Disclaimer: I don't own, Stephenie Meyer's does.

A/N: I really can't apologize enough for taking so incredibly long to update…especially after that cliffy! But, yes, I am very sorry it took so long. RL has taken precedence, but I do make as much time as possible to write. With that in mind, I will say you should prepare for a slow build, since Bella is going through some things, but you should be pleased with the way it all wraps up. Some questions are answered and no cliffy! LOL. For those of you who have stuck around…THANK YOU! I 3 U HARD.

An extra special thank you, and tons of sugar kisses to my rockin' beta, VampishVixen. She polished this lengthy chapter up real goooood.

BTW…this is the longest chapter yet. ^_~


As we neared the cabin I could sense that Peter and Charlotte were there already. I came into the clearing, still carrying Bella, when Peter emerged from the cabin with a look of concern on his face. I was about to ask if he could return to the victim's home and properly dispose of him when he held his hand up to silence me. He walked toward us slowly, feeling nothing but concern and worry for Bella. Charlotte was standing just inside the door watching with baited breath as Peter reached out and held Bella's hand. He radiated nothing but brotherly love for her, and then looked up at me before saying, "I'll take care of it, Major. You just focus on helping her. She'll come around. I promise." He gave Bella one last look of worry before bolting off in the direction we had just come from.

Charlotte stepped back to allow us entrance and softly closed the door behind us. She reached forward and smoothed some hair out of Bella's face before looking up at me with anxiety and unease searing from both her eyes and her emotions.

"What happened, Jasper?"

~ Jasper's POV ~

I moved to sit with Bella in my lap and tried to speak, but nothing came out. I was at a loss for words. Instead, I just shook my head and peered down at the love of my life, still trembling in my arms, her eyes far away. I rocked her gently and shushed away her soft whimpers. I was overwhelmed with emotion, which is something I haven't had to suffer since I first awoke after my change. Back then it seemed like a tornado of emotions was constantly circling me, and invading me. And, like then, I felt helpless.

Peter came in and sat down across from us, pulling Charlotte into his lap. "Everything is taken care of, Major." I didn't respond or even acknowledge him at all. I was too caught up in what Bella was going through. Peter seemed to understand this and peered down at Bella, still deeply worried and concerned for her. "She'll come out of this soon," he said, "but it's going to be difficult for her to tell us what happened. We will need to give her time to process before she will let us in." He looked at me pointedly and then continued, "We can't push her. It will only make her situation worse if we do." I could feel his trepidation and knew it wasn't going to be good at all.

I once again peered into her vacant eyes and wished with everything I had that I could get her to come out of this. I needed to know she wasn't suffering, and what Peter was saying was really frightening me, as much as I hated to admit it to myself. I wasn't sure what had happened. I had gone over every detail, and I had never seen a vampire ever respond to a hunt like that, but I knew the cause wasn't a pleasant one. That much was obvious. I had nothing to compare her reaction to.

It was unnerving; I felt desperate because there was nothing I could do but continue to hold her, attempt to soothe her, and wait. I held her tighter and wrapped my feelings of love and devotion around us in a comforting blanket.

It was all I had to offer. And it was maddening.

Peter was gently rocking Charlotte in his lap, rubbing small circles on her back. Charlotte whimpered softly and I could feel how upset she was over what was happening to Bella. Between feeling our constant turmoil of emotions and not feeling Bella's, I was finding it more difficult to maintain my steady position on the floor. Part of me felt like pacing, screaming, fighting, running; anything but just sitting and waiting. But the other part would sit for eternity holding her because it was the only thing I could do to soothe her and I'd do anything to make her happy again.

Peter continued to soothe Charlotte as I continued my attempt to soothe Bella. After what felt like hours went by, I was almost to the point of shaking whatever this was out of Bella, but Peter kept giving me a glare every time I was about to make that move. Fucker. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to release these pent up emotions. They were taking their toll on me, and the outcome wouldn't be good if I continued to keep them bottled up. I released Bella gently, and then stood with force, my fists and jaw clenching immediately. I didn't even bother to excuse myself from the cottage. I released my frustration and helplessness in a roar.

"Fuck!" I screamed. "I can't take this anymore! What is wrong with her, Peter? Just tell me!" I began pulling at the roots of my hair; my eyes were blazing with rage, and I was going insane from not knowing what the hell was happening to Bella. And, somehow, I had convinced myself that Peter knew more than he was admitting.

Peter eased Charlotte off his lap and stood abruptly, and started pacing the small room. Apparently he was going crazy too. After a few moments in deep thought, he spoke. "I'm not sure exactly what's going on in her mind, but I do know it has something to do with her retrieving some of her human memories." He ran his fingers through his hair roughly and growled out his frustrations while he emitted annoyance and guilt. His ability wasn't always as 'telling' as he would like and I knew he felt like this was his fault; his fault for not knowing more.

Charlotte was up and standing next to him in a flash. "We don't expect you to 'know' everything, baby." She soothed Peter with her touch while she shot me a glare that clearly said 'back the fuck off'. "You're doing your best and that's all we can ask of you." Under my haze of confusion I had somehow managed to blame Peter and I immediately felt horrible about it. Fuck. I was a mess.

"I apologize, Peter. I just don't know what to do or how to help and you're the only one who seems to know anything about what's happening to her. I just need…" Suddenly I could feel Bella's emotions again, and even though I felt immense pain, terror, and loss, I was elated that I could finally feel her again.

I was at her side in a flash. "Bella?" I questioned softly, trying not to startle her clearly fragile state.

Peter and Charlotte were kneeling beside us almost immediately. Charlotte reached forward and held Bella's hand, radiating nothing but love and support. Bella accepted her touch instantly, grasping Charlotte's hand tightly. "Bella? Sweetie, you okay?" Charlotte looked up at me with concern filing her eyes when Bella didn't respond immediately, but I could feel her hope too, and Peter's.

"I can feel her again," I said through clenched teeth because the tidal wave of emotions coming from Bella was eating away at my insides.

Bella blinked her eyes rapidly as if trying to focus on her surroundings. "Jasper?" That pleading sound in her voice was what I needed to give me a boost of strength to handle this intense load of emotional negativity. I took two seconds to center myself and pushed the blackened swirl of emotions down deep, layering them with calm and peace, which I projected to Bella.

"I'm here, Sugar. We're all here." I looked into her eyes and I no longer found the previous void. Instead, she looked broken and beaten; her usually bright red eyes were darkened with a haunting look. I felt a pain deep in my chest at seeing how battered her poor soul really was. I had to know what had caused her to feel this.

"What happened?" I questioned, but Peter shoved my shoulder and gave me a stern look. He had said we shouldn't push her, that she would tell us when she was ready. I wasn't sure I could wait that long. I glared at him furiously before I looked back at Bella's beautifully pained face.

"I…," Bella said shakily. She started to tremble again and clutched at the fabric that covered her still heart. Suddenly, every emotion she felt came bursting forward with more ferocity then before. I couldn't help the whimpering sob that escaped me or the venom from pooling in my eyes. Charlotte gasped and released Bella's hand as I pulled Bella's body impossibly closer to me. I wrapped my arms around her and she buried her head in my chest, grabbing at my shirt, and then released a heartbreaking sob.

I was fighting to maintain my composure, but I must have been projecting because Charlotte was sobbing too, and Peter looked like he was fighting with everything he had to not let loose the effects of Bella's powerful emotions.

The dark sky opened up and the storm that had been brewing was in full effect, large drops of water slammed down on the rooftop, lightening lit up the sky, and thunder ricocheted around us. If I didn't know any better I'd say Bella's emotions caused the sky to finally weep the tears that she couldn't.

