Look whos back! I know I know its been almost a year. I started this story right before I fell pregnant with no. 2 and now she is 1yo! How time flies. Anyway the story is finished and I am working on a sequel. enjoy.

Chapter 20

Sookie's new vampire eyes picked up even the smallest details inside her home. From the intricate raised pattern of the wallpaper in the hall to the particles of dust swimming in the air, she was entranced. The stale air assaulted her senses, she could smell her own perfume filling the house and underlying it the musty smell of an animal. While Sookie was engrossed in her new senses, Eric got two bottles of blood from the fridge and warmed them in the microwave. When they were ready he took them both to Sookie and handed them to her silently. Sookie stared at the bottle like it was an alien creature before she ripped the top off and gulped it down in one go. The second bottle disappeared just as fast. When she was finished she licked her lips and looked at Eric.

"I can smell….," she said, inhaling deeply, "a shifter. Has Sam been here?"

"You surprise and delight me, my splendid child. Your senses are highly developed for one so young. Yes, your shifter friend has been here while we were away. I ask for his assistance in some…reconnaissance." Eric was quiet while Sookie wandered about her home, re-familiarising herself. "Do you smell anything else, such as…?"

"A vampire?" She finished his sentence for him. She was in the living room now, studying her family photographs, fingers caressing the silent images. Instantly Eric was behind her, towering over her but not touching.

"Yes" he whispered above her.

"Was Bill here while we were gone?" Thinking of Bill stirred old memories within her, or were they forgotten feelings?

Eric sensed her heartache and it bothered him. "More than likely. He pines for you still." He placed his hands gently on her shoulders. The touch was enough for Sookie to sense his jealousy. She turned to meet his gaze. She reached her hand up to caress his cheek as a smile played on her lips. "Really Eric?" She brushed a lock of his long blonde hair away from his face. "After all this time you're still jealous of Bill?"

"How could I not be?" His desire to possess her, claim her bodily on every surface of her home was suddenly over powering.

Sookie felt intense desire and dominance from Eric. I flowed into her and her body tightened in response. She had a great rush of things to say but now was not the time. "Sweet talker!" she said. Their eyes meet and held each other for a long moment. Sookie didn't need to hear his thoughts to know what he was thinking. She disappeared before his eyes. He heard her steps on the stairs. He loved a chase. He followed at human speed up the old stairs, creaking them on purpose.

Sookie's bedroom was a mess. Clothes and bedding covered the floor, while broken bottles of perfume seeped into the rug. In the throes of passion they had been smashed by her overturned dresser. Wallpaper hung in strips where Eric had had Sookie against the wall, her fingernails tearing it apart. Her queen-sized bed sat askew, having been driven half way across the room by Eric's enthusiasm. Amidst the tumult they lay satiated. Sookie stirred and sighed. "I never….that was…..wow!" Sookie yawned. "Should I be feeling sleepy? I thought vamps never ran out of energy?"

Eric chuckled. "I would like to think I have tired you with my energetic lovemaking but that is not the case. Dawn is nearly here. We must go to ground."

"Do we have to sleep in the ground? Can't we just sleep in Bills…the hidey-hole?"

"I am sorry but we can't be sure we will be safe during the day." He took her face gently in his hands and kissed her forehead. "Tonight this ends." one way or another, he thought.

Together they began dressing again. Eric watched her, hoping soon they could spend their nights together naked, happy and without the threat of final death. They joined hands as the exited the farmhouse and moved deep into the forest on Bills land. As they walked they discussed Sookie's new gifts. "I haven't heard your thoughts since the forest. Not that I've tried."

"Try and hear me now. Being able to communicate silently could be beneficial for us both."

Sookie stopped walking and closed her eyes. Her brow knitted in concentration as she sought to hear his thoughts. Her mind was searching in the swirling blackness of a vampires thoughts when she caught fragments of words and flashes of colour. It was like listening to a conversation in an adjoining room. She relaxed her mind and allowed Eric's thoughts to flow into her. Sweet words of endearment and images of intimate touches filled her head.

"Eric!" she gasped as she felt her fangs descend.

Eric laughed heartily. "Wonderful! It worked. Now tell me, how easily can you block my thoughts?"

"It's easy. It is almost like my ability is reversed. Before I struggled to keep other peoples thoughts out of my head. Now I have to concentrate just to hear anything."

"Does this please you?"

"I guess. I feel like I have total control over it now. Yeah, I am happy about it."

They continued to discuss her abilities as they walked to their resting place. "Eric?" They stopped again and turned to each other. "What's going to happen tonight? I mean….have we got a plan or back-up or something? What about Pam and Bill. Are they….I mean…what…?" Eric hushed her as he pulled her into his chest.

"Pamela and Bill are fine. They will join us tonight. Yes, I have a plan. All will be well." He looked down at her, marvelling how the moon illuminated the blue of her eyes. Like two perfect sapphires. "When this is all over will we go away together. I know a place on the other side of the world. Black sand beaches, dense forest with hidden waterfalls, beautiful fiords, caves yet to be discovered."

