meh. so hi, everyone. i know it's been a while... haha, but anyway. the 29th was my birthday. so i decided that i would give a present out to the rest of you, and as soon as i got home from celebrating, i started typing. (: i really hope i haven't lost my touch. i got so many good review from you guys, and i really hope i can keep satisfying you guys! so here it is. chapter sixteen.

many thanks to Ryuchie, Akasuna no Akane, Hurri, aspen-rayn, Twisted Musalih, Eikyuu the Jellykage, Yuki and Aki, shy-but-strong64, BluePanda22311, carlaivy, xXxJaycee81196xXx, LittleKuroNeko-nyan, Sunstorm raining, Princess of blah blah blah, VALLED, animelove0713, Prince Cl0ud9, Full Moon's Howl, A.K.A , AliandBri1, PurpleChocolateShake, Reiajade, lookthroughmyeyes, Anime Freak456, Diana, UuGgHh its Bryan, Megzie-chan, Demon of the sunrise, RandomlyHomicidal, and AmethystGal07.

you're all great, and so are my favoriters and alerters. now i really hope you guys like this... and that i haven't lost my touch... (:

chapter sixteen.

I'ma run till you can't walk.

"Okay, Haruno. What the hell is going on?"

"Are you really asking that?"

"Obviously, Haruno. Why the hell would you care who I'm dating?"

"First off, stupid question. You're my best friend. Do explain why I would not care."

"...shut up."

"Exactly. Idiot."

"So then what the hell is wrong with me dating Ren?"

"Are you really that blind?"

"What the hell are you even talking about?"

"Agh! For your supposed prodigy status, you can really be an idiot. Use your eyes, Hyuuga. The answer's right there in front of you every morning."

Tenten: heeey.

Sakura: hey girl. so i talked to him.

Tenten: you TALKED? or you beat him up?

Sakura: okay... so i may have verbally abused him. i decided not to punch him this time. (:

Tenten: didn't answer my question.

Sakura: i beat him up... with words?

Tenten: meh, i guess that answers the question.

Sakura: hey. i think everything will be fine.

Tenten: alright.

As it turns out, the prodigy was really an idiot.

I'm extremely sure that he paid attention to my words. He saw it as a riddle he needed to solve. And that boy loves his problem solving. Seriously.

Every morning, I tried to see him figure out what I said. He would look around the classroom; he even tried it with the people once. I thought that he might figure it out then.

Yeah. I was wrong.


Email: sharuno(at)leafhotmail(dot)com

Password: ********

Haruno Sakura is wanting food.

Uzumaki Naruto likes this.

Uzumaki Naruto

eat ramen, sakura-chan!

November 23 at 6:13pm Delete

Haruno Sakura


November 23 at 6:14pm Delete

Hyuuga Neji is now listed as single.

Haruno Sakura


November 23 at 6:23pm

A month had passed since he had started going out with Ren. She was a nice girl. I honestly liked her.

But I, of course, am an avid Neji-Tenten relationship supporter. I decided I would give him a push in the right direction.

With help, of course.

Sakura: YOU. YOU. YOU. i need your help. (:

Gaara: ...oh shit.

Sakura: HEY! this is for a good cause.

Gaara: oh yeah? what is it?

Sakura: neji and tenten.

Gaara: ...fair enough.

Sakura: YAY! okay, okay. so come pick me up and i tell you what we'll do. yesh, yesh?

Gaara: sakura, i'm not your fucking chauffeur.

Sakura: ...what's your point?

Gaara: forget it...

Sakura: OKAY!

So I now had Gaara on my side. I also needed Temari to help. She agreed, of course, as soon as I told her.

"Ey, ey. Hyuuga."

"What's up, Haruno?"

"So, Gaara and I wanna go eat. You're coming."

"What the fuck? No 'Hey, Neji, would you like to come?'"

"Ha. No."


"Pull yourself together, idiot. You're coming."

"Do I have a choice?"


"Then obviously I'm going."

"Yay! Gaara, he said he'd come!!"

"What the hell, Haruno? Get back here!"




"I'ma go eat with Gaara and Neji, but I don't want to be the only girl."

"And your point is...?"

"Come with us, please!"



"Oh, fine."


Gaara and I were seated on one side of the booth, him looking completely and utterly bored, while I was practically jumping in my seat.

"Haruno, calm the eff down."

"Meh. I don't want to!"

"Stop it, or I'll make you!"

"Ha! Right, right, panda-chan. How are you going to do that?"

"Like this." And he freaking grabbed my shoulders and shoved me down. Now I'm no midget or particularly weak, but Gaara was waaay too strong. So I had to forfeit.



Neji and Tenten were staring at our antics.

Sakura: now!

Temari: alright!

Gaara's phone rang. He answered. It was Temari.

"Hm. It seems my sister attempted to cook again."

I snickered.

"I gotta go... Unfortunately this means cereal for dinner again."

"Oh, no, boy. I am making you guys dinner. Let's go. Sorry, Neji, Tenten!" And we booked it. Neji and Tenten had a rather stupefied look on their face.

Sitting in Gaara's car, I was dying of laughter. Gaara, seeing nothing funny apparently (fun killer), was staring at me with the same expression Neji and Tenten had.

It only made me laugh harder.

"You know, midget... I think it's time for you to lay off the crack."

"Psh. What crack? This is all sugar, babycakes."

He just shook his head and smirked.


Email: sharuno(at)leafhotmail(dot)com

Password: ********

Haruno Sakura has realized that kitchens should really put restraining orders on some people.

Sabaku no Temari

HEY! so i tried to make dinner for you guys...

November 28 at 7:57pm Delete

Haruno Sakura

yeah, well... next time leave the cooking for someone else.

November 28 at 7:59pm Delete

Hyuuga Neji

so temari actually tried to cook?

November 28 at 8:03pm Delete

Haruno Sakura

haha, uh, yeah.

November 28 at 8:04pm Delete

Hyuuga Neji cannot believe haruno's plan actually worked.

Haruno Sakura

what plan? :3

November 28 at 8:09pm

Hyuuga Neji

you'll see.

November 28 at 8:11pm

Haruno Sakura


November 28 at 8:13pm

Hyuuga Neji is now listed as in a relationship with Tenten.

Haruno Sakura and 3 others like this.

Haruno Sakura


November 28 at 8:17pm Delete



November 28 at 8:19pm Delete

please review. (: