Chapter 12: Mentus Crux

Draco stood in the dark Slytherin common room. It was the middle of the night when the pendant around his neck woke him. He snuck down to the empty room and lit a fire. He trembled with excitement. He delivered Cho's hair to the Dark Lord and heard back that he was pleased with Draco. He couldn't wait for the next plot, knowing that it would bring them one step closer to the Lord Voldemort's reign.

The firewood let out a crack and soon Narcissa's face took form in the flames.

"Draco, my boy," Narcissa said in a hushed voice.

"Hello, mother," Draco replied. "What task does his lordship have for me now?"

"He wants you to be ready. There is going to be an attack the day of the next Hogsmeade trip."

A beaming smile spread across Draco's face.

"Will father be present?"

"Father will be leading it," Narcissa answered. "The Dark Lord needs blood for the next phase of the spell. He needs you to retrieve it."

"How?" Draco asked.

"With this."

There was a sudden rap on the window. Draco walked over and saw a raven hovering outside. He opened it and the bird swooped in. He dropped a parcel for Draco to catch and flew out again. Draco shut the window and made his way back to the fire. He opened the parcel and pulled out an ornate, glass bottle with thick silver snakes winding up the body to the opening. It looked like it would hold a pint of liquid.

"The day of the attack, draw her away and take her blood," Narcissa instructed. "Make sure it ends up in the hands of your father."

Draco stared at the vial in his hand and shook his head.

"Why don't I just draw her away from the group and kill her?" Draco asked in frustration.

"No!" Narcissa barked. Draco dropped his head. "My boy, I have no doubt you could end her with a simple wave of your wand."

Draco looked at his mother's face and gave a small twisted smile.

"But that will not bring the Dark Lord back. We need the bitch alive… for now," Narcissa said. Draco nodded and with that, Narcissa's face faded back into the fire so that there were only dancing flames.

Draco gripped the bottle. He would not fail his father. He would not fail the Dark Lord.


It had been three days since their huge argument. Harry had tried to speak to Cho, but she was avoiding him. She was spending most of her time with Hermione and, more recently, Luna Lovegood. The two had kindled a friendship since Cho rejoined the D.A. That had had another meeting and it had gone well, aside from the fact that they didn't speak. At least the members were more open to Cho.

Harry sat in the common room. He had gone for an early morning fly to try to clear his head and grabbed breakfast before the rest of the house. He was in the middle of commiserating his stupidity when Ron and Hermione walked in from breakfast.

"Ready to go?" Hermione asked. They were going to a Hogsmeade trip. It was a month away from Christmas so people were intent on doing their shopping. Harry stood and made his way over to his friends.

"Has Cho come down?" Harry inquired, trying to sound uninterested, but failing miserably.

"Yes, she was with us at breakfast, but took an early train to Hogsmeade with Luna. She'll meet us there," Hermione explained. Harry nodded.

Ron rolled his eyes.

"When are you two going to make up?" Ron asked.

They headed out of the common room and to down to the Express.

"Ask her. I've been trying to talk to her, but she doesn't want to speak to me," Harry said. Harry looked to Hermione and asked, "Have you spoken to her about it?"

"Of course I have," she replied.

"Well," Harry said expectantly. "What did she say?"

"She's angry, Harry. And she's tired of being hurt by you. You're just going to have to give her space."

Harry nodded.

"I just hope you guys figure out your issues before the Dark Lord decides he wants to play," Ron pointed out.

Harry couldn't agree more.


Luna and Cho walked through the cobblestone streets of Hogsmeade. They air was festive and bright. Students were running around, throwing snowballs at each other. Colorful lights, green and red, hovered in the air. Wreaths, holly, Christmas trees, and mistletoe were abundant.

Luna was explaining her latest encounter with nargles. It made Cho chuckle. Though she would probably never have as colorful imagine as Luna, it was nice to entertain the ideas she presented. The nargle conversation brought her back to the first time she and Harry kissed. Though she was currently angry at the bigheaded git, she couldn't help but blush. She knew he was trying to apologize, but the words he said were still echoing in her head. She even went to approach him a few times, but she then heard him.

'You can't protect yourself. You weren't strong enough then and you're not strong enough, now!'

Cho shook her head, banishing the memory from her brain. Luna who saw noticed that Cho was distracted and stopped her rant about the mistletoe pests.

"He didn't mean it you know."

Cho looked at Luna. She had confided in Luna what Harry had said to her.

"No, I don't," Cho replied. "How am I supposed to fight alongside him when he doesn't think I'm capable of handling myself?"

