A.N. Surprise! Rewrites ongoing!

Dear Diary,

I guess today was pretty normal. But that depends on how you define 'normal'. Yang and Tsuna's definition? Don't even ask, even I don't think I want to know. They have been inseparable since the 'incident'. Diary, you might know what I'm talking about. After all, that was all I could write about back then. Aside from that, I think those two make a really cute couple, but Tsuna's way out of Yang's league.

With love, Yin

P.S. I asked master Yo why he kept telling us he was the last panda on Earth. It turns out, Tsuna's part wolf. But I don't really know how that's possible.

At the backyard of the Woo Foo dojo, a young female panda-wolf was sparring with a younger blue rabbit. The rabbit, Yang, was younger than Tsuna by two years, he was wearing his usual training vest and clutched his bamboo sword in his hand. The female was taller than the male by a mere two inches, but looking at her figure, it was obvious she was older.

Yang grabbed the panda-wolf by the ankle and knocked her down. Taking advantage of her vulnerability, he jumped up and was about to throw his yang-a-rang at her when she leaped up and dove out of the way, an inconveniently placed rock deflecting his weapon and hit him square in the stomach. Tsuna chuckled and sped off to grab the male by the wrist and throw him into the air, jumped after him and kicked him down onto the ground below.

The boy gathered his senses a bit too late, seeing a wave of water-like Woo Foo energy swept him up and slammed him against the walls of the dojo. He fell and opened his eyes to see the panda-wolf staring at him with wide eyes, and a big grin planted on her porcelain face.

"Why'd you do that for?" He complained. "You used Tsu-nami on me!"

"For practice, Yang. Don't be such a grump!" The young female explained, in a slightly sing-song voice. The rabbit jumped up and glared at her.

"You could've killed me!"

"It's not like I hit you in 'places', you know." She said softly, sticking her tongue out at him. The blunette blushed and yelled. "Th-that's not what I meant!"

The panda-wolf just walked off with a slight skip in her step, and in sarcastic voice said: "Sure you didn't!"

Yin was worried. She had been walking for a while now. Possibly an hour. The forest was not her favorite place, and it was only common sense that she didn't know her way around. All she knew, was that Yang hid her diary somewhere around here.

After a while, it started to rain lightly and Yin quickly scampered under a tree. Colloidal white clouds turned gray and the rabbit heard the clamor of thunder in the distance. She searched around for shelter and soon found herself in a dark, damp cave watching the raindrops fall.

The female soon got bored and sat on a rather large rock sitting along the middle of the cave and closed her eyes. But then, little by little, a dark Shadow started to creep up beside her. Yin felt the Darkness's presence and opened her eyes. But she opened them a little too late.

And then she went numb.

Yang was playing Space Wars III in the living room. He was sitting on the floor, fingers fidgeting madly with the controls. He bit his lower lip as he pressed button after button. Then, the screen blazed different shades of red and orange, the words GAME OVER clearly sliding across the TV.

The blunette screamed, rather loudly, "Nooooooooo! The Mith lord was cheating!" He threw the controller on the ground - though it didn't break - and fell over on the couch.

Hearing the boy's scream, Tsuna walked slowly to the living room where Yang sat on the couch. "Could you please keep it down? Your mindless screaming's loud enough to wake the dea-Woah!"

Both of them heard the booming sound of an explosion. The ground shook and Tsuna fell over on her back while Yang grabbed hold of the couch's armrest. "What was that?"

"I don't know!" Yang answered back as the thick black smoke circled around the two. "But I think it's not good!"

The panda-wolf yelled back at him. "You think? This is really bad!"

The soot flew about until a gust of wind blew it away and a figure stood, staring at them from the gaping hole in the roof.

"Guess who?"