Hey everyone! This is a collaberation between x TWILIGHT x OBSESSED x and xoxoTwilight269.

Here is the first chapter. Enjoy!


By x TWILIGHT x OBSESSED x and xoxoTwilight269

~Chapter 1:Leaving~

"Bella hurry up!" Bella's mom, Renee, yelled across the hall inside their small house; her voice echoing through the thin walls up to Bella's room.

"I coming mom," She answered. This is Bella Swan, a normal 18 year old Phoenix girl who is also a dancer. She has danced since she was 4 years old and is still dancing. As she walked slowly down the stairs, she remembered the place where she spent most of her life. She traced the photos on the cream colored walls lightly with her fingertips as memories danced in her mind.

"Okay. I am ready to go," Bella sighed, feeling a bit sad.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Bells," Renee said sadly as tears formed in her eyes. She furrowed her eyebrows slightly and frowned, to help her hold back the tears which were threatening to escape. Bella was leaving Phoenix, in order to stay with her dad in Forks and go to a boarding school called Dance Academy High.

"Mom, you said you weren't going to cry," Bella said, her lips quivering a little, "I'll miss you too." Her mom pulled her in for a large bear hug, before she picked up her bags and headed to the taxi.

"Okay, I love you. Say hi to Charlie for me," Renee said while waving frantically, with the last of her tears in her eyes.

"Okay, Bye mom. I love you." Bella said before turning around climbing into the yellow vehicle.

Bella's POV

"Saw you the distance,

Saw from the stage.

Something about the look in your eyes

Something about your beautiful face"

I sang along to 'Touch my hands' by David Archuleta as I waited for Charlie to pick me up from the airport. So far, my opinion of Forks was that it was... cold and wet. When I was up on the airplane, I looked down from the window. This city is so green. Trees everywhere! I thought.

"Hey Bells," Charlie greeted me while pulling me in for a well overdue embrace.

"Hey! Char-dad," I said. It's weird that he doesn't like it when I call him Charlie.

"I am so happy to see you again," Charlie said.

I haven't been here for 2 years now.

"So, let's go home and you should get ready for school tomorrow," Charlie said. This was one thing i liked about Charlie. He didn't hover too much. As i stepped into the house, i immediately knew something was up. The house was much too quiet. All of a sudden, a voice boomed from upstairs. Now that's more like it i thought.

"Bella!" the voice boomed again. An enormous smile appeared on my face, as the large teddy bear that was my big brother Emmett came marching down the stairs loudly.

"Bella! I am so glad to see you again," Emmett said while engulfing my figure in his arms.

"Em-mett! Can't- brea-th" I said as i struggled for breath.

"Oh, sorry; why don't you go upstairs and get ready for school tomorrow," Emmett said and gave me a grin.

"Yeah sure, i'm pretty tired anyway. See you both later," I said and went upstairs.

Once I got my outfit ready and i was ready for bed, i placed both bags by the bedroom door. One for my school books, and the other, my dance bag. I lay my head down on my incredibly soft pillow and turned on my purple iPod, pressing play on a piece of classical music to calm myself for tomorrow. I hoped that tomorrow, my first day going to Dance Academy High, will go well.

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