A/N: I've had this idea for a long time, but I never wrote this plot bunny. Because you've probably read this story many times. I hope I can do something different with it. Also, if I get no reviews for this chapter, I won't continue. Just fair warning. I also wrote this before we knew Uriel was a bad guy.

Disclaimer: Consider this properly disclaimed. I don't own anything.

Tabula Rasa

Dean looked at the house, which looked like it was about ready to collapse any time, then back at Sam. "This is where Ruby told you where these demons would be?"

Sam frowned, then rechecked the address. "This is the only house on this road, so it must be it."

"Ruby actually believes these demons are trying to helping Lilith to open another seal?" Dean didn't like the looks of that house. It didn't look like it could support his weight, let alone his, Sam's, and three demonically possessed people. He turned back to Sam. "By the way, where is Ruby?"

Sam sighed. "She has another lead. She said that she was tracking Alistair to another possible seal. She'll be calling later tonight after we exorcise these demons with Alistair's location." He looked at Dean. "Listen, there are three demons, and two of us. It would be quicker and easier if I could…"

"Let's try the Latin exorcism first." Dean got out of the Impala, feeling the cold rain hit him. He couldn't figure out how to tell Sam that he still didn't quite trust that Ruby was just helping them out of the goodness of her big heart. Although he had reached a grudging truce with her, because he knew that she saved Sam's life on a couple of occasions, that she provided good leads, and that Sam really liked her. But Dean couldn't shake the feeling that something was up with her.

"Fine. We'll try the Latin first. And when we get attacked by the other two…" His voice trailed off at Dean's glare. "We'll do the Latin first." He followed Dean out of the car and caught the shotgun that Dean tossed at him.

Dean grabbed a couple of spray paint cans, tucking them under his arm and walked towards the dilapidated porch. He carefully made his way up the crumbling stairs, breathing a sigh of relief when it supported his weight. He ran a hand through his damp hair as Sam joined him on the porch.

"Are you ready?" he asked Sam as he handed him a paint can. At Sam's nod, Dean slowly turned the doorknob. The door pushed open, but it fell out of its hinges.

Dean carefully stepped inside the house, taking a glance around to judge how much longer the house would stand. The last thing he wanted was to have it collapse around them, trapping them, injuring, maybe killing them and the host bodies while the demons escaped.

Sam salted the cracked, dingy windows as Dean quickly painted a Devil's Trap on the floor by the door. He snapped his fingers to get Dean's attention and gestured that he would check upstairs.

Dean nodded and put the finishing touches on the Trap. "Be careful," he whispered as he stood up and slowly walked into the former living room. He kept an eye on Sam as he carefully picked his way up the stairs. Although Dean would have preferred that he took the second floor, he knew that Sam was good. The only two things he hoped was that Sam wouldn't get hurt and that he wouldn't get overly excited and go to his freaky powers first.

He checked a hall closet. No one was in it. He became aware of indistinct voices down the hall. There you are, you demon sons of bitches.

Dean slowly walked down the hall, the voices getting louder.

"They're here, aren't they?" One voice nervously asked.

"Don't worry about the Winchesters," the second voice had a familiar rhythm and tone that sent chills running down Dean's spine. "They can't stop the rising of Lucifer. Sam is going to become an ally."

"What about Dean?"

Dean reached the door as the second voice said, "Don't worry about him."

He kicked the door open to find… nobody.

Confused, he looked around the room, eyeing a window. "Son of a bitch," he hissed as he walked inside the room. Where did they go? Where the hell are their host bodies?

"Hi, Dean," the second voice said from behind him.

He turned around to see a young woman, wearing an off-the-shoulder shirt, a skirt so short that it wasn't leaving very much to Dean's imagination, and high-heeled boots. She grinned. "Have you missed me?"

Dean raised the shotgun. "I don't know your host body, but I think she might be fun. You, I don't miss much. Whoever you are."

The woman frowned. "I know I'm in a new body, but we had fun in Hell! But, it doesn't matter. Soon, Sam will be on my side, and there's nothing you or those angels on your shoulder can do about it. I become Lucifer's queen, I steal Azazel's chosen one. He can't stop me now. He's dead, thanks to you, and Sammy is really starting to step up to the plate, isn't he? It'll be a birthday party all the time for me!" Her eyes flipped white.

"Lilith?" Dean breathed. His shotgun was trembling, much to his embarrassment.

Her grin widened, and Dean imagined for an instant that she was devouring him. He was horrified to see how badly the shotgun he held shook in his hands.

Lilith lost her smile, and Dean felt the shotgun rip from his hands a split second before he was thrown into the wall. He felt the ancient boards crack, groan, and shake due to the pressure of his immobile body.