"Cho, you're his golden egg!"

"Huh?" Cho laughed. "Luna, what does that even mean?"

"There's a fierceness in the way he regards you," she explained. "Like that horntail he fought in the tournament. You're his egg."

Cho smiled at her friend's metaphor. While it was flattering, she didn't know if she really believed it. She shook her head and linked arms with Luna.

"Come on," Cho started. "Let's grab a butterbeer."

The two girls headed to the Three Broomsticks. They entered the cozy pub, welcoming the warmth that began to seep into their chilled bones. They sat down and ordered their butterbeers. The two girls sipped their buttery beverages and chatted for a few minutes.

Luna's gaze shifted to behind Cho. Cho turned around to see Hermione, Ron, and Harry entering the pub. Cho whipped her head around and sunk in her seat. She glared at Luna, warning to keep her mouth shut. Luna caught the look and smirked. She then stood up and waved her hand.

"Hermione! Over here," she called.

Cho's jaw dropped and her eyes narrowed. Luna merely lifted an eyebrow and scooted over. Hermione slid down next to her.

"Hi Luna. Cho," Hermione greeted as she pulled off her mittens and shoved them in her pocket.

"I'll grab us drinks," Ron said as he walked over to the bar. Harry was going to follow after him, but Ron shot him a glare. Talk to her, he mouthed. Harry sighed and turned. He approached the table. Cho turned her head to see Harry standing to her right with his hand stuffed in his pockets.

"Hello, Cho," Harry said.

"Harry," she replied curtly.

"Can I have a seat?" he asked.

Cho said nothing. She just slid over, giving him room enough room to sit next to her. He sat with her in awkward silence. Hermione looked from Cho to Harry and back to Cho before rolling her eyes and turning to chat with Luna.

Harry could feel the annoyance emanating from the girl next to him, but he had to get his feelings off his chest. He turned to her.

"Cho–," he started.

"Where's Ginny?" Cho interrupted.

"How should I know?" Harry asked.

Cho rolled her eyes.

"It's strange that you're so unfazed by losing track of your girlfriend. I don't know how she puts up with that," she chided.

"Whoa, wait," Harry started, "Ginny is not my girlfriend."

Cho didn't look at him.

"Whatever, Harry," Cho said.

"She's not!"

Hermione and Luna stopped their conversation and turned to listen at the argument unfolding in front of them.

"Oh, so I suppose you just kiss all your non-girlfriends then," Cho shot back.

"So is this what this is all about? You being pissed at me for kissing, Ginny," Harry said.

Ron stopped in his tracks as heard that.

"You kissed my sister?"

Harry turned to his flushed friend.

"No, she kissed me."

"No, Harry, it has nothing to do with that and everything to do with the fact that you don't trust me," she blurted out.

"Move," Cho said, wanting to get out of the booth. Harry didn't budge. "I said move!"

"I do trust you, Cho. I just don't trust myself," Harry confessed.

Cho felt the world stop turning for a few seconds. She looked into Harry's eyes and saw that it was the truth. Cho shook her head.

"You really are such a git," she said, softly.

"I know," Harry replied.


Everyone in the Three Broomsticks jumped. Glasses rattled and some shattered as they fell to the floor. A second explosion sounded a few seconds later followed by screams.

"Death Eaters," Ron muttered as he dropped the drinks he was carry and reached for his wand. Harry looked to his friends. They each whipped out their wands and followed him out of the pub. They had to push through a sea of panicked to get to the street where they saw two buildings on fire and people running to escape the attack. Harry threw his wand in the air, releasing a symbol into the sky. A glowing phoenix emblem took form and then burst, signaling the D.A. to assemble.

Harry and his company ran toward the source of the chaos. Members of the D.A. all fell in line till everyone was accounted for. The group stopped when they caught sight of the enemy. Twelve Death Eaters, dressed in black robes and their silver masks, terrorized villagers.

"Stupefy!" Harry yelled, throwing the curse at a Death Eater who had just placed a cutting hex at a witch. He was thrown back and the which, though not unscathed, managed to stumble away. The Death Eaters looked at the teenage army.

"Three point!" Harry yelled out. Everyone broke off into their respective teams, with Harry, Hermione, and Ron each leading a group. The D.A. positioned themselves offensively around the masked wizards. For the first tense moment, the D.A. circled the enemy. A Death Eater was first to break the stillness with hex and then all hell broke lose. Spells and charms volleyed back and forth between the two armies.

