Alright! Sadly, this is it, and it's just to tie up loose ends. I apologize for the wait but I have been working diligently all evening to get these last few chapters out to you. Thank you for reading and I hope everyone enjoyed it. Please leave a review as it will make me smile. Lord only knows when the creativity bug will bite me again; this may be the last story for awhile so I'll need to subsist on whatever offerings you give me now.

Disclaimer: hey, I haven't done one of these for awhile. Guess what? still not mine.

Tori's room was cleaned up and everything was put back in order. Beth got the whole story, finally, and was much more receptive to the idea after watching Sarah's little display with Trey. Once the magic was unleashed she found it very easy to wield, as if she had been doing it her whole life, but she still had trouble focusing at times. Tori was patiently teaching her, but Jareth was getting edgy. It had only been three days, but he was anxious to take her back to the Labyrinth.

"What? Are you afraid I'll change my mind?" she had teased. He had smiled at her, but it was strained. That was, after all, his biggest concern: that she would change her mind, decide she didn't want him. After all, she had gotten awfully used to the idea beforehand. She, on the other hand, was waiting for something a little more promising than the idea of being his live-in girlfriend. Sure, she knew he loved her, but he had yet to ask her to marry him.

"Tori, would you mind watching the baby for a little while? Sarah and I need to talk."

Jareth led her out to the garden and, instead of starting in directly, decided to bring up another issue they had been discussing lately.

"Have you thought of names yet?" he asked as offhandedly as possible.

"I told you, we are not naming her Alexandrine. It sounds like the name of a drain cleaner for God's sake!"

"You're the one who suggested we name her after a fish. Salmon?"

"It's pronounced Salmon. That accent's on the 'o'." she explained again.

"It still looks like Salmon on paper."

"Fine, what else?"

They wandered further through the garden until a flower caught their eye. At the same time they turned and said "Lily."

"What's this? You mean we actually agreed on a name? And to think it only took three days" he teased.

"Oh don't think it's that easy. She still needs a middle name" Sarah pointed out. "What about Grace?"

Jareth thought for a minute, seeming to run the name over his tongue. "Lily Grace…I like it."

"Wow, really? That was easy."

"So…now that that's been resolved, when do you think you'll be ready to return to the Labyrinth?" he asked.

"Um, well, you know I'm still trying to get this magic thing down, and I don't think I can do it without Tori…" she stalled.

He ran his hand through his hair, a little frustrated with her hesitation, "Alright, we'll bring her with us until you're comfortable."

"I can't just ask her to leave like that." she argued.

"Sarah, what is your problem? Why don't you want to come home with me?!" he finally exploded.

"Because I don't want to live like some glorified mistress!" she yelled back.

"You what? Sarah, what are you talking about? You're the queen for God's sake, what more do you want?"

"I – what?"

"You're the queen. As my wife you –"

"Wait a second," she interrupted, "your wife?"

"Of course. Why do you look so surprised?"

"Well you never asked me to marry you or anything"

He suddenly started laughing as realization dawned on him. Sarah, on the other hand, did not find anything amusing about their situation. He quickly sobered when he saw the expression on her face and tried to explain. "Love, we do things differently Underground. We don't have the ceremonies and what-not that you humans deem so necessary to prove commitment. We love each other, we've chosen to spend our lives together, we've even had a child, as far as Fae society is concerned we are husband and wife."

"So it's that simple? How come you never told me this before?"

He shrugged, "I didn't realize it was such an issue. Do you want a wedding ceremony?"

"Well…no, that's not it, I just thought it would have been nice to be asked."

His eyes glinted mischievously, "Even when we already know the answer?"

"What makes you so sure of yourself?" she asked, annoyed. She tried to pull her hand away to prove her point, but instead he pulled her towards him.

"Will you marry me?" he asked, eyes serious now. Before she could answer he began kissing her very softly, her forehead, eyelids, and then trailing down her neck.

"Well, when you put it like that…."