The storm continued, but the sobs died down. Bella was still shaking and her breathing was staggered, but I could also feel her attempts to gain some sort of control. I focused my gift and found enough strength to relieve some of the tension from the environment around us. Peter and Charlotte visibly relaxed, while Bella fought against my calming assistance. I brought my hand to her cheek, needing the contact to reinforce and strengthen the effect of my ability. "Accept my offering, Sweetheart. It's all I can do to help. Please?" I pleaded with her, whispering into her ear. I needed her to allow me to do this. I needed her to feel better. I was truly connected to her emotions, and I knew I wouldn't feel any better until Bella could calm down. I was desperate, and I was fighting for the control that usually came so easily.

Her eyes softened as she held my gaze and I felt her acceptance. I sighed in relief and continued to ease and comfort us as best as I could.

"Jasper," she whispered, "I need some fresh air. I don't want to be cooped up in here anymore." I stood, still holding her in my arms, and stepped out onto the covered porch.

The rain beat all around us in heavy drops, soaking everything. Bella moved her legs, alerting me to let her down. I reluctantly released her, only to find that she wasn't going far. Standing in front of me, she grabbed my arms, wrapping them around her, and then leaned her head back on my chest, tilting her head slightly up; her face creasing between her brows. She took a deep breath, sighed, and then relaxed into my embrace, her tense brow releasing somewhat. Turning her head to the side, she inhaled deeply, taking in my scent. I found it extremely erotic, but fought off the need to reciprocate because honestly she needed to come to terms with whatever the fuck just happened.

The tornado of dark emotions she was feeling was lessening more and more, and my own emotions seemed to be mirroring hers. I felt everything she felt as if they were my own feelings. It was unlike anything I had felt before because it was usually easy to distinguish between my own emotions and another's. This was not only different, it was amazing. I smiled down at her and sighed deeply, holding her tighter, loving her more.

Hours went by, the rain died down, and the last sounds of the storm had moved on. Bella and I hadn't moved from our spot. The night sky was brilliant and clear, the moon shining brightly. Then I felt Bella's resolve and knew she was finally ready to tell us what had happened during the hunt. I suppressed a shiver when I remembered the emotional state I found her in when we first met, and I knew that what she was feeling just a few hours ago was equally as intense and haunting. Something horrible happened to her and even Peter looked about ready to run rather than stay here and listen to what would inevitably be a very dark story.

We seemed to all settle into a tense anticipation as Bella began. "So many memories, Jasper, so many retrieved. I don't understand why I suddenly remember so much," Bella whispered and shook her head in disbelief. Peter and Charlotte joined us on the porch as she continued. "There's much I'm still unsure of, but I know enough to give you an idea of what happened when I was in….Italy," she shuddered. Her emotions screamed sadness and loss as she recalled what happened. I held her tighter, wrapping her in a soothing mix of comfort and love. She took a deep breath before she continued. "The man I fed from earlier reminded me of my father. When I looked down into his face I saw my father. I was convinced it was him for a split second, and pain ripped through me as I saw him drained of his blood…just as I had drained that man." Devastation rippled off her and she clutched at her chest again, as if her heart would suddenly shatter under the pressure of what she was feeling. I felt her body weight fall heavily into my arms as she continued in a quiet distant voice with pain written all over her gorgeous features, and it broke my heart.

"Jasper, I know why I fear the Volturi." I tensed at her words. "They killed my father. They wanted to kill me, but my father intervened and… they killed him." A sob broke loose from her throat and even though I was expecting her to stop retelling what she remembered, she continued.

"They didn't even let me say goodbye." The sadness and grief was almost too much to bear. "They dragged me away, down to some sort of…dungeon. I was chained to a wall by my wrists and ankles …and it was very dark. I was left there for weeks, probably months, with barely any food or water."

I was infuriated. I knew what the Volturi were capable of, the torture and pain they put humans through, but it meant something entirely different now that it was Bella who was be mistreated. I wanted to kill every last one of them for putting her through so much. I wanted to mutilate them.