A Death Eater hollered after Harry landed a reducto spell on him. Seamus let out a grunt as he took the force of a stupefy, throwing him backward. The company reacted quickly, filling his spot next Ron and also stepping between him and the Death Eaters to give him time to recuperate and rejoin the group or move far from harm's way.

Hermione screamed as masked Death Eater she knew to be Bellatrix Lestrange aimed her wand and screamed, "Crucio!"

She fell to her knees in pain, leaving the team vulnerable. Another Death Eater sought to take advantage and threw a reducto curse at them. Pavarti acted fast, lifting her wand and yelling, "Protego!"

The spell deflected.

Neville then aimed his wand and yelled, "Stupefy!"

Bellatrix's hold on Hermione broke and she stumbled back. Neville moved to take charge of the group, who pushed forward to protect Hermione who was trying to recover from the aftershocks of pain.

Cho pushed herself to keep up with her team. Harry had shield up, protecting the team from an onslaught of curses. The D.A. members tried to take out the offenders. Harry was concentrated on the force field in front of them, that he didn't notice someone sneak along the tree line to position himself behind.

From behind the shield's protection, Cho heard someone yell, "Stupefy!"

Cho looked to her left and saw the spell heading for Harry's left side. She extended her want and yelled, "Protego Duo!"

The curse deflected with a pop right next to Harry's torso. A shocked Harry looked to his right to see Cho with her arm outstretched.

"Thanks," he breathed out.

"You're welcome," she replied. "Stupefy!"

Cho then caught someone moving just beyond the tree line where the shot originated. Her eyes darkened as she made out the figure. Malfoy stood off in the distance, staring directly at Cho, daring her to make a move. Rage boiled up in her at the sight of him and without a second thought, she took off in his direction. Draco smiled and took off, giving her chase.

"Cho!" Harry called out. She ignored him as she made sprinted into the forest. He was still holding the protego charm and couldn't abandon his troop. "Damn it!"

Harry turned back to the battle. The sooner they shut down the Death Eaters, the quicker he could go after Cho.


Cho sprinted as quickly as she could through the snow, weaving in and out of the trees. She followed the footprints in the snow and sound of shuffling. She eventually came to a clearing. She stopped when the footprints suddenly disappeared and the woods fell silent. Cho tried to catch her breath. Her heart pounded in her chest as she turned a circle, scanning the forest of any sign of Malfoy.

"Come out, Malfoy, you coward!" she yelled. "Come out!"

Her voice echoes and then fell to silence. Suddenly she heard the scuttle of snow and spun around to see a masked Death Eater running toward her. He yelled out, "Stupefy!"


The charm went up a millisecond too late. The curse was blocked, but Cho stumbled back hard from the force. She pushed herself to her feet and squared off with her opponent.

They circled each other slowly, watching each other's every movement.

"Is that you, Malfoy? Hiding behind that mask?"


"Protego Duo!" Cho yelled. The hex deflected and caught him at his shoulder, throwing him back a few feet, he rolled out of it and immediately through out a blinding charm.

The light flashed, causing Cho to see white. Cho blinked frantically to recover her sight, but was bowled over by her opponent, dropping her wand. As the spots cleared, Cho saw a fist fly toward her face. It connected with the side of her head with a crack causing Cho's head to snap and explode with pain. It was followed by the dreaded feeling of bone chilling cold and pain that came over her when faced with Malfoy. Cho took breaths and fought it. She concentrated on her scar and tried to center herself in its symbol, the phoenix. The cold was leaving her body and she was starting to regain her bearings when the Death Eater yelled out, "Sectumsempra!"

She then felt a searing pain explode from her abdomen. She looked up see the Death Eater with his wand poised and then down to her stomach. Her grey jacket was ripped and was starting to bloom with blood.

Cho moaned in pain as her opponent reached into his robes. He pulled out a glass bottle and opened the top. She looked around for her wand and saw it a few feet to her right. She attempted to grab for it.

"Accio sanguis," he hissed. Cho stopped her movement, paralyzed in pain as she watched a stream of her blood flow from her abdomen to the bottle. She began to feel dizzy as she lost more blood. The bottle filled and the Death Eater capped the bottle and put it in his robe. He walked to Cho and stood above her. Through her hazy vision, she saw him standing above her. He took a knee next to her, gripped her wound in his hand, and squeezed. Cho moaned and her eyes rolled back into her head. Blood seemed to gush in between his fingers.

