Sorry for the wait. I've been out of state for almost three weeks now, and am finally back home and ready to write! Visiting family is nice, but you just can't get your head in the right frame of mind to write a story like this around conservative Christians who are a bit uptight. I did NOT want that influence ruining my story, so I waited until I got back. Hope everyone didn't delete my story from your list, but for the ones who didn't...this one's for you!

Chapter 40


Last night was fucked up, and tonight was all about one thing: revenge.

I awoke before Sookie due to my age, dressed quickly, and headed downstairs. I was frustrated, pissed, bored, anxious, and feeling very protective right now. I had to do something to take my mind off of things before I ripped some shit up.

I had to be objective, be sharp. I knew not to let anger cloud my judgment, or I could make a serious mistake. I had to kill some time before the nearing sunset, when the rest of the house would waken.

Too bad it was only time I could kill right now.

Sitting down at the computer, I booted up and waited for the machine to give me what I needed: a fucking outlet.

Finally, I was able to pull up a browser and pull up an online thesaurus. I typed in "revenge" and hit search, as several choices were displayed in matter of a second's time.

Revenge: retaliate for wrong, grievance.

Synonyms: avenge, be out for blood (I snickered), malevolence, reprisal, requital, retribution...and then, vengeance. Perfect.

I picked up the phone and left a message with Peter's friend, who had so graciously volunteered the usage of his warehouse in the Varta Pier area. It was perfect.

Setting the phone on the desk, I leaned back in the chair and clasped my hands behind my head, trying to calm myself.

The things he'd done to her psyche, even though I knew it was better than what could have happened, it had to be answered for.

He'd made her doubt herself, and our bond together, thinking she was no longer worthy of me. It had angered me in places that had been dormant for so long.

A part of me was relishing the chase, knowing what I would do to that prick when I found him; another part of me felt guilty, knowing the spice in my life that I used to love had this time came at a price. He'd fucked with the one thing that couldn't be fucked with.

You could fuck with my business, my money, my former territory, even those under my protection, and possibly live long enough to answer for it in the proper channels.

But not with my wife. He'd fucked with the one thing that sealed his fate, and he had to know it. He knew he was a dead man, and that even if he left the area, he would be found.

I just couldn't put my finger on why he'd allowed her to live, instead of taking the shot he had to kill her, to get to me.

He'd obviously decided her living was more important than his chance to ruin me. It was the one thing driving me to this foul mood currently, this fact.

Was he taken with her? It was the only reason to allow her to live when he had a clear shot at her. Unless – unless, he simply wanted to attempt to toy with her further, make her give herself over to him. He was the only vampire whose glamour had ever been effective on Sookie, rendering her completely under his command in his presence.

This realization enraged me further, and I flew out of that chair in a frustrated rage.

"Goddamnit!!" I screamed into the empty study, fisting handfuls of hair as I stalked down the hallway. The sun had still not set, but was very close. As soon as it was safe, I would need to go outside and take my frustrations out on something very large.

I stood in the empty living room and looked around, pissed and bored at the same time. My eyes landed on the Wii, and I stalked over to it, putting in a game.

"Fuck it." I flipped on the sensor bar, grabbed a remote and flopped onto to the couch, throwing my bare feet up on the coffee table. I boxed for a while until I grew bored, and turned it off.

Leaning back into the sofa, I groaned and rubbed my hands over my face, trying not to pull out my hair.

"Shall I get you some Midol and a heating pad?"

Pam's snipey comment actually took the edge off a bit, and I had to snort and give her a smirk as I looked at her, upside down and standing over me.

"You look better from this view, maybe I should look at you this way all the time. Make my fucking eyes not hurt so damn much."

She flipped me off and walked around the sofa to flop down beside me.

"You're up early," she said, putting her bare feet up on the coffee table next to mine.

"Yeah. Fuck, I'm trying not to lose my shit right now. I've always been able to control my anger, to think, you know? But this...this is personal, and I just can't keep it together. I want to decimate something right now."

I grabbed her legs and stretched them across my lap, grabbing a foot to massage. As I worked her feet, she actually smiled at me instead of leering at me.

"Being in love is still new for you. I love Sookie, but don't ever let me fall in love with someone. Just fucking drain me dry. Am I clear on that shit?"

I rolled my head to the side to give her an eat shit look, but she looked serious, so I decided to let it go.

"Fine. I'll keep that in mind." She rolled her eyes at me and laid her head back on the couch. I mirrored her, staring at the ceiling as I massaged her other foot.

"So," she said to the ceiling, "what's the plan for tonight? Please tell me we're going vampire hunting or something violent. You're not the only one who needs to obliterate something."

"Why Pamela, don't tell me you love my wife too? Awww, now that is sweet. You know, Valentine's Day isn't too far off. I can give you some gift ideas for her if you'd like."

Before I could get more than a couple of chuckles out, she slammed her heel down into my junk, instantly ruining my fun.

"Fuck, you are feeling violent. Since you're being so nice to me, I'm gonna let you come with me here in a few minutes to take care of a little something."