Peter and Charlotte were greatly affected by this new information as well. They stewed in their fury and anger, which only increased mine. Soon I was growling, and it rumbled deep, low, and menacingly. Bella turned in my arms, and stroked my cheek gently, letting me feel her love and adoration. She soothed my soul, and eased my fierce emotions down to a simmer. I looked down into her hauntingly beautiful eyes. It was amazing how easily she could give love when she had so much to feel devastated about. Subtly smiling with her eyes, she laid her head against my chest and continued unveiling her human memories.

"I wasn't living in Italy. I was only there temporarily. My father and I came to oversee the death of a family member. I can't remember who, but that isn't the point right now. What we need to focus on is the part where I remember how I escaped the Volturi."

I sucked in a deep breath in shock because I hadn't even thought to ask. I still hadn't gotten past the first part of the story. I was entirely focused on the conditions in which Bella had suffered. Peter was now standing closer, his posture leaning forward slightly as he continued to hold Charlotte close. I could feel his curiosity and anticipation. Charlotte was the one to finally speak up. "How was it even possible? You were only human. You couldn't have…" Charlotte was looking off to the side, clearly in her own mind pondering the possibility of such an escape.

"No way," Peter suddenly said in amazement, and I was frustrated that he was obviously clued in before I was. Charlotte and I both looked between Bella and Peter, eagerly awaiting further details. I was getting impatient. "Well?" I spoke directly to Bella who answered with a contemplating gaze in her eyes.

"I didn't escape on my own. One of them helped me. He came to me one night and offered to help me. I couldn't understand why he would risk it, so naturally I was frightened he might want something in return from me; something I wasn't sure I could give willingly." Bella looked down in shame, but quickly reflected determination. My immediate response was to think of the vile things this vampire would request, and I all but snarled my aggression toward this new enemy. Charlotte growled in retort.

"He was amazingly polite and respectful. I was unnerved by it. I couldn't understand where this compassion came from. It was honest too, not just a manipulation. His eyes conveyed so much warmth; I knew I could trust him."

Her faith in people amazed me, especially since this person wasn't just a person; he was a blood sucking monster. I couldn't help the frustration I felt toward her for trusting so easily. It was an endearing quality, but it was one that could get her into a lot of trouble.

"After a lot of convincing I finally agreed to go with him. I figured if he did want to kill me, at least it would be done sooner rather than later. I couldn't imagine dying in that dungeon, starving to death and lonely. At least this way I would die at the hands of someone who was capable of showing kindness." I was mortified. She honestly thought she was choosing a better death. She had convinced herself she wouldn't live. That must have been devastating for her.

Bella's mind seemed to disappear into her memory; her eyes squinted a bit as she recalled what happened during her escape.

"I remember him gently, but tightly, wrapping a blanket around me before he lifted me off the ground. He instructed me to tuck my head under and focus on my breathing, and suddenly it felt like gravity defied itself. My stomach seemed to drop and jump at the same time, and my heart was fluttering furiously in my throat. It was such an odd feeling. I thought I'd surely pass out or vomit, but his soothing voice calmed me." Suddenly I was jealous of this strangely compassionate vampire. Fire lit through me as an intense rage started to build. Bella was mine, and I didn't like hearing that someone other than me was able to comfort her.

In a flash, Bella was out of my arms and standing on the other side of the porch with her back facing me.

"That's not fair, Jasper! I felt your jealousy. Don't think for one second that it's acceptable to be jealous of the man who rescued me from that hell hole! I'd be dead if it wasn't for him!" Her back was still facing me, but I could almost see the seething anger ripple off her quivering form. I felt horrible for making her feel that way. I didn't mean to upset her. It was a natural reaction.

"Bella, I didn't mean it…at least not on purpose. As your mate, it's natural for me to feel jealousy towards another man, especially one who was able to get close enough to touch you and soothe you. Even if it wasn't sexually, it's still too close for my comfort."

"But it happened in the past." She spun around furiously and glared at me. "Before I met you. You have no right, Jasper." I felt her pain and knew I had hurt her. It was coming out as anger, but she was clearly feeling like I resented this vampire for saving her, and that was not the case.

"Bella, I'm sorry, Sugar. I understand that he helped you, he saved you, and that allowed the possibility for us to meet. And now that I have found you, and experienced the love we share, I would never be hostile toward the one who found enough courage to risk an escape with you. But I also can't pretend that the jealousy I felt earlier won't happen again. Like I said, it's natural for a mate to feel that way. But, Darlin', have faith that I would never act on my jealous instincts if it meant hurting you." Her angry features had softened, and I took that as my cue to move closer to her.

"I understand, Jasper. I apologize for biting your head off." As I closed in and wrapped my arms around her I felt her love for me. "You don't have anything to apologize for." I said as I placed soft kisses along her neck. She wrapped her arms around my neck and reached up for a kiss. As our lips connected, our embrace tightened, and our emotions were once again mirroring each other's. They were peaceful and loving, with just a small undercurrent of concern and worry.

A muffled cough interrupted our moment. "Sorry to interfere, but Charlotte and I are dying to know what happened next." Peter's curiosity was getting the best of him, and I couldn't blame him because I still had so many questions that hadn't been answered yet. How did she get here, to the US? And why was she alone when I found her? Where was this vampire? And in the back of my mind I was wondering where her mother fit into all this. Did she even have a mother? Bella never mentioned anything about her.

Bella situated herself comfortably in my arms before continuing.

"I don't remember much of the trip overseas." Bella's brow furrowed and she seemed to be struggling to pull those detailed memories loose, but to no avail.

"I think we were on a ship…maybe. It was dark, wet, and smelled salty, so it must have been. Like I said, I don't really remember much of that portion of the trip, but I do remember being held by him at night as I slept. Even though he was ice cold, it was oddly comforting." A smile graced her beautiful face as she thought back to those moments, and I held in the growl that was working its way up to the surface. I couldn't prevent my jealous tendencies, but I could suppress them. I had to work hard to do it, but I'd continue to do so if it meant not hurting her.

Bella slipped out of my embrace, feeling hesitant and concerned, and began pacing back and forth across the tiny covered porch. I wasn't sure what her emotions meant, but it had me on edge. Peter and Charlotte were relatively quiet until now.

"Bella, who was this vampire?" Charlotte asked, "Do you know his name? Or what he looked like?"

"I think it's pretty obvious." Peter exclaimed. He was ahead of the game, as usual, and I was a bit perturbed that he didn't clue me in. I glared at him, but honestly, I wasn't sure I wanted to know because I couldn't promise I wouldn't hunt down the fucker and rip him to shreds for not respecting her personal space, but mostly just because he fucking touched her. There was no reason he had to be so close to her.

Bella looked at me out the corner of her eye and felt even more concern than before. Peter approached her, and rested his hand softly on her shoulder. "You're gonna have to tell him sooner or later. Might as well tell him now." Bella looked up at him with a worried smile. "I know, Peter. I'm just worried about his reaction to what I'm going to reveal after I tell you his name." Peter nodded knowingly, as he customarily does, and moved to stand beside Charlotte, who was becoming more and more curious.

A silence fell over us for what seemed like an eternity.

I waited patiently, and tried to prepare myself for this new knowledge. I didn't want to react in a way that would make Bella upset. Peter was looking at me as if he was pleading with me to be understanding. Charlotte never took her eyes off Bella, and she was working her way closer and closer to her, until her and Peter were standing nearly shoulder to shoulder with her. Both gave off a protective vibe and that just pissed me off.

"Are you serious?" I questioned in disgust. "I'm not a rabid animal. I am capable of showing restraint. Especially when it comes to Bella." I withdrew my angry gaze from Peter and Charlotte, and looked at Bella with only love and acceptance. "You can tell me anything, Bella. Please trust me," I pleaded.

Charlotte moved to place her arm around Bella's shoulders. "Go ahead, Sugar. We're here for you." Another angry glare made its way to Charlotte, but when I saw the look in her eyes, and felt how deeply concerned she was for Bella, I quickly softened it to one of understanding. Charlotte was only trying to help, and my knee-jerk reactions weren't making it any easier for Bella to continue.