"That sounds perfect." Eric found a secluded spot for them to go to ground and he began to dig. When the hole was big enough for the two of them Eric stopped digging. He turned to Sookie and held out his hand.



"Thank you." She took his hand and stepped into the hole. Eric pulled the clods of earth down on top of them until they were thoroughly covered. He held Sookie as she fell asleep. He was still awake as the sun rose. He had to admit to himself he is genuinely scared, for the first time in hundreds of years, of what lay ahead.

Chapter 21

Sookie awoke, alone and confused. Surround and suffocated by the dank musty smell of damp soil, she tried to call for help but her mouth filled with mud. She felt around for Eric but found nothing. A wave of calm descended upon her. Eric. She can feel a tension between them, like a length of elastic pulled taught. He's calling me. Before she could dig herself out of the dirt she *popped* and found herself lying at Eric's feet. Eric was standing above their grave looking down at her curiously.

"Good evening, Lover."


He picked her up and dusted her off. "I suppose you would like a shower."

"You read my mind!" Sookie grabbed Eric by the hand and *popped* into the bathroom adjoining her bedroom. She turned on the water and as the water warmed up she looked into her bedroom and sighed. "I suppose my housework won't take as long now that I have super vamp powers." Eric smiled

"You wouldn't have to clean at all if you lived with me."

Sookie eyed him curiously and then smiled. "I'll think about it." After a quick shower and change of clothes, Sookie found a resplendent Eric pacing around her room. "You're worried. Why? What's going on?"

"Pam and Bill should have been here by now." Eric froze and then Sookie too. She sensed other voids and the dry smell of vamps. Lots of them. "This is it, isn't it?" she asked Eric.

Eric embraced her as if for the last time and they kissed. He pulled away, looking into her eyes. "Read my thoughts, Lover. They will tell you what words cannot." She did as he asked. Bloody tears filled her eyes and rolled down her pale cheeks as their two unbeating heart swelled with emotion. "Eric…" There was a short sharp knock on the front door. Sookie moved to answer the door but Eric held her back. "Let me handle this. If things go badly I want you to pop to Amelia in New Orleans. Stay there until Pam or Bill come for you."

"But I can help. We can do this together. Please!" Sookie pleaded as she tugged on his arm. Eric jerked his arm free and quickly pinned Sookie to the wall. "I am sorry I have to do this. As your maker I command you." It killed him to

do it but keeping Sookie safe was paramount. He released her tentatively, half expecting her to make a run for the door. But she remained where she was, her eyes wide with disbelief. Eric left the room and quietly closed the door behind him. Before he had taken a step towards the front door he heard Sookie begin to sob. He gritted his teeth and walked towards the door. A sharp knock sounded again. He clenched his fist so tightly he drew a little blood from his palm. Eric reached out to the door and opened it.

Before him stood Victor, clad in Armani and flanked by two vamps he did not know. He could take the two sidekicks, no problem. They couldn't have been more than 20 or 30 years dead. Babies! He sensed other vamps in the area though. Eric glanced across the cemetery to Bills house. Several black cars filled the driveway. His suspicions were confirmed. Pam and Bill were being held. Eric decided if there was to be a fight to the death, now was as good a time as any. But it wasn't Victor's superior fighting ability that stopped him from ripping him apart on Sookie's doorstep. A sleek black limousine crept down Sookie's drive and came to a smooth halt. After a few tense minutes King Felipe stepped out of the vehicle alone. He stood still under the light of the full moon as if waiting for all present to admire him fully. He cut a regal figure with his precisely tailored suit, dramatic cape and kidskin gloves. He was every inch a king. He moved slowly across the yard and up the porch steps to stand beside Victor.

Eric bowed slightly. "King Felipe. I trust you are well."

"Very well. Thank you." Felipe turned to Victor and nodded. "Northman, Victor here tells me you have absconded with something that belongs to me. Where is my telepath?" he said pleasantly and smiling kindly.

"My wife is safe and well," said Eric stiffly, "despite the best efforts of your second in command."

"Not for long," said Victor under his breath.

"Mmmmm yes, your wife." Felipe placed a finger on his lips, musing the thought. The group was silently waiting for the King to continue. Victor's lip twitched, his impatience was beginning to show.

"Hand her over Eric," prompted Victor, "before things get…messy." He smirked. Eric bristled with malice.

Ignoring Victor outburst, Felipe spoke up. "Eric, do you wish to remain as a sheriff in Louisiana?"

Though puzzled by this question Eric answered honestly. "Yes, my King. With my wife by my side."

"That is good to hear. That is all I need to know." Victors face lost all tension as his confusion got the better of him. Felipe turned his head and called out to someone inside the limo. "My Dear One."

A rush of sound and screams cut through the silent night. Before Victor or Eric could fathom what was happening, Sookie had leapt from the limo carrying silver chain in her gloved hands. With phenomenal speed she wrapped the chains around Victor's neck several times and held them tight. The two vampires who had been flanking Victor where flaking away in the gentle night breeze. A look of horror filled Victor eyes as he realised his fate.

"Sookie" called Eric, "How is this possible? I commanded you to stay upstairs."

"Not sure. You couldn't control me when I was alive either."

Felipe chuckled as Victor struggled against the chains. "My liege, I am your loyal servant. Please do not allow this."

"Silence. You are a threat to my reign and to my kingdom, Victor. Miss Stackhouse here is married by vampire tradition to Sheriff Northman. She is also under my direct protection, having saved me from meeting the true death at the hands of Siebert." Eric never believed Victor had staked Siebert as he had Sophie-Anne. He thought it more likely Victor told Siebert where to find Felipe. Felipe continued. "Despite knowing this you tried to have her killed by her psychotic fairy kin in an effort to destroy Mr Northman. With the Sheriff out of your way, you would have seized control of Louisiana. Your greed for power and wealth knows no bounds. And for that you must pay."

Felipe pulled a stake from his jacket pocket. Eric reached out to take the stake but Felipe shook his head. "For what he has done, this is her right." Felipe took hold of the chains around victors' neck as he struggled against them, hissing the desperate threats of a dead man. Without further consideration Sookie slammed the stake into his chest. It split his heart in two as it exited through his back. Eric couldn't hide his surprise and delight over how events had unfolded.

As Victors remains crumped and folded in upon themselves, Eric lifted his gaze to meet Sookie's. "How is this possible? I commanded you…." He motioned to the other two dead vamps and turned to Felipe. Felipe returned his questioning look.

"You made her, mi amigo." Felipe motioned for Eric to lead the way inside as her offered Sookie is arm as any gentleman does for a lady. "Come inside. We have much to discuss."

Once inside, Sookie's thirst rose. She drank three bottles of True Blood then wiped her bloodied chin with the back of her hand.

"Better?" Eric asked

"Much thanks" she replied.

"Sookie, what happened after I left you in your room?"

Sookie smiled and was about to speak when there was a knock at the door. "Come in," called Sookie.

Pam and Bill entered cautiously. They took in the sight of King Felipe making himself comfortable in a lazy boy as they crossed the entryway to meet Eric and Sookie. Eric embraced Pam. "Are you well?"

"Victor's flunkies were holding us with silver." Pam lifted her long pale hair to reveal a ghastly wound around her neck. When we heard the screams coming from here, Victor's vamps bailed. But I took care of them. Eric smiled at his child older. He had a knack for choosing magnificent women

Pam glanced back out the open door and tilted her head. "Was that who I think it was?"

"Yes, Victor Madden is no more," said Eric, smiling down at Sookie.

Bills eyes widened. "Sookie, surely you didn't..."

Eric placed a hand on her small shoulder. "She did. It was her right after what he did."

Pam cracked a rare smile. "No shit! Go Sookie!"

While Eric spoke to the king in hushed tones, Sookie was suddenly surround but Pam and Bill.

Bill approached first. He grasped her hand in his and brought it to his lips. Breathing in her new scent he kissed her hand gently. "Sookie, I can't express the sorrow I feel for having brought you into our world. If only I could have done something different maybe your path wouldn't have led you here."

"Maybe you right. Or maybe I could be long dead! Assassins bullet, vengeful were, shotgun, crazy fairies...…Heavens, the list goes on! I got myself into plenty of trouble without any help from you, Bill Compton." Pam laughed out loud as she nudged Bill aside. She embraced Sookie, which took her aback as Pam is not a touchy-feely kind of girl.

"It's about time you joined our family. I'm so happy I'm not the baby anymore."

"Baby? What do you mean by that?" Sookie asked.

A mischievous grin played on Pam's lips. "You didn't think I was Eric's only child did you?"

Before Pam had a chance to elaborate Eric called them to come into the sitting room.

Sookie took centre stage as she was invited to explain what happened. "Eric commanded me to stay in my room… and I did, until I heard a car come down the road. I thought if I staked as many vamps as I could Eric could take care of the rest. I grabbed the first sharp thing I could find." From her jeans pocket Sookie pulled a blood soaked ballpoint pen. Pam stifled a laugh. "I tried to get out the window but Eric's command stopped me. I tried to pop and found myself in the backseat of the car with a very surprised Felipe. I was about to kill him when I caught an image from his mind. I saw myself staking Victor while Eric looked on." Sookie looked at the assembled vampire and shrugged. "I guess your command doesn't cover my fairy powers" Eric sighed slightly, but what had he expected. Sookie had been uncontrollable as a human. Why would she be any different dead?

"I'm impressed with what I saw, Sheriff. Your new child is magnificent. Her gift," he said, tapping his forehead, "although changed is still very useful. Her other gift is also intriguing. I wish to use her talents…" He said. Eric felt his anger flare. Would he try to take her from him? "…with your permission, of course. I will pay you both handsomely for her time and skill. And if you both wish to remain living in Louisiana, so be it. Eric, as I find myself without a regent to rule Louisiana I would ask you to assume the position. Your age, strength and connections are very useful. I also know you have no desire to rise higher than Sheriff and his pleases me. What say you?"

"If it pleases you, my King." said Eric, bowing.

"Then it is settled. I will take my leave." He nodded to Eric, Bill and Pam before turning to Sookie with a smile. "I look forward to working with you again Miss Stackhouse."

Sookie smiled. "Please, call me Mrs Northman.