Hallo hallo beautiful people! This is Inuyoshie here, with a story. Now, I am not neglecting my other stories, this is just something my co-authour wanted me to do. It started out as an innocent one shot, but the ending begs to have more written. This story was not written out longhand, so it is not taking away time I could be writing Bleached Armageddon. I'm just doing this while I'm randomly roleplaying with my other peoples. I don't know how long this will go… I hope it isn't as long as Bleached Armageddon. I'm only planning out maybe five chapters before I end it.

Story Title: Nameless

Chapter Title: Arrival

Pairing: AizenXIchigo

Rating :T

Everything was black.

This surprised Ichigo Kurosaki. He was in Hueco Mundo, where pretty much everything was white. The sand, the trees… the sky was black true, but the pale white moon shattered its darkness. But here, there was no moon to shatter the darkness. Only pain. Pain everywhere. Slowly, the substitute shinigami forced his eyes open.

He was still in Hueco Mundo. The hard desert ground shifted underneath him, and the moon shone down accusingly on him. Ichigo tried to move, but found that he couldn't. He looked down and realized that he was covered in cuts and bruises. His vision blurred, and Ichigo figured that he had knocked his head against something hard during the recent sandstorm that whipped through his group of friends.

"Ishida! Chad!" Ichigo croaked out.

There was no response, just the howling of the wind. Or was that a hollow…? An unpleasant feeling gripped Ichigo's chest. Fear. Yes… it was fear. He could barely move here, and even a weak hollow could just come by and eat him. It would then be the end. No one would save Orihime from Aizen…

Ichigo gritted his teeth and forced himself to sit up. Pain erupted across his body, and his vision swam. Ichigo fell back to the ground and almost cried out in pain as the rough sand stung and scratched at his cuts.

"No…" he croaked out, cursing himself.


He couldn't die now, he couldn't die here. He had to save Orihime. He had to stop Aizen. Everything rested on Ichigo's shoulders…

And for a split second, Ichigo hated it. He hated all the people around him for putting so much strain on him. For a second, Ichigo was furious that everyone expected so much from him. But this soon dissipated, replaced by determination.

Gritting his teeth, Ichigo sat up and looked around. He then realized that he was frighteningly close to that building where Orihime and Aizen were. Ichigo struggled to his feet, gripping Zangetsu, and began to walk towards the building. Every step was agony, but Ichigo pushed the pain out of his mind.

He was so close… he would not fail.

Within a few minutes, Ichigo stood a foot away from the wall. He turned and began to walk alongside the wall, searching for a door inside. A wave of fatigue rolled across Ichigo, and he leaned against the wall. Suddenly, the wall gave in under him and the boy fell down inside of the strange building. Ichigo found himself inside a building that shone with artificial light and had a light blue sky painted on the ceiling.

"Aizen sure has some weird tastes…" Ichigo remarked, rolling over on his back and staring up at the ceiling.

"Well, I gotta agree with ya on that one," a familiar voice drawled from the other end of the building.

Ichigo sprang up and stared at the tall, pale form of the formidable ex-captain of the third company, Ichimaru Gin.

"Ichimaru!" Ichigo exclaimed.

Gin shrugged.

"Nice ta see ya too, Strawberry-kun," he replied lazily. Ichigo gritted his teeth.

"Don't call me that!" He roared.

Gin frowned and walked slowly over to Ichigo, grinning in a creepy manner.

"Ya don' really have a choice in the matter," Gin drawled lazily, taking his time in reaching Ichigo. It's not like the boy would run away…

"What do you mean?" Ichigo demanded as Gin reached him, standing maybe a foot away.

Gin shrugged. "Well, if Aizen-sama wants ta call ya that, he's gonna," he told Ichigo, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder. Ichigo pulled away, and Gin shook his head. "Oh come now, li'l Ichi, don' be like that. Aizen-sama's waitin' fer ya,"

"What?" Ichigo demanded. "He's what?"

"Come on Ichigo, ya didn' think yer escapades in Hueco Mundo weren't expected? I mean, really, ya did exactly what Aizen-sama predicted ya would," Gin chastised the boy. Ichigo's temper rose, as did his reitsu.

"Why you-"

"And now yer gittin' all upset over a simple fact of life. Really, Ichi-Ichi, what are we gonna do with ya?" Gin demanded, swinging an arm around Ichigo's shoulder. Ichigo tried to pull away, but the ex-captain kept a firm grip on the boy's shoulder.

"Let go of me! And quit calling me such ridiculous names!" Ichigo roared, stumbling slightly. Gin looked across Ichigo 's tattered and bloody form and sighed.

"I wonder how much blood ya lost," he remarked.

