Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, but I am a Minion….

He scowled at the infuriating man before him. How in God's name did he come up with such a ridiculous idea, and did he really expect it to work? This was very unlike his friend, and the way he was smiling was starting to creep him out.

"It won't work, Dean," Castiel said firmly.

Dean's smile widened, "Why not? Everybody needs one, and the name is pretty catchy. We could make millions."

Castiel looked at the insane hunter standing in front of him, and began to rethink pulling him out of Hell. Maybe it would have been safer for them if he spent more time…..What was he kidding? If he'd have left Dean down there any longer the boy would be even crazier.

Castiel sighed, "There is no way this would work, and I would never agree to such an insane endeavor!"

Dean looked at his angelic friend for a long moment, trying to maintain a serious attitude. If he could have his way, it would have worked! It would have just needed some proper management, and a good mascot. Damn, if only they didn't travel so much…

"Fine, Cas, you win. But admit it! It would have worked," Dean smirked.

Castiel scowled.

Dean's smirk got worse, "It would have been perfect for the IRS…and tax accountants…."

Castiel growled, "Dean don't go there."

Dean laughed, "The Celestial Dry Cleaners…Making everyday feel like Heaven!"

"I'll put you back in Hell," Cas snarled, "I am not amused."