Suddenly, it started running towards them, aimed for the window that Thalia was looking out of.

Her eyes widened, and she quickly turned and shoved Luke to the ground.

"Hit the floor!" She yelled on the ground, just as something smashed through their window, showering them with glass.

Thalia looked up at the creature and gasped. "No way…that's--"

"The Python," Luke finished for her, his eyes wide. The monster stared hungrily at Thalia with its yellow eyes and slit pupils.

Annabeth gasped, and Grover dropped his pipes that he had taken out from his pocket.

Luke came to his senses and hauled Thalia up from the ground. He stood in front of her and took out his sword while Thalia took out Aegis and her spear, and Annabeth bravely unsheathed her knife.

The Python hissed and swatted his tail at Annabeth, but Thalia stepped in the way and blocked the lash with her shield. Luke dove towards the monster, trying to stab at it, but the Python kept snapping at him with his huge sharp teeth.

"What's going on in here?" A person who worked on the train asked, coming in through a door. He took one look at the huge monster then turn and ran with a frightened yelp. A minute later, the train abruptly started slowing down, which sent the four kids and the monster flying forward.

They crashed into the wall and fell to the floor in a daze.

"We have to get out of here," Thalia said, getting to her feet. She grabbed Luke's hand and dragged him over to Annabeth and Grover. "We'll have to leave through the window,"

"You mean jump?" Luke asked dubiously.

"Yes, jump! The monster should be pretty dazed enough that we can get away and find a car,"

Luke stared at her for a second, deciding if this was the best they could do. Thalia rolled her eyes.

"Grover, you and Annabeth go first, now!" She commanded. Grover nodded, tucked Annabeth close to his chest, and leaped out the window.

Thalia grabbed Luke's hand. "Ready?"

Luke nodded, and they jumped. They hit the ground hard and started tumbling over each other. They elbowed and kicked each other until finally they rolled into Grover and Annabeth.

Thalia ended up with her legs on Grover's hip and her head on Luke's stomach. She groaned and sat up.

"Is everyone okay?" She asked, but just got grunts and groans for answers.

"Some plan," Luke muttered, standing up and helping everyone get to their feet.

"Like you had a better one," She glared at him.

Suddenly, they heard sniffing, and the three turned to look at Annabeth. She was sitting on the ground and cradling her arm. Blood was running down her forearm because of a piece of glass that had cut her. The glass shard was still embedded in her arm.

Thalia winced as Luke bent down in front of Annabeth and gently took her arm.

"Hey," He cooed. "It's okay, but I need you to hold still," He then very swiftly pulled the piece of shard out of her arm, and she cried out in pain. The piece of glass was rather large. It was slightly bigger than a bottle cap.

Luke then tore a part of his shirt off and tied it on her arm. "There. Good as new!" He smiled at her. She sniffed and gave him a small smile.

Thalia smiled a bit, but then she saw the train in the back ground and saw the Python slither on top of the train, and her smile fell.

"Guys, we have to go," She said.

They started running towards New York City. Just as they tried to get a taxi, they heard screams, and part of a building not far from them crumbled to the ground. From around the corner came Cyclops that was at least eight feet tall.

Grover gave out a nervous bleat and Luke shuddered. He remembered when they ran into a Cyclops earlier and he had tricked all of them.

"Not good," Grover muttered. He hailed a taxi and pushed the three of them into it before climbing in himself. He told the driver where to go and to step on it, and they sped away towards Camp Half Blood.

Thalia looked back out the window to see the Cyclops looking around for them. Thalia grimaced and sat back down while nervously rubbing her bracelet that turned into Aegis.

Luke was nervous as well. He was bouncing his knee up and down, and he had a firm grip on the hilt of his sword.

Finally, after about ten minutes, they made it to the bottom of the hill. However, monsters started coming out of nowhere.

The four pulled out their weapons and started sprinting towards the camp. Something grabbed onto Thalia's ankle, and she stumbled to the ground. The monster that had grabbed her shrieked and started pulling her towards itself.

"Grover!" Luke shouted. "Get Annabeth out of here! I'll get Thalia!"

Grover was torn between following Luke's wishes, and doing his duties.

"Go!" Luke shouted, and Grover obeyed him. He took Annabeth's arm and continued sprinting up the hill.

Luke turned towards Thalia and slashed at the monster, killing it instantly. He pulled her up, grabbed her hand, and they sprinted up the hill. They dodged many monsters and slashed at them, but there were still too many.

Suddenly, Thalia stopped and yanked her hand out of Luke's grasp.

"What are you doing?!" He asked.

"They're after me, not you! I'll stay and fight them off while you get to camp!" She explained as she vaporized another monster.

"No way," He said. "It's either all of us or none of us," He then stuck his sword in its sheath and swiftly picked Thalia up and threw her over his shoulder and started running towards camp again.

"Luke!" Thalia screamed. "You can't--"

"I'm not letting you die like this, Thalia!" Luke shouted back to her. "I'll run, you kill monsters!"

Thalia said nothing, but nevertheless did as he said.

They were very close to the boundary line when suddenly a monster lunged at them and hit them. The momentum sent the two demigods past the boundary line where they rolled and tumbled down hill, scratching themselves up until they finally stopped.

Thalia realized that she was lying on top of Luke, but she didn't care. She was just glad to be alive.

Luke was gasping for breath as he sat up and pulled Thalia next to him.

"See?" He said with a small smile. "We both made it."

Thalia smirked and gave him a huge hug. "Thank you," She whispered as he returned the hug.

Just then, Chiron came trotting up to them in centaur form with Grover and Annabeth following him. Luke pulled Thalia up and the two looked at him.

"Thalia, daughter of Zeus, and Luke, son of Hermes, welcome to Camp Half Blood,"


Chiron gave Luke, Thalia, and Annabeth a quick tour of the camp before he led them to the Big House.

"There's something we need to talk about…" Chiron said. "Grover, why don't you take Annabeth to meet her brothers and sisters,"

"Okay," Grover agreed and led Annabeth to the Athena cabin.

"So…" Thalia started awkwardly. "What did you want to talk about?"


"So, let me get this straight. The next child of the Big Three to turn sixteen will either save or destroy the gods?" Thalia asked. Chiron nodded. "But then that would mean…"

"You," Chiron finished for her.

"But it's not like there's a war going on right now! It can't possibly be me!"

"A lot can happen in four years, child,"

Thalia let that soak in. There was just no way that she could either make or break the gods.

"The best we can do is train and prepare you for when the time comes," Chiron sighed. "But for now, you should go to your cabins and rest up until it is time for dinner,"

Luke, who had been silent through the whole thing, nodded and dragged Thalia outside where she then exploded and started rambling, throwing in a cuss every now and then.

"I can't believe that shit! There's no frickin' way it could be me! That prophecy is probably bullshit anyways! I mean really! Why would the gods need help? They're--"

"Thalia!" Luke shouted, grabbing hold of her shoulders. "Relax," He said soothingly. "We have four years until you turn sixteen. Don't waste it by worrying,"

Thalia took a deep breath and relaxed instantly. "You're right. I'll try not to worry too much," She smirked, causing Luke to smirk back.

"I'll see you at dinner," He chuckled and ruffled her hair a bit before turning to go to the Hermes cabin.

She watched him walk away before smiling to herself and going her own way to the Zeus cabin.


Did I spell the name of Thalia's shield right? Please let me know if I did.

Thanks for reading and please review! If I get 10 reviews I'll update tomorrow!!


--Akatsuki Child