"None—" Ichigo stopped as his world tilted and spun violently. He fell to the ground, and all went black.



Aizen looked up from his throne to see Gin prance in, carrying a bloody Ichigo bridal-style in his arms. Aizen raised an eyebrow.

"I gotcha a present…" Gin finished, indicating Ichigo's unconscious form.

"What did you do to him?" Aizen demanded. "I thought I told you to bring him to me… undamaged…"

"Not my fault! A sandstorm got at 'im first," Gin defended himself. "An' besides… now ya get ta heal him!" Aizen sighed and got off his throne.

"I suppose," he sighed, walking over to Gin and taking the boy from him. Aizen then smiled. "It's good to know my plan worked…"

"As if it wouldn't," Gin retorted.

"It's possible he wouldn't have come. I doubt the Soul Society approved this little excursion," Aizen pointed out.

"As if this kid would listen ta the Soul Society," Gin snorted. "He does stuff by his own beat… that's what makes 'im so much fun, ne?"

Aizen briskly walked to his personal suite and let Ichigo down on his bed. He eyed the boy's tattered shinigami robes with distaste. Black didn't look good on Ichigo, it made his skin pale and emphasized the circles under his eyes. Calmly, Aizen pulled the bloody clothes off, exposing Ichigo's lithe body, flush against the pure white sheets of Aizen's bed. He smirked slightly as Ichigo groaned in his sleep, shifting. Aizen quietly uttered a healing kidou and passed his hand over Ichigo's numerous wounds, sighing.

Once he was done, Aizen sat down next to Ichigo's sleeping form, watching the boy's chest slowly rise and fall. He seemed so calm, a stark contrast to the fiery fighter Aizen encountered earlier. He curiously ran a finger across Ichigo's scalp, feeling the soft silky orange locks. Ichigo's eyes snapped open, and he tried to sit up. Aizen calmly placed a hand on the boy's chest, effortlessly keeping him down.

"You shouldn't sit up so quickly," he told Ichigo in a rich, smooth voice. Ichigo stiffened and stared up at Aizen. As soon as their eyes met, Ichigo narrowed his eyes into a vicious glare.

"What the hell?" he demanded angrily. He then looked down. "Where the fuck are my clothes?"

"Do you kiss your mother with such a dirty mouth?" Aizen teased Ichigo, a small smile gracing his lips. Ichigo bristled and sat up. He suddenly regretted it when his head began to explode with pain.

"Nnngh," Ichigo groaned, clutching his head tightly. Aizen sighed.

"I told you not to sit up," he chided the boy. Ichigo turned around and glared at Aizen. "You should listen to me more often…"

"As if," Ichigo snorted.

"I see… an animosity towards figures of authority," Aizen sighed, shaking his head. "I'm surprised the Soul Society hasn't gotten rid of you yet."

"They wouldn't," Ichigo retorted coldly. "And don't even try to turn me against the Soul Society—"

"What makes you think I'm doing that?" Aizen asked innocently.

"It's the kind of thing you'd do," Ichigo replied.

"True," Aizen nodded in agreement. He watched the boy carefully. Ichigo seemed to be on guard, eyeing Aizen suspiciously as if he was a dangerous snake about to strike at any moment. This made Aizen chuckle slightly. Ichigo frowned.

"What's so funny?" he demanded.

"Nothing, nothing," Aizen waved his hand casually. Ichigo's frown deepened. "What is the matter, Ichigo?"

"You're so casual," Ichigo replied carefully. "And since when were we on first name basis? You're my enemy."

"I don't have to be," Aizen replied smoothly. Ichigo narrowed his eyes.

"Hell no, don't start with that crap again," he snarled. "I'm not joining you,"

"I never said that," Aizen sighed.

He'd had enough of playing around.

The ex-captain leaned forward so that he was very close to Ichigo and covered the boy's mouth with his own. Ichigo stiffened, trying to jump away, but Aizen curled an arm around his back, stopping any movements. Ichigo tried to protest, but only succeeded in opening his mouth and allowing Aizen's tongue to snake in and begin to explore the dark cavern. Ichigo reddened immensely at the sensation, and Aizen smirked into the other's mouth, running his hand up and down the boy's back soothingly.

Finally, the god-like man pulled away, leaving Ichigo staring up at him in wonder and embarrassment. Aizen forced Ichigo to lie down, took one last longing look at his lithe body, and then turned to leave.

"You will remain here… my little Ichigo," he told Ichigo calmly, closing the door.

Ichigo stared after the man in wonder, his heart pounding. He pressed a hand to his lips, still tasting Aizen within his mouth.

"W-what the hell?" he stammered.

