A/N: Yay- a new story! I've been so far behind lately, and unfortunately I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update during the next three weeks. I'm photographing a wedding this weekend, and then I start my graduate classes next week and I'm really nervous! I'm sure I'll find some time to write, but I will need to get settled into my new schedule!

This story will deal with the events described in my one shot Princess of Tides. I'll be exploring the events before the scene that takes place in that story. Needless to say, this will not be an extremely happy story. There will be lots of violence and angst, so I'll probably the rating to M in the next chapter or so. It's Lisbon-centric although Jello will be implied.

I have a basic story outline, but I'm not a hundred percent on how closely I'll follow it. I do consider this AU, although it will most likely follow first season cannon. There shouldn't be any spoilers, but I have taken liberties with the characters and situations! Feel free to offer suggestions on what you'd like to see happen.

This chapter's dedicated to Ebony10 and Innoxia23 who have been waiting so patiently for my next story! All mistakes are mine, and I own nothing. In fact, I just took out a new student loan…

And The Mighty Will Fall

By: Divinia Serit

Chapter 1

Teresa Lisbon absentmindedly chewed on the cap of her pen as she studied the open case files in front of her. The cool plastic soothed her restlessness as she reverted back to a childhood habit that surfaced whenever she felt uneasy. Massaging her temples, she fought the growing headache that threatened to render her useless. She smiled a half smile when she caught a glimpse of Patrick Jane snuggling into the leather sofa in the bullpen. He deserved all the sleep he could get.

They had all been on edge recently. Red John had been quiet recently and she was apprehensive. The killer seemed to feed on attention, and this period of dormancy eluded the profilers. To make matters worse, a new serial killer had surfaced and regulated Red John to the back burner. She could only hope the powers that be knew what they were doing when they shifted attention away from California's Most Wanted and onto Dr. Valentine. Really, the media should not be allowed to name serial killers. How on earth did those people come up with such ridiculous monikers?

"Morning, boss," Grace Van Pelt called as she briskly entered the office and stashed her purse in her desk. Lisbon waved at the young agent who was booting up her computer. Lisbon was pleased with the progress the team's rookie was making. She was becoming more confident and seemed more assured of her place on the team, not to mention it was nice to have another woman on the male dominated third floor of the CBI headquarters.

As soon as Kimball Cho and Wayne Rigsby arrived at their desks, Lisbon proceeded to pass out the newest information on the media-named Dr. Valentine. He had been given his name due to the fact he carved a rudimentary heart on the victim's body, and seemed to target unmarried women in high profile jobs. His most recent victim was a young lawyer who was beginning to make a name for herself in the criminal court. She was only twenty seven.

"Alright," Lisbon started after giving the agents a chance to flip through the files. "What do we know?"

"Our suspect is most likely a middle aged man due to the fact that most of the victims have been tall women that were educated in self-defense. He's well-educated and most likely has a job that allows him to either travel or set his own hours. He most likely suffered a trauma in his childhood and he has a grudge against successful women," Cho filled in. Lisbon nodded and turned to Rigsby. She enjoyed letting her two newest additions offer their opinions. Rigsby gulped as he boss stared him down.

"Umm, we assume that he has a chance to stalk his victims. They seem to vanish in thin air, but we don't know how he's getting to them. All of them have state of the art alarm systems at home and are rarely by themselves while they work. I think we should look into the possibilities of dating services and other potential lures," Rigsby beamed when Lisbon graced him with a smile. It never failed to amaze him just how much he valued the respect of his boss.

"He enjoys pain," Van Pelt added with a sour expression. "The heart is carved with a dull instrument and according to the coroner occurs when the victim is still alive. The ligature marks around their wrists shows us that he bounds his victims, but the cause of death is poison. Their esophagus is destroyed after he forces them to drink chemicals that we're assuming to be drain cleaner."

"Good. Rigsby, Cho- I want you two to head downtown and reentries the job sites. Van Pelt- follow up on the dating services trail. See if any of the women had online profiles or made any romantic purchases 6 months and up. Jane, you're with me," she said as she turned on her heel and strode back to her office to grab her purse and keys. "Keep me posted if you find anything of interest," she called as the team split up.

"You've been quiet today," she said as Jane slid in the passenger seat of her Hyundai Santa Fe. It was a comfortable car with just enough storage room. She needed a bigger car and decided to trade in her little compact sedan. If the new SUV just happened to be the same color as Jane's eyes, well then that was purely coincidence.

"Do you ever have those days when everything feels a little off center?" he asked as he fixed her with a curious stare. Buckling up, she turned and studied him while they sat in the parking lot. His normally carefree expression was pinched. It made him look much older than he really was. She let out a slightly bitter laugh.

"Story of my life, Jane." The corner of his mouth quirked upwards and the two continued to sit in silence for a moment before Jane let out a heavy sigh.

"It's just a feeling," he started. "I'm just waiting…"

"For everything to go to hell?" she supplied and he nodded. "I feel it too," she said as they pulled out of CBI headquarters.

Their normal playful banter seemed stiff and forced today which didn't help Lisbon's mood in the slightest. None of their leads were panning out, and their newest criminal was similar to Red John in the fact that he had left no evidence. Jane was growing more frustrated with the lack of evidence leading to both killers, and an irritable Jane was a force to be reckoned with. They returned to the office a few hours later, and trudged up the steps instead of waiting for the elevator.

She unlocked her office door and started at the sight of a small brown box sitting on her desk. She wiggled the door handle, and was positive she had locked her door before leaving. She eyed the box warily and debated passing it off to the bomb squad. Walking over, she picked up the white envelope that had been hidden from view. Her name was scrawled across in a floating cursive script. She frowned as she tried to place the handwriting. She carefully pulled out a folded piece of paper and slowly opened it.

My Dear Teresa,

I don't like being pushed aside, and I expected more from you. You've provided our mutual friend, Mr. Jane, with valuable guidance and I must say I've been impressed with the growth of his character. He was my best accomplishment, and I do enjoy your presence in his life. You see, most people don't get second chances. They simply don't deserve them, but I was right in granting Mr. Jane one. He is a most worthy opponent, and the game is afoot. I like to fix people, my dear. Help them realize their mistakes and repent from their sins and after careful observation, I have decided to extend my offer to you. You are a most interesting subject, and I think you'll find you're wasting your life. You should have been more thankful for your family, my dear.

Her blood ran cold at the sight of the bloody smile painted at the bottom of the letter, and she wondered why he was changing his MO. She dropped the paper as if she had been burned and turned to the box as fear coursed through her. Grabbing a pair of latex gloves that she always kept in her top drawer, she carefully began to pull the tape from the lid. She slowly raised the lid, and peered into the box. She could feel the bile rise in her throat as she stumbled to the trashcan and proceeded to empty her stomach.

Hearing her retch, Jane came running in and took in the situation. Lisbon was shaking as she took a few deep breaths. Her face was ghostly white, but she managed to look him in the eye and motion towards her desk as she regained her composure. His eyes fell on the innocent cardboard box. Looking at the letter, he carefully read it without touching it before glancing into the small package where a human eye was nestled in the middle of a freshly drawn smile. Red John had struck again.