If I said sorry three million times it probably won't make up for the fact that I haven't updated this in nearly two months! SORRY!

Anyway, I think there's only going to be the Epilogue after this chapter! Hope you enjoy this!

Miley looked up at the man who had called her name, before turning around in the other direction as her name was called through the window.

Racing to the window, Miley, Kevin and Nick looked out at the paparazzi trying to get into the hotels.

"Why are they calling for me?" Miley looked at Nick and Kevin with wide eyes, "I'm a nobody! I'm only famous for dating Jake Ryan!"

"You're Hannah Montana!" Nick nearly whispered, "That newspaper article,"

"You saw that?" Miley looked up at him, stunned to see that the shine she had always loved, was back in his eyes, and he was smiling at her.

"Of course I saw it, Miles,"

"Miley, he see's every newspaper article about yo-" Kevin started,

"Shut up, Kevin!" Nick whacked Kevin over the head lightly, and turned back to Miley to see her smiling brightly.

"I think I should stick my head out the window and smile at th-" She turned quickly at Madison's voice, cutting off the rest of her sentence.

"Miley, have you seen outside? I think they know! That stupid paper! Oh my, what are we going to do? We have to get to the Church, how can we do that with them outside?"

"Okay, first, breathe!" Kevin said, rubbing her shoulders slowly. Madison breathed a deep, calming breath, "Right, now we'll sort this out!" He looked at his younger brother quickly, who, surprisingly, had his arms wrapped around Miley, even though it appeared she was smiling, "Nick, any ideas?"

When Madison looked at her sister-in-law, she could see the love shining from her, and she couldn't help but laugh.

No one was aware when it happened exactly, but suddenly the pair was repeating the word 'Sorry' over and over again, before Nick moved in and kissed her lightly.

And Madison and Kevin couldn't help but turn to each other laughing with happiness, tears falling down both of their faces. "Oh great, now I'm going to have to redo our make-up!" Madison laughed.

Nick was now kissing Miley everywhere he could reach; nose, forehead, chin, and cheeks. Miley was smiling widely and laughing, holding him in her arms; making sure he couldn't escape.

Madison and Kevin looked at each other, before walking off in the correct directions, Kevin towards Oliver's room, and Madison back to Lilly's.


"Have you been crying?" Stella asked as soon as Madison entered. Stella went over to comfort her, but Madison just waved her hand, pushing Stella through the door, where she could clearly see Nick and Miley kissing, hands all over each other.

Stella came back into the room, tears rolling down her face, smiling happily; looking like Christmas had come early. Dani, Lilly and Macy snuck a look out of the door, and all came in, jumping, smiling and giggling!

"Finally!" Lilly sighed, falling onto her bed.

Miley came back in ten minutes later, looking very bright and happy. Her make-up was smeared and she was rushed straight to Madison to have her make-up redone. No one said a word about what they had seen, but they were giving her knowing smiles, so she figured they knew.

Everyone got up carefully to help Lilly slip her dress on. She truthfully looked beautiful; it was an off-white dress, starting as a corset, covered in diamantes and sequins with a thick mocha shaded bow around the waist that tied up on her left side. The skirt flowed out at the front, and trailed out at the back. Her hair was curled and left down, a few side bits clipped back with glittery slides.

All the girls had to stop themselves from crying again.


"Guys, Nick just kissed Miley!" Kevin was jumping up and down as he spoke; smiles flittered across all the men's faces,

"You being serious, Kev?" Joe asked, sneaking a look through the doorway, Joe came back in with a wide smile on his face. Everyone else took their turns looking out at what they hoped would be a newly reformed happy couple.

"At last!" Oliver sighed, leaning against the wall, smiling, "I think, at last, this day may just go right!"

When Nick came in ten minutes later, everyone was ready to go, even with two hours left. He smiled as he entered, and Joe wrapped their arms around him in a family hug, "I can't believe how happy I am to see you two both so happy again!" Kevin sighed,

"And I can't believe you couldn't come up with a better word than 'happy' – Using it twice in one sentence!" Joe said, whacking Kevin over the head lightly.

"Will people please stop hitting me? Madison did that before!"

"That's my wife for ya!" Jackson muttered, laughing under his breath.


Two hours later, Oliver was stood at the end of the aisle, just waiting calmly. He had had to leave an hour earlier than expected to work his way through the paparazzi, asking if he was Mike Stanley the Third and if Lilly was Lola Luftnagle. He knew how these things worked, and he knew how to get through fairly easily, having Big Man, the Lucas Brothers body guard around also helped.

