She took a deep breath and then let the beautiful city take it away. The Northern Water Tribe was amazing- magical, almost, in the near-full moon. Katara loved the hustle and bustle there that had never been present in their sister tribe, her home at the South Pole. She wondered absently why this was the first time she'd visited since the war.

Aang wasn't with her now, but then he almost never was. Always going off to meetings with important people, and somehow concluding that she wouldn't show any interest. Maybe it was because she was a girl. He seemed to be getting more like Sokka every day, in that respect at least.

She let her finger trail idly from the boat, making a stream of ripples as she passed. Here, Katara had influence. Not just the boy who tried to save the world, but the Waterbender who made it work. For some reason beyond her, she seemed to have lost some respect when she became his girlfriend. Like she was just the Avatar's prize for everything he'd done for the world. She frowned. This wasn't something she wanted to think about tonight. Here, she still had that respect. Here, she felt home.

"Katara! Is that you? Oh, Katara dear, it's so wonderful to see you!"

"Master Yugoda!" Katara stood up in the gondola, using just a little waterbending to steady it, and bowed from the water, memories of the kind old healer flowing back to her as easily as if they'd happened yesterday.

"Oh, you really should come to see Chief Arnook as well! We've all missed you so much, dear! And look how you've grown!" Katara was stepping out of the boat now, just in time to be intercepted by a surprisingly fierce hug from the old woman.

"Well, I'm seventeen now. It's about time I was taller than someone other than Aang." She laughed, then a small frown darkened her face. She wasn't taller than Aang anymore. He'd grown up, grown different from the goofy kid she'd fallen in love with, and they'd... grown apart. But he didn't know that. He could never know that. Katara would stay with him, and she would love him again. One of these days...

"Katara? Katara, dear, are you alright?"

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine, Yugoda. Just... got a lot on my mind."

"Don't we all! But you, especially, I assume. It's been two years, Katara, and I know it's hard for a couple of teenagers to patch up a world so broken, but these things take time. You'll all figure it out eventually. Maybe fall in love along the way..." Yugoda added with a sly look in no particular direction.

Katara felt cold spreading in her body. "I... well, actually, I'm already with Aang..."

"You're with Aang? I don't see the Avatar nearby..."

"You know, I meant like, in a... relationship..."

"Relationships are one thing. Love is different. The Northern Water Tribe, despite our marriage customs- or perhaps because of them- knows this better than any other."

Could people see through her so easily? She forced down the cold, but it was replaced by an angry heat. "Well then, Master, if Aang isn't suitable for your taste, then who might you suggest?" It was sharp, biting with sarcasm, and she felt bad. But even through her inexplicable anger, she did want to know the answer.

"How about that Fire Nation boy? He's handsome, kind, experienced, intell-"

"You mean the one who attacked me last time we were here? And then kidnapped Aang? Oh yeah, he's perfect!"

"Yes, he is. He saved your life, the way I heard it. He's gotten better, Katara, you just don't want to see that side of him right now. Not while you're trying so hard to see that sort of side to Aang."

"Would you stop trying to interfere with my love life and leave me alone?!" Katara felt her voice rising, but she didn't care. This was going too far. What made Yugoda think she could just look sideways at people and spew nonsense about who they should be loving! But she isn't looking sideways... Katara couldn't help thinking. She's looking in...

"I'm sorry, Katara. Just an old woman making assumptions. I do it often enough..." Yugoda spoke quietly, and the humble apology stung hard.

"I'm sure you're right a lot of the time, Master, I just... that's not right for me. I'm sorry for snapping at you."

"Oh, it's fine, Katara dear, we've all got a lot on our minds... or have I said that already? Yes, well, I am normally quite accurate. Take your brother and Princess Yue, may she rest in peace..." Yugoda put a hand to her heart solemnly, and as she did the same Katara couldn't help wondering if any of her predictions had had happy endings.

and that's chapter one! sorry, it's a bit dull, didn't really advance the story, but next chapter's going to hit the plot, and should be pretty funny. this is probably going to be a lot longer than my usual stuff, so i'm just kind of experimenting at this point, tell me what you think!