Come on, Sam. Ruby never mentioned that the queen bitch was going to be here, did she? So get your ass down here. I won't say a word about your freaky mojo.

"Son of a bitch, you got me monologuing!" She strutted up to Dean. "You know, there's a place for you, too. Alistair says that you've got some real talent. You could be my bodyguard. As you know, I've got enemies everywhere. And since I can't kill you, and I can't make you go back to Hell, because you've already gone, I do know I can make your life here even more painful than it already is."

"No." Dean closed his eyes and tried to ignore her as she slowly ran her hands on his chest.

"You really think you can stop me? I'm breaking seals, my armies are defeating the angels. I only have to break a total of 66 seals, and I have so many to choose from!" Her voice sounded shrill and scared, and Dean opened his eyes. Although her eyes were glaring at him angrily, Dean could see a panicked light in them. Dean was pretty sure that light came from her and not the host body.

"Oh, I'll stop you."

Lilith stepped away from him. "You think so? Well, I won this battle."

With that, she raised her hand. Dean couldn't move as a bright white light came out of her hand. Castiel's handprint felt like it was burning him. He felt his body being ripped from that wall and flung through the dingy window into cold rain.

As soon as he hit the muddy ground, Dean was able to feel his body again. As he tried to stand up, Lilith's white light intensified, burning into his brain.

All he could see was that light.

Sam carefully made his way upstairs and quickly scanned a nearby former bedroom. It was empty.

He slowly made his way to another room and tried to closed door. The door was unlocked, but it stuck. Sam took a deep breath and kicked the door down, figuring that he would scatter any demons that was in the room.

The room was empty.

"Where are they?" Sam asked himself out loud as he stepped out of the room back into the hall. A disturbing thought came unbidden to Sam: Is Ruby making us chase our own tails? He knew what Dean's answer to that would be. He was so glad that Dean had made his own peace with Ruby, but he also knew that Dean didn't quite trust the demon.

As he tried the next door, he felt the floor shake underneath him, as if a wall was shaking.

"Dean?" He called down the hall towards the staircase, realizing Dean probably couldn't hear him from up here.

As expected, the only answer to his call was a tiny echo floating back to him.

Sam glanced back down the hall, debating on going down to check on Dean or go on and look in the other rooms when he heard a window break downstairs.

Sam immediately headed downstairs, trying to keep his gut feeling down. As he made his way down the downstairs hall, he tried to talk himself into Dean being uninjured. He couldn't explain how he knew Dean was hurt, but he knew.

He opened the door to a room and found it empty, except for a broken window, which was broke from the inside out. He hurried over to the window and saw Dean, lying unconscious on the ground, the rain hitting his prostrate form.

"Dean!" Sam called out before running out of the room.

He ran outside, sliding in the mud to the backyard until he reached Dean, who was groggily moving around. Sam breathed a sigh of relief. Dean was alive.

The first thing Sam noticed was Dean's bloody cuts, which were mixing with the rain water. Although the cuts didn't look life-threatening, Sam knew that a couple of them could use stitches. He would stitch them up when they got back to the motel.

Dean groaned, and Sam looked into his eyes. They were open, but they were staring blankly ahead, oblivious of everything—the rain, Sam, the cold.

"Dean?" Sam breathed out as he gently shook him. "Are you OK?"

Dean's eyes slowly slid over to look at Sam. Sam could see Dean's eyes focus on him, but they were still blank.

"Dean?" Sam asked again. "Are you hurt? Can you move?"

"Dean?" Dean muttered groggily as he slowly moved around, trying to orientate himself to sit up.

"Are you hurt?" Sam asked as he took Dean's arm to steady him as Dean sat up.

Dean ran a hand through his wet hair. "Headache," he muttered.

"Yeah." Sam looked back at the house. "What happened? I couldn't find any demons. They're probably gone anyways."


Sam looked over at Dean, who was working himself to his feet. He stood up with Dean, who was swaying. Sam tightened his grip on Dean, trying to stabilize him.

"M'OK," Dean slurred out.

"I don't think so. I think you need to get to a hospital. You might have a concussion."

"S'OK, mister," Dean slurred. He cleared his throat ad looked up at Sam with blank eyes. "I'll be OK."

"Mister?" Sam didn't let go of Dean's arms but loosened his grip. He felt cold, and he knew it didn't have much to do with the cold rain beating down on him. "Dean, do you know who I am?"

Dean's embarrassed look down and non-response answered Sam's question for him. No.

"I'm taking you to the hospital."


A/N: Again, you have probably read this plot line a million times. I don't read too many fanfics anymore. I don't want to take any one's ideas. So, I'm hoping I can do something different with this. Hoping. But, as I said, if I don't get any reviews, I'm not continuing. I'd rather a one-shot not get reviews than a multi-chapter.