"You do it" Wyatt said as he pushed Chris in front of Melinda's door.
"No, you do. I did it last time" Chris responded back.
"But I got hurt worse the time before when I did it" Wyatt said as he made a face.
"How about this, we both do it" Chris offered the compromise.
"Fine" Wyatt replied not very happy.
The two brothers opened their baby sister's door. They walked quietly through the purple room and looked at their sleeping sister. Chris looked at his older brother. He knew this was going to be difficult. Wyatt looked at Chris and then motioned towards their sister with his head. Chris just stood there shaking his head back and forth. The brothers stood watching their sister. Mel had the power of telepathy, and while it was great that she was able to use it to tap into her family's powers, when she slept, the telepathic link she shared with her brothers was a freeway for disaster. Mel basically shared her dreams with her brothers, either she was dreaming and they would get the dreams or they would dream and Mel would receive them. Tonight however, Mel was dreaming and it was nothing good. She tossed and turned in her bed; mumbling the words 'stop' and 'no' as her brothers watched the fear on her face grow.
"She looks so scared" Chris said telepathically to his brother.
"Hello, did you not see what she was dreaming about, hell, I was a little freaked" he replied back.
"Alright let's do this. Cover me" Chris replied as he walked towards the bed. "Mel. Mellie wake up" Chris said out loud as he shook Mel's shoulders. "Come on baby sister, wake up!" he said louder and shook more vigorously. All of the sudden Mel shot straight up in bed and sent Chris flying across the room with his own telekinesis.
"Chris" Wyatt yelled as he held his hands out. Chris disappeared in a swirl of orbs and then landed in Wyatt's arms bridal style.
"Thanks" Chris said sarcastically as he saw he was in Wyatt's arms. Wyatt put his younger brother down on the ground and said "No problem. Mellie, you alright?" he asked his sister.
"Um, yea, I think so" she said as the past few moments caught up with her. "Oh my gosh, Chris are you ok?"
"I'll be fine, at least this time I didn't go through the wall" he said optimistically.
"Hey at least you didn't get the combustion power used on you. Maybe it's because we are only half white lighter that it hurts so much" Wyatt said as he remembered the last time Mel had a bad dream.
"What time is it?" Mel asked her brothers.
"About 4 a.m." Wyatt replied with a yawn.
"Uh, guys, I'm sorry. It's just that after last week with the Andras fiasco and school, not to mention dealing with P3 while mom and dad are out of town, I think they are stress dreams. You know manifesting themselves as demons, big hairy drooling toothy demons" Mel said as she cringed.
"It's ok Mel. But it was weird you usually call out to us when this happens. This time nothing" Wyatt pointed out. "What do you think we are looking at on the scale?"
"It was pretty bad, I'm thinking like a 9.2" Mel said as she looked down. She always felt really bad when this happened. Ever since the siblings found out that Mel's telepathy roamed free when she slept, they had a 'dream scale' that they measured how bad the dream was. A 1 was a good dream, a 10 was a night terror.
"Do you think you will be able to get back to sleep?" Chris asked.
"I'm thinking if you guys want to get back to sleep yourselves, you better crawl in" Mel said as she scooted to the middle of her bed. The only way that Mel's nightmares stayed away was when her brothers were next to her. It had been that way ever since she was a little kid. When she had a nightmare she would usually call out in her sleep and her brothers would orb into her room, once she was awake and calmed down her brothers would sleep on either side of her so she would feel safe.
"I think that if we don't find a potion that stops this soon, you're going to need to get a bigger bed" Wyatt said as he got settled in.
"I know, but we can't seem to come up with a potion that won't completely block our link. Until then, we are just going to be stuck with each other. In my bed" Mel said with a look of disappointment on her face.
"So what you're saying is that you're going to be looking for a bigger bed in the near future" Chris said with a chuckle.
"I'm saying that I think I'm going to just have to take out all the furniture in this room and cover the floor with lots and lots of pillows so we all have room" Mel said as she snuggled into the covers.
Within a few minutes all three of the siblings were asleep. It was the oddest sight to see three adults sleeping in a queen sized bed. Especially the two boys sleeping under a purple comforter with a black fleurs-de-lys on it.
By the time morning came, Wyatt was sleeping on his stomach laying half off the bed, Mel was sleeping contently on her side with an arm draped across Wyatt's back, and Chris was curled into a ball with most of the covers bunched around him. The sun streamed through the black curtains and settled on Wyatt's eyes. The young witch squeezed his eyes shut tighter in an effort to ignore the sun. With failed results Wyatt turned over which woke Mel up.
"You just couldn't ignore the sun could you" she said as Wyatt rolled over and faced her.
"What can I say it was bright" he said with a smile.
"Oh well, we had to wake up some time. Do you think if we ask, Chris will make us breakfast?" Mel asked her older brother. From the other side of the bed came a muffled "no" from under the blankets.
"Ah come on Chris, I'll even help" Mel said as she rolled over to face her big brother.
"Yea and I will too" Wyatt added. Upon hearing that Mel turned back to face Wyatt and Chris uncovered his face as they both yelled "NO!"
"Ok, I'll set the table and open the juice?" Wyatt questioned.
"Fine. What do you guys want?" Chris said as he submitted to the request.
"Hash browns and scrabbled eggs" Mel said.
"Ooo yea and some sausage" Wyatt added.
"Alright. Mel will you wash the potatoes and peel them for me" Chris said as he slowly sat up from the bed and yawned.
"Um how about we use frozen this morning. As much as I love your cooking, I'm cool with the easy route today. I'll fry the hash browns and slice some fruit, you make the eggs and cook the sausage" Mel said as she rolled out of bed. The two started walking out of Mel's room before Chris turned back around and pointed at Wyatt. Chris and Mel looked at each other and then mischievous grins appeared on both their faces as they crept back toward the bed that Wyatt sprawled out on. The two walked to the side of the bed and lifted the mattress up at a 45 degree angle and watched as their oldest brother rolled off the bed and onto the floor, covers and all.
"Hey what was that for?" he asked as he stood up.
"To get you out of bed silly. If you think Chris and I are going to make breakfast while you stay and sleep, you are sadly mistaken" Mel said as she and Chris walked out of her room, shortly after followed by Wyatt.