Her legs flew off my lap in an instant, and I suddenly had her attention.

"Do tell." She sat on the sofa, cross-legged and looking absolutely lethal. I'd missed that look since we moved away from Bill Fucknuts Compton.

"Sookie and I's house has been compromised, obviously, and it was just a small place, really. I don't forsee her wanting to stay there again after all of this, with the security being breached. He'd been in our bedroom. Not cool."

"What, you're gonna burn it down?"

I glanced over at her and must have given quite the look, as she was grinning an evil half-smile with a twinkle in her eye.

"After we shred the place first. I need an outlet. Everything in it is replaceable. Normally I'd sell the property and move on, but I think this calls for something special. Don't you?"

"Welcome back, Eric. How long might you be staying?"

I lightly punched her in the arms, sending her back into the armrest and toppling onto the floor.

"That's for the foot punch to the nads. Consider yourself lucky." I stood and walked over to her, extending her a hand.

She swept my legs out from underneath me and brought me down to the floor as well.

"Fuck, you're gonna get it now."


The first thing I felt when I woke was hunger. I was distinctly hungry, and needed to make a beeline downstairs to the fridge.

I threw on some boy shorts and a tank top and headed for the hallway. As I was coming downstairs, I heard Eric and Pam making a commotion.

Making it to the bottom of the stairs, I made my way into the living room to see what was going on. There was my husband, on his stomach, one arm behind him and Pam straddling his back. She had his arm in a grip behind him and what appeared to be a hand lock on his nuts.

"Hey Sookie," she greeted me nonchalantly. "I hope you don't mind me roughing him up a bit. He's being a bit of a prick."

"Yeah, fucking right...hey honey," he grinned at me, before rolling over in a flash and pinning her back underneath him. In a split second, she'd reversed positions, and they were just rolling around swapping who had the upper hand.

"I taught her well, didn't I?" he smirked before she grabbed a handful of hair and yanked him down to the floor again.

"Oh my God," I groaned, rolling my eyes as I walked past them and headed for the kitchen. Nothing surprised me anymore with those two.

"Hey!" he called out behind me, "aren't you going to save me? Ow, goddamn Pam."

I snickered as I ignored him, knowing full well he was stronger than her, and could easily take her out if he weren't playing. I grabbed a bottle of the good stuff from the fridge and popped the entire bottle in the warmer.

Everyone would be up soon, and I wouldn't be the only one needing strength. Thinking better of the one bottle, I grabbed another from the fridge and set it on the counter for the rest of them.

I set out a few glasses as well, and waited for the telltale 'ding' when my breakfast would be ready.

Before he changed me, I would have been easy prey to sneak up on. Now I could hear him sneaking up behind me. I smirked to myself and pretending to be unaware of his big hairy feet on the kitchen floor.

Just as he was directly behind me, I burst his bubble.

"I am starving. Do not mess with me until I've had my first glass of blood, or I'm going to be seriously grouchy." My voice was stern, but I was smiling as I threatened bloody murder over him interrupting my thirst quenching.

"Is that any way to talk to the one who makes your toes curl, lover? I thought for certain you'd hop up on the counter and tell me to fuck you for breakfast."

I turned around and glared at him, giving it my best shot. I wasn't angry with him, just starving, but I played it up.

"Okay, maybe not. Sorry," he smirked, holding his hands up and slowly backing away.

"That's right. You know who wears the pants in this marriage." I was teasing him, but his expression changed, and he wasn't playing anymore. He stalked towards me and quickly picked me up, setting me on the counter.

His hands moved my legs apart, and he pressed himself up against me until his face was almost touching mine.

"I'm the only one wearing any pants at the moment, lover. Looks like I wear the pants, if we're speaking in present tense."

I ran my hands underneath his shirt and over his abdominal muscles, working my upwards as I went.

"Hmm, you do have a point. But I have back off." I twisted his nipples moderately hard, earning a low hiss from him.

"Watch it, or I'm going to take you right here, fuck who walks in."

"Hey, I'm gonna dry heave over here. Can I just get my breakfast without the fucking on the counter near my blood, please?"

"Pam, fuck." He groaned and kissed me firmly before pushing off from the counter and walking over to the kitchen table to pull out a chair and sit down.

He watched me as I licked my lips at him and turned back around to fetch our breakfast, savoring the warm bottle in my hands.

As I poured a few glasses for everyone, I made sure to sway my hips a bit as I moved.

When I sat beside him and handed him a glass, he had mischief in his eyes. I'd poked the sleeping lion and I was about to see whether I'd woke him up or not.

Thankfully, he eyed me for a moment and then tipped his glass, his adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed all of it. His eyes never left mine as he drank, and even as he set his glass down and stood, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Pam, drink up. We're leaving. Sun's down and I can't wait any longer."

I looked up at him as he leaned over to kiss me. His lips were warm from the blood, and his tongue tasted yummy. He nipped my lip lightly as he pulled away to straighten again, still looking at me intently.