Getting in the car had been the most difficult; they had to make sure not to run over anyone in the process of leaving.

But eventually, they got to the church and made sure everything was set up the way they had planned and now Oliver was stood there nervously waiting for the love of his life, while family and friends piled in, sitting down on different sides.

Someone was pulling on the bell, and he knew if he turned now, he would see Kevin, Danielle enter. He heard them sit down in their correct places. He then heard Stella and Joe walk up just behind them and also sit down. Then Jackson and Madison could be heard, obviously with a slight skip in their step. Next would be Macy with little Janie, and if Oliver listened carefully, he could hear the flutter of petals as Macy helped Janie throw them around, before they sat down too.

Now turning around slightly, he saw Miley smiling dazzlingly holding Nick's hand and he could see the same smile shining from Nick's face as he looked down at Miley.

Oliver barely heard the wedding march music start up properly, because as soon as Miley and Nick had taken their positions by Oliver's side, Lilly appeared at the doors of the church, smiling down at Oliver, hanging off her father's arm.

As soon as she reached Oliver, he took her hand, and she passed her flowers to Miley, who moved a little more out of view, Nick at her side.

"We'll be up there like that soon," Nick whispered in Miley's ear.

For the rest of the ceremony the only movements made by the pair were to remove tears, and for Nick to hand Oliver the rings, other than that, they found it difficult to tear their eyes from each other, seemingly afraid that if they looked away, they would disappear.

They finally tore away from each other when the Vicar announced that they were Husband and Wife, and they both turned to see the two kiss for the first time as a married couple.

Getting through the Paparazzi outside the church also proved to be hard work, but hardly anyone seemed to notice, too happy for the new Oken couple.

"Miley, is it true that you're Hannah Montana?"

"Nick, is it true you're dating Miley again?"

"Joe, is it true Stella is pregnant?"

"Kevin, can you confirm that Miley is in fact Hannah?"

The shouts of the paparazzi could be heard from everywhere, but most people seemed to be clever enough to ignore them.

"Madison, did you know your husband got involved with incest?"

"Sorry, do you seriously think my husband would do that?" Madison turned around, annoyance radiating from her.

"Well, if it is true that Miley is Hannah, then she would have dated Jackson, and he's her brother!"

"Do you honestly think I wouldn't have been-" Madison stopped looking around at the woman who had just taken her by the shoulders, dragging her away from the situation, "Who are you?"

"Lorelai, you must be Jackson's wife, Madison?" Madison nodded,

"May I ask how you know Jackson?" She asked,

"I'm your fath-" She was cut off by Jackson and Miley who were coming to find Madison,

"Lorelai! What are you doing here?" Miley called, bringing her into a hug.

"Robby Ray invited me, we have some news!" Lorelai smiled cheerfully at them,

"You have a ring, who are you engaged to?" Miley asked before stuttering to a fault, "You're engaged?" Lorelai nodded carefully, "To my father?" Lorelai bit her lip, nodding again, "Oh my gosh! This is amazing; everything is turning out brilliantly today!"

Jackson and Miley hugged her once more, before saying "Welcome to the family!" together.

Nick pulled Miley into his arms, kissing the top of her head quickly, watching Lorelai and Jackson carefully for any reactions. Fortunately for Nick, Jackson and Lorelai were too happy to care about any 'You break her heart again, I'll...' talks!

Spotting Lilly and Oliver walking towards them, Miley shouted "Congratulations you guys!" They both pulled her in for a group hug.

"We're still going to be the three best friends for life, yea?" Lilly asked,

"Of course, fiends forever Lilly-Pad!" Miley answered.

"Well, it hardly matters, now you have your Nick back," Lilly said, pretending to be slightly bored,

"Yea, Nick Lucas, you better be good to our best friend or I'll...Well I'll get Big Man on you or something!"

Nick smirked, "I'll be careful of that,"

"Don't have too much fun without us!" Lilly called, being dragged away,

"We'll try," She looked up at Nick,

"Have I told you how much I love you yet?" Nick asked. Miley shook her head, she could feel the butterflies in her stomach, barely believing this was happening again.

"I love you too, Nick Lucas."

Did you like it? If you want the Epilogue quicker than the two months it took for this, remember to review me! The more reviews, the quicker it will be up! PLEASE REVIEW!