Bella spoke softly, "His name was Carlisle." Carlisle? I had heard of him. He was once part of The Volturi, but his eating habits and way of life didn't fit well with theirs, and so he parted ways with them. I had never heard how or when he left Italy, but I did know he had found his home here somewhere in the United States. I also knew he wasn't a threat. He was not only known as the most compassionate vampire, but also one of the rare animal drinkers of our kind. I found it oddly interesting that a vampire could sustain himself on the blood of an animal, but he seemed to be surviving just fine, so who was I to judge. The jealousy I felt had almost vanished. For some reason, I found it difficult to feel any ill will toward a vampire who so easily overcame his instincts to take human life. That all changed with Bella's next words.

"He was my first lover," Bella spoke softly as she peered down at the floor. I immediately felt the fire build and rush through me as both my anger and my need to claim her took over. I could feel worry and fear, but I wasn't sure who it was coming from at this point. My eyes must have been black as coal, and I felt ready to pounce on my mate and show her exactly who her true lover was. I could hear Peter and Charlotte asking more questions, but I didn't hear anything except, "only one before Jasper", and then I couldn't control myself any longer. The need and desperation was too intense. I would claim my mate. Again.

"Leave!" I growled at Peter and Charlotte while I looked at Bella with intensity and need. "Now!" I roared. Peter and Charlotte disappeared in a flash with smirks on their faces, not needing to be told again, and obviously knowing exactly what was about to happen. I sent Bella my emotions; pure animalistic need, desire and lust. She still hadn't looked up from the floor, but she shivered, and I could feel her emotions battle between anxiety and arousal. I inhaled deeply, her arousal was strong, and my cock hardened fiercely.

"Bella," I spoke with force, but pushed my love and lust at her too. "Come here." My eyes darkened as her arousal increased and permeated the air around me, taunting me to rip her clothes from her body and thrust into her hard and fast. I growled when she didn't immediately obey me. She would have to learn that when the Major gave an order, it would serve her well to listen.

I glared down at her, projecting my lust to further command her attention. "Is there a problem? Or do you wish to provoke me further?" My voice was low and rough, but I never stopped allowing her to feel my love. No matter how jealous and angry I was, or how desperately I wanted to fuck her, I would always give her my love.

"No, Jasper, there's no problem, but," she attempted to hide a smirk, and I felt her mischievous lust, "I won't disagree with you on the latter."

She smiled sexily and pushed forward an insane amount of lust and need. I growled fiercely and demanded her obedience with one intense look directly into her darkened red eyes. "Provoking me at a time like this?" I stood strong, removing my shirt and undoing my pants, all the while never taking my heated gaze off her. "When all I want is to feel that pouty wet mouth wrapped around my cock…" She gulped and eyed my erect cock while licking her deliciously plump lips. The demon inside roared at the sight, and knew exactly what it wanted. I wanted it too. I growled quietly as I took her in; her beauty, the raw sexuality in her eyes, the sweet scent of her arousal, her passionate lust-filled emotions, and the power and strength exuberating from her vampire body. I couldn't wait any longer. I had to feel her.

I removed the rest of my clothing, and stood proud and fierce before her. "Come here and get on your knees," I commanded. Bella was kneeling before me before I finished getting the words out; her lips only a few inches from my throbbing cock. It twitched toward her and I saw the small smile, and felt her pleasure increase as she inched forward to taste me.

"That's my girl," I whispered as I reached forward to gently caress her cheek. Never removing her eyes from my cock, she answered with only a nod. I grinned wickedly as I realized she had never tasted me before, and now she finally would.

Remembering why I needed to claim her in the first place, I grabbed a hand full of her hair and pulled her head back to get her to look up at me. When she did, I had to stifle a groan because I wanted this, no, I needed this, and seeing her before me, so eagerly willing to please me, was pure fucking bliss.

Looking at her with a powerful stare, and tightening the grip I had on her hair, I spoke with force. "You will not speak of him again." Bella gulped again, and nodded while glancing down at my impressive cock. "Never," she whispered.

"Never," I reiterated sternly.

Licking her lips again, Bella leaned forward, but I stopped her before she made contact with my twitching dick. "Not yet. I need to make something clear to you first." My gaze softened slightly, and I leaned forward pushing out every emotion I felt for her; raw and undiluted need, desire, love, and passionate rage. "You are mine, and mine alone, and I'm going to fuck your luscious mouth and pound into that beautiful pussy of yours until you have no need to ever think of your time with him ever again," I emphasized the last two words while gritting my teeth. Bella whimpered in need while releasing the most tantalizing, mouth-watering scent; the juices that were dripping between her legs. It was then that I noticed she was still fully clothed. Ripping her shirt from her body with one hand while ripping her bottoms off with the other, I stared down at her in awe. She was the most stunningly gorgeous woman I had ever seen, and watching her breasts heave up and down while her pussy dripped with liquid sweetness made my dick twitch hard. I had to be inside her now, or I would go fucking insane.

Bella looked up at me with dark hungry eyes, questioning me with her emotions. "Don't hold back, Sugar. I want to watch you devour my cock." I pushed my hips forward as her mouth met my cock. I hissed as I felt her lips wrap around the tip of my cock for the first time; sucking, tasting, and moaning around it. Circling her tongue around me, and teasing the slit that was begging to release its cold seed, had me bucking my hips and gripping the hair at the back of her head so tight that I was glad she was a newborn and strong enough to handle my strength.

"Fuck, Bella…" My jaw clenched and my hips sped up as she sucked me down her throat and lavished every inch of me. "So fucking good. Suck harder. Mmm, yes, like that."

"Mmm," Bella hummed around me, and reached up to fondle my balls with her hand; squeezing and stroking them perfectly. I grunted erratically as I neared my release. Bella's arousal was so strong in the air, it hung heavily around me, begging me to have a taste. Using the grip I still had on the back of her head, I pulled her back to remove my cock from her sweet succulent mouth. Just as her frustrated pouty expression started to form, I had her pressed up against the nearest wall; her face pressed against it. She moaned at the forceful contact and pushed her ass out for me.

Slipping one hand down to the back of her neck, and the other down to her hip, I leaned forward and growled in her ear. I projected my lust and dire need at her, and slowly slid the hand that was on her hip toward her silky wet pussy. My fingers dipped inside her, searching for the sweet nectar only she had. Bella growled and bucked her hips when I removed them, but as I brought them to my lips and tasted her, she groaned ferociously.

The taste of her immediately commanded my body to claim her. Without hesitation I plunged into her, sliding in easily as I made one final statement, "Mine."

My instincts took over, and I was so many things at once; the demon claiming his mate, the soldier fighting for freedom and protection, and the man loving his woman in the oldest, truest form of passion.

The woods around us were filled with the sounds of marble skin slamming against each other, and the guttural grunts and growls that involuntarily took us over as our bodies were claimed by utter bliss.

After hours of forest-destroying lovemaking, it felt as if our combined releases had liberated us from the dark emotions we had been dwelling in. Bella and I both felt refreshed and more than ready to get back to our strict regimen of training. As we redressed and enjoyed the post-euphoric ecstasy and peacefulness of the woods, we began forming a plan to test Bella further. She had learned the basics, and a few important essential skills, but she needed to be unstoppable or I would not allow her to be in the midst of Maria's camp.

Peter and Charlotte would return soon, and when they did we would readjust our focus in training. Until then, Bella and I would have to find something to preoccupy ourselves with.

A devilish grin spread across my face as I took in the sultry, seductive goddess standing before me, her hair blowing lightly in the wind, and her eyes watching me with heated desire. I would never get enough of her.

A/N: See? No cliffy. *chuckles* Let me know what you liked or didn't like. Any favorite parts? Whatever you feel like expressing...as long you're not intentionally rude. *smiles*