
Lucksta 4eva




!!! Thanks!

I do not own twilight. J


Emmett browsed through the books, stopping at numerous ones and asking questions.

"What's this one about?"

I looked at the back cover. "A dog who ran away."

His face pulled down into a pout. "That makes me sad."

I look at him credulously.

"Oh! This one looks good, though it has an apple on it. Yuck." Emmett exclaimed.

I looked at this one. As I read it, it sounded more familiar than anything else. The title was Twilight. "It sounds interesting."

"Yeah! Bella! Can we get it!" Emmett begged.

I opened it, and started reading.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed loudly and threw the book far from me.

"What?" Emmett asked.

I shook. "It's about……….me?!"

He looked at me strangely and picked the book back up and started reading, his eyes went wide and he threw it away from him as I did.

We stared at each other for a while, we hadn't noticed some teens had picked the book up.

"You guys fans too?" They asked.

We turned around.

They stared at us and started screaming. I could pick out some words like. "Cullens! …..Vampires…. OMG!"

I looked at there shirt, it had us on it!

Emmett grinned. "Since you know we are weird, I'll have to eat you if you tell anyone."

There eyes widened. "You wouldn't!"

He stared at them. They were convinced. So, they ran away screaming.

I shook my head at him. Emmett's grin got wider.

"We should get going." I said.

"One minute." Emmett said. He took a deep breath. "EDWARD IS A BIG PARTY WOOPER POOPER!!! I'm good now."

I took him ear and dragged him out of the store.