I'd like to thank everyone who either reviewed or story alerted. I'm not doing the other options only because it's the same people. If you're not on here, sorry, but I still appreciate all the help and support you've given me.
Thanks to:
Reviewers: Tabithatibi, Missy396, CaraGrace, innocentdiva94, Marauderette96, janerox, rachelcharms, -Cullen, Melora, Lyla Sheckler, eviltwin2318, CoralineMarie, HeartforSoul, cccc, Botheran, Nicole, angharad xoxo, xWayTooMuchSugarx, amber, ReachingInfinity, c, anonymous, lilyflower102, askenandore92, Lilly, and Dawnfur.
Story Alerters: The Only Deathly Hallows, lulu.f, A Walking Danger Magnet, Lord Rahl of the Night, Earthia, -Cullen, innocentdiva94, hptwilightlvr, StinkRodent, xfictionfanx, Lyla Sheckler, rachels charm, AJAY09, Zappy Flash, eviltwin2318, Botheran, Skylar Jones, bluvmama, evilrobinbird, Tabithatibi, janerox, JMR4, Holycow923, Missy396, CaraGrace, askenandore92, and Idk 1013
A/N: If any of you are interested, I will now begin writing a sequel to Lily and James – The End is Almost Here. This will be called, Darkness is Descending. K, thanks!