"Stop!" a voice came in the distance. She felt the grip release. Cho suddenly experienced a flash in her mind. From another being's point of view, she saw Dumbledore's office. She saw another flash, and was looking down at her clawed feet and red-feathered belly. When she came out of the flash, she felt herself moving towards unconsciousness, when suddenly she heard the most beautiful sound pierce the darkness. It warmed her skin and rejuvenated her bones. Cho opened her eyes and found herself looking up at the gray sky. She peered at a pair of Death Eaters a few yards away. She watched as the one with blood stained hands handed the bottle of her blood to the other. They spoke to each other in hushed tones that Cho could not make out.

"Why can't we kill her now?" Draco asked.

"The Dark Lord needs her alive. The spell isn't complete."

"Then let's take her and hold her! We can make her suffer."

The other Death Eater shook his head. "The Dark Lord is still too weak. And we need her inside the school, close to Dumbledore and Potter."

"I don't understand–"

"You will son. Soon, it will all make sense," he said. H then extended his wand in the air and cried, "Morsmordre!"

The dark mark floated in the sky and she shuddered. She heard a crack as one of the Death Eaters disapparated, leaving the other to stare up at the mark. Moving quickly, Cho crawled the few feet to her wand. She grabbed it and from her place on the ground she extended her wand and yelled, "Stupefy!"

He didn't see it coming as he was tossed backwards, yards into the wood out of her sight. Cho pushed herself to her feet. She clutched her stomach with one hand. The other was poised in front of her, shaking, but ready to strike. She arrived at the place where he landed, but he was nowhere in sight. She then heard a noise. She turned to see him running away in the distance.

"Bombarda!" Cho cried out. The hex hit her foe on the left arm, but he was too far away for it to have its intended effect. He continued to run till he was out of sight. Cho cursed, knowing she wouldn't be able to catch him. Cho scanned the woods around her. It was quiet once again. Cho heard a crack in the distance. Looking up at the sky, she saw the D.A. symbol of a red phoenix. She knew the fight was over. Cho finally let her guard down. She fell to her knees in pain and exhaustion. After several moments of lying in the snow catching her breath, she pushed herself to her feet and headed back to town. It was a slow progress, but pressed on. She wasn't yet out of the woods when she heard the sound of feet approaching. Cho whipped out her want, ready for another fight.

What she heard next was music to her ears.

"Cho!" Harry called out.

"Cho!" Hermione chimed in after. She dropped her wand hand to her side and let out a cry of relief. She let her tired legs pull her to her knees.

"I'm here," she called out.

She heard the sound of running and broke out into a smile when her friends came into view. They spotted her and immediately rushed over. Harry made it over to her and went to his knees. He immediately pulled her into a fierce hug. Cho wrapped her arms around him as well. She felt his heart pounding against her own chest. When they parted, his eyes frantically surveyed her body and shook with anger when he saw her stomach.

Hermione saw how pale she was.

"She's lost quite a bit of blood," Hermione said.

Cho shook her head, "I'm fine."

"Yeah, and I'm a Slytherin," Hermione said, rolling her eyes. She pulled out her wand and said, "Rennervate."

Cho felt a burst of strength in her body and a bit of color came back to her cheeks.

"Thanks," Cho said.

"Come on," Harry said gruffly.

"Harry," Cho started.

"Not now, Cho," he said. "Let's just get you back."

Harry stood. He and Hermione helped her stand. Harry wrapped his arm around her waist and they made their way back to town.

"How's the rest of the D.A.?" Cho asked fearfully. "Did we lose anyone?"

"No. There were some critical injuries. Daniel Smith was sent to St. Mungo's and will most likely go home for the rest of the semester. Others will be in the hospital wing for a while, but we all made it through," Hermione replied as she led them through the forest.

Cho nodded. They finally came upon the town, which was in partial ruin. The fires had been put out, but smoke still rose from the rooftops. They made their way to the last group of D.A. members, those who were the least injured.

"The portkey will take us to grounds outside of Hogwarts. We'll then take the carriages back," Hermione said. "Everyone grab hold."

When they all gripped the wooden wheel port key, they were pulled into it's magic. After several seconds, they all landed at the start of a dirt road leading to Hogwarts. When they touched down on the new ground, Harry felt himself being pulled down. She got a better grip on Cho and hoisted her up. When he looked over at her, he noticed she had passed out.

"Shit," he muttered. "Is everyone else alright?

Though they were tired and bruised, everyone else was still on their feet.

"You should go ahead with Cho," Hermione stated. Harry nodded as he hoisted the girl into his arms. He made his way to