Return of the Dark Cloud


A/N: Well here we are, its the last chapter, i was originally gonna make it two, but i've made it one... i guess that's sad, but meh, it would have been two small updates, instead i made it one big one! =P Well i hope you like it, there is the capacity to actually continue the story, but there's not really much demand for that, is there? If you would like to read more of Morwen and Arthur, the review to say so, but if no one reviews to say so i won't, so it's up to you guys. But hey enjoy the chapter thanks for reading guys xx

Chapter 6

When the hunting party returned Morwen was there to meet them. Her brother ran forward and hugged her.

"I got a Stag! See Morwan! I got that stag! Well I had help…" He cried.

"Did you? Ach good boy! I'll be sure to tell uncle all about it!" Morwen congratulated.

"Did you teach him how to hunt?" Arthur asked moving to stand beside her.

"Yes, my brother has to learn to hunt, I have been trying to teach him the skill of marksmanship, but I'm afraid I'm not a good teacher." Morwen admitted.

"I can help teach him if you'd like." Arthur offered.

"Would you like that Mordred?" Morwen asked her brother.

"Oh yes! I would! I really would!" Mordred cried.

"Good now Arthur will teach you how to hunt and aim properly, and Morgana shall teach me the delicate intricacies of the newest waltz." Morwen cried, patting her bother encouragingly.

"What? I could teach you how to waltz!" Arthur cried, his hand grabbing Morwen's arm. Morwen stared at the contact he had been so brazen to initiate. Arthur quickly withdrew his hand, Morwen was surprised to find out that she felt warm in that exact spot, as if he were still gripping her there.

"What of my brother, if you teach me to waltz will you be abandoning his lesson in marksmanship? Choose carefully, for we leave the morrow." Morwen warned.

"No, I shall not abandon his lessons, good luck with the lady Morgana." Arthur bowed. Morwen smiled, she always got her way.


The dance lessons went much better the Mordred's lesson and definitely better then Mordreds fitting. Mordred had been fitted for a powder blue tunic, which he couldn't for the life of him stay still. Morwen had been fitted for a very regal blue gown. Morwen hadn't had anything so beautiful in her life. Morwen held her brother's hand as they walked through the crowded hall. Arthur stood immediately to greet her. Morwen smiled and curtsied to the royal table, she nudged Mordred until he bowed. Arthur and Uther nodded their approval, and Morwen swept her brother to the side where they would be sitting.

"Tonight we celebrate the defeat of the Gollum and our esteemed guests, Morwen and Mordred for all of their help." Uther cried out. People cheered for them, like they have never done before. Mordred nudged Morwen with a smile on his face as if to say I told you so. "Let the celebration commence!"

The music started, jesters came out to entertain them, and the food was served. Merlin was standing beside them, watching her, every now and then Morwen would look back and wink at him. Morwen ate her bird, and her potatoes, making sure Mordred ate his helping of vegetables.

"You don't have to eat vegetables." Mordred sulked.

"I'm already grown silly." Morwen teased. Arthur must have finished his meal for he showed up in front of the table.

"Would you care to dance?" Arthur asked.

"As a matter of fact, both Mordred and I have a gift for you and your father." Morwen replied. Mordred reached into his tunic and brought out a clay flute. She took Arthur's hand and took him out onto the dance floor. A hush came over the assembly as Morwen addressed them.

"I give you a gift, one that I know you will learn to cherish, though you will never approve of the means." Morwen offered to Uther. Uther nodded to her, and Morwen nodded to Mordred who started to play the flute. Morwen started waltzing with Arthur going around in the circle, and then she started to sing.

"Dancing bears
Painted wings
Things I almost remember,
And a song someone sings
once upon a December
Someone holds me safe and warm,
horses prance through a silver storm,
Figures dancing gracefully,
across my memory" She sang, the magic circled around her and then spread out like mist, many gasped, wondering what horrors she was conjuring up. As she continued to sing to the melody the Mist began to form into beings. Everyone watched as the beings turned out to be waltzing people dancing along with them. Snow swirled around them, and someone walked towards Uther.

"It can't be." Uther whispered to himself. He moved away from his guards and towards the ghostly figure. She was blonde and tall wearing a white dress. It was the last dress Ingrain had ever worn to their last ball. Uther took her in her arms, trying not to squeeze too hard now that she was mostly mist and they started to waltz.

"You've changed Uther." She whispered to him.

"You're not here to guide me." Uther defended.

"That's no excuse." Ingrain snarled. "I told her to save you, I told her you were just hurt that I was gone. You have proved me wrong, made me look like a fool."

Uther hung his head.

"Someone holds me safe and warm,
horses prance through a silver storm,
Figures dancing gracefully,
across my memory." She sang continuing to waltz with Arthur who seemed mesmerized by her eyes. Uther was waltzing as well, among the many foggy beings. Everyone watched completely mesmerized by what was happening.

"Far away, long ago
things I yern to remember
and a song someone sings
Once upon a December
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December." She finished, curtsying to Uther and Ingrain. When Morwen stood again Ingrain and the rest of the ghost like dancers disappeared. Uther looked to the spot Ingrain had been standing, but she was gone. Uther grabbed Morwen's shoulders and shook her.

"Bring her back!" Uther cried. Morwen lifted her hand using her magic to push him away from her.

"I cannot bring the dead to life, I can only give their spirits a solid form, and only for a short time. Had I had more instruction I could prolong her eventual disappearance for me then a mere tune, but you killed anyone that could have taught me the skill." Morwen snarled, Uther hand crumpled to the ground a few feet away from her. His guards had surrounded them in a circle, swords drawn as if that could stop her. Mordred gripped Morwen's arm in fear.

"Come, Mordred, we're leaving." Morwen whispered, she raised her hand, merely as a warning, and the guards immediately separated to let her through. Morwen left, with Mordred in tow, up to her room to pack.


Half way through packing Mordred turned to the door, signifying that someone was there. Morwen turned and found Arthur faced away from them, silently shutting the door. Both Morwen and Mordred exchanged glances, did he think they hadn't seen him. When he turned, he was slightly startled, that the two were staring at him.

"Oh, I thought that… oh what was I thinking it's impossible to sneak around you two." Arthur admitted.

"What are you here for?" Morwen asked, immediately defensive. She had enjoyed their dance much more then she would have imagined, she like the feel of his arm encircled around her waist, it made her think unchaste thoughts that had made her cheeks burn. He had looked at her as if she were the whole world, and a part of her wished that he would look at her and only her in that way, but he was the son of the Great Uther Pendragon, then could never be together.

"Father is sorry for his actions. He may not show it but he is. Is there anything I could do to persuade you to stay?" Arthur asked, coming forward and clasping Morwen's hand in between his two large ones. Morwen felt dwarfed by him, but she couldn't stay there.

"Nothing." Morwen whispered.

"KISS HER!" Mordred cried. Morwen turned to her brother shocked, but he already had his hands covering his face. Arthur's hand trailed up to her face, stroking her cheek, forcing her head to turn back to him. He then cupped her face in his hands and lowered his lips to hers. It was soft and yielding, yet strong and demanding, Morwen found herself pushing herself closer to Arthur, trying to loose herself in him, and he accepted her, encircling her within his arms holding her closely to him. Her hands rested on his chest, she could feel his heart beating beneath her palms. When he withdrew from her, Morwen's cheeks were surely rosy, and she couldn't catch her breath.

"Don't leave, I've only just begun to learn about you." He pleaded, and Morwen felt her heart twinge, she knew she wanted to stay, but she couldn't. Morwen's hand traveled up to Arthurs face, cupping his cheek in her palm, she smiled.

"I cannot stay here, I don't belong." Morwen whispered fully aware that Mordred was watching her.

"I don't care." Arthur swore. Morwen smiled once more.

"I will never be far my prince. I will always be a call away." Morwen replied. Arthur bent his head to hers, kissing her more fully this time. Morwen melded to him, needing more from him. It seemed an eternity had passed before he let her go, bid her farewell and left her room, only after making her promise she stay till morning, waiting for light to travel, it was safer after all, for the bandits, he had joked.

Morwen waited till her brother was fast asleep before sneaking out of her room to Arthurs, just a few floors up. Arthur was still awake, just as she was, and was a little surprised to find her in his chambers. Morwen knew that this was a mistake, but she wanted him the way she had wanted to other. She couldn't leave without experiencing him fully. He came to her side, pressing himself to her, she lifted her lips to his, and let him sweep her away into a world of passion she wished she'd never leave.


Arthur awoke the next morning a bright sun shining in his eyes. She had given herself to him last night, he could still feel her moving against his skin, he could hear her moans echoing through the room, but she wasn't there. He was completely alone in his large bed. Morwen was gone. Bolting up Arthur rushed down to her chamber, wearing nothing but his breeches hoping to find her there, but her chambers were vacant. Everything had been packed and the room had been cleaned spotless, on the table stood a letter, addressed to him.

Last night was just as I imagined it would be, though it pains me to leave, I must. You know I would never truly be happy there, to be caged in by your father's law, but I leave and entrust my heart to you. I will wait and dream of you, until the time comes to be together, and I hope that you will do the same.


P.S. Mordred thanks you for the lessons.

Arthur held the note in shaking hands, she had left him, she was gone. Though he felt as if his world had crashed around him he couldn't help but smile, for in his heart he knew that she would always love him, she would wait for him. And when the time came, when there was nothing standing between them he would be with her. He would wait for her, for always.

Arthur put his hand to his heart, a piece of him had gone with her that morning, but the hole where that missing piece used to lie held the piece of her heart that she left with him. His heart would always belong to her, as hers would always be with him.

xxThe End xx

Well there we go, that's the ending. Now if you actually want to read more about Arthur and Morwen then review and tell me so, remmeber if noone review to tell me then want to read more i won't write anything, so Review or forever hold you peace. Thanks for reading guys. Dont' forget to review if you liked or you want to read more
