Life's not fair. It's very simple. If it is such in reality then why should fiction be any different? Sookie's life after Dead and Gone. All the characters belong to Charlaine Harris SVM. This is my first attempt at fanfiction so be gentle.

Sookie was trying her hardest to get her life back to normal after the 'incident' with the Faeries. But her life had never been normal to begin with.
A telepathic waitress from Bon Temps, Louisiana with a predilection for vampires, faery's for relatives, a were-panther for a brother, shifters and
witches for friends. Since she had been introduced to this unseen world she had been staked, shot at several times, strangled, tortured, beaten
and betrayed, all because of who she is and the people she cares about. Her life had never been normal and that would never change.

She used her gift but cursed it everyday for the problems it caused her. She wished more than ever that she had been born 100% human with all its banality and wonderful simplicity. She imagined how her childhood would have been so much easier. The boys wouldn't have been afraid to ask her out on a date. She would have had 'girlfriends' and 'sleepovers'. Focusing on what the teachers said instead of what they were thinking. She could have gone to college, meet a wonderful man, got married, bought a big house with a white picket fence and had 2.4 children running in the yard. But that would never happen for Sookie Stackhouse. The life she was living was the life she was meant to live. A life of hardship and pain was how she saw it.

It had been a month since the war between the Fae had ended. Niall had returned to his realm and he had closed the door behind him, so to speak. A few of the Fae remained behind in this world, her cousin Claude included. His sister Claudine hadn't survived the war. Her sacrifice weighed heavy on Sookies' mind. So many had come together to stand beside her, to protect her. And so many had fallen. It was all because of her. Nobody said it but Sookie knew it was true. It was all her fault. Guilt and sadness were her constant companions. She didn't want to live like this anymore but it seemed to her that she didn't have a choice. She had always toyed with the idea of escape. Now seemed like the perfect time to do it. She would daydream of running away to Australia or Israel. Maybe even Outer Mongolia. But she knew he would come looking for her eventually. And anyway, no matter where she went she would still be Sookie Stackhouse: Telepath. In darker moment she considered the idea of ending it all by her own hand but her southern sensibilities wouldn't allow such an inconsiderate act. She didn't have a lot of options. She knew she would just have to carry on with life and all it threw at her.

The rain pounded on the tin roof of her family home. When the rain was this heavy, drips would appear all though her house. She got out a couple of buckets and used a few pots and pans to collect the drips. The drumming of the rain lulled her and she felt at ease for the first time since....she couldn't quite remember. The day was dark but it was only 3o'clock. They would come to visit her after dark so she had a few hours left to do as she pleased. Amelia, her roommate, had moved back to New Orleans two weeks ago. The grief of losing Trey was too much for her and she thought a change of scenery would give her a fresh start. Sookie wished she could pack up and leave it all behind so easily. Sookie had started back at work the same time Amelia left. Her boss, Sam, had been wary of letting her come back so soon after he learnt what had happened but part of him wanted to keep her close to him. He knew Sookie feared being alone in that big house and he wanted more than ever to portect her. She could only manage the lunch shifts though, ten til two. Afterwards she was mentally and physically exhausted. Sam worried incessantly about her health. But today, being Sunday and her day off, she was alone.

She woke around midday to the sound of thunder. She crawled out of bed and wrapped her pink chenille robe around her. She padded in her slippers out to the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. She deactivated her new alarm system so she could go out on the porch. The rain was teeming down and the whole world was wet. Sookie loved the fresh smell of rain. After a few minutes her nerves got the best of her and she retreated indoors. She poured herself a cup of coffee and settled into her Grans wingback chair to enjoy a good book. By 2o'clock she was feed up with what she was reading, and hungry, so she made herself a ham sandwich. She straightened up the house and took a shower. She wouldn't have bothered except she knew Eric and Pam would be coming over after dark. She felt anxious at seeing him again. Of all people, he should be the one she turned too, the one she opens up too but she just couldn't form the words to ask the questions she needed anwsered. "Where were you when I needed you? I called out to you through the bond but I felt nothing". How does one start a conversation about that?

Sookie went back to her room and picked up the local newspaper she had left on her nightstand. She found the puzzle section and tried her hand at a crossword. She was no good at cryptic puzzles but it kept her brain ticking over. She got back into bed and propped herself up against a couple of pillows, a pen in one hand and the paper on her lap. The rain began to fall heavier than before and there was a flash of lightning followed closely by a clap of thunder. She looked out her bedroom window and a cold shiver ran down her spine. She snuggled further down into her warm bed and yawned. With minutes Sookie was asleep again.


I don't think it's much of a first chapter but it is necessary. I have written several chapters already which I plan to upload every few days when my 3yo lets me. Please review as I greatly appreciate constructive criticism.