"Pam and I are going to go blow off some steam at the house if anything comes up. Otherwise, you'd better stay here. It's not gonna be pretty."

"Uh, you mean like my old car? That'll make you feel better?"

He cracked a grin at me and pointed a finger at me.

"Exactly." He laughed like the cat that ate the canary and disappeared around the corner.

Pam slammed her glass down and ran after him, looking pretty excited. I heard the front door open and shut, and shook my head.

I wasn't surprised he wanted to destroy the place after he'd found out William had been in our bedroom when we weren't home. I wasn't sure I could ever be comfortable there again after such a breach in security.

I felt safe at Viktoria's estate, and it was fun having everyone around. We were a tight bunch, and this was home, as far as I was concerned.

Tara and James came downstairs a moment later, looking as hungry as I had been.

"Hey guys, blood's behind me on the counter, and glasses. Help yourselves."

James pulled out a chair and Tara sat by me, as he filled their glasses.

"Where's Eric?" Tara asked, taking the glass from James and gulping it quickly.

"They're at our old place, destroying it to blow off some steam. Pam's supervising." I snickered at my insult, knowing damn good and well she was doing as much damage as Eric was.

"Damn, he's just gonna tear that shit down? Damn, I'd hate to be on his bad side." She looked at me and I shrugged, knowing she'd seen him in action enough to know what he was capable of.

"I'm just sad I missed the party," James mused, setting his glass down. "I totally get it though. I'd be pretty pissed, too if someone messed with Tara."

"Good evening, my lovelies. Where's Pam and Eric?" Viktoria had joined us, looking beautiful as always. "Don't tell me they started without me?"

"Well," James smirked, "unless you count demolishing their old place down the hill..."

She raised an eyebrow and shook her head, pouring herself a glass and sitting down with us.

"Eric's always been very loyal to those who he was responsible for, and to his friends. It must be difficult for him, thinking about the danger you were in. You could have been killed. I'd say what he's doing is exactly what he needs to be doing, so he can think clearly afterwards."

"Yeah, I know. I think he's having a hard time with the glamour thing, too. I hate it just as badly, but I know he wants to find William ASAP."

"If you don't mind me asking, we were all kind of curious as to what exactly happened, Sookie. You disappeared, then Eric, and we all come back last night and don't see you again."

I filled them in on all the gory details, most of which Tara already knew from me telling her all about it in the walk in at the club.

I had just finished filling them in when Eric and Pam came back, their clothes tattered a bit, but wearing huge smiles.

"Well, that was fun!" Pam sang happily, flopping down in a chair by Viktoria.

Eric had me stand, and sat in my chair, pulling me on top of his lap.

"So, what's the plan for tonight, man? Got any ideas?" James asked Eric, looking like he wanted in on some action.

They talked for a while as I thought of William, and the stake he'd had pressed to my ribs. Viktoria was right. I had been at his mercy.

I wondered why he would have chosen to not harm me, as that was what he had meant to do in the first place. Eric would have been devastated if I had been killed, as I knew how deeply he loved me. It would have been a serious blow, one that he perhaps wouldn't have chosen to overcome.

So why would he be intrigued by me and let me walk away?

"Sookie, hey, what are you thinking about, baby? You're a million miles away."

Eric was looking at me with concern on his face, and I had to be honest, even though I knew it would anger him and ruin his good mood.

"I was just wondering why William didn't just kill me. It's what he was going to do, and then he just...didn't."

As I predicted, Eric's eyes grew darker and he tensed. He seemed focused, but livid.

"I have a couple of theories, as it's crossed my mind as well. One, you bewitched him, and he wants to steal you from me. Two, which I suspect is correct, when he realized he could glamour you, he decided he could drag out the process a bit longer; have you give yourself to him, then eventually kill you. I think he wants to fuck with me, toy with me a bit longer."

Everyone exchanged looks, knowing that this was going to need prompt resolution, or else things could get complicated.

"So what's our plan, do we go looking for him or wait for him to contact Sookie again? If he let her live, then he'll be back again, right?" James had the wheels turning, and was anxious to help.

"He told me he'd come back to the club on Wednesday night, out back where he showed himself before. He asked me to come alone, and told me that he was entrusting his life to me that I wouldn't tell Eric. He wanted to talk, and said that if he'd planned to hurt me, he would've already."

"Don't believe a fucking thing that douchebag tells you, Sookie. He's manipulative, and foolish." Pam looked as angry as Eric had been now, her eyes looking as though they could kill.

"The club is closed for a couple of nights, and opening night this week he said he'd be back. We should wait until then, and stay close to home until Wednesday night. As much as I hate sitting around for a couple of nights, it's the smart move."

Eric's plan seemed to be best, waiting on William to come to us, rather than leaving me behind, less protected. I felt better knowing that he was being objective about it, instead of doing what Bill would have done, and just ran out into the night blindly and let emotion cloud his judgment.

So staying in, it is. We would just have to occupy ourselves for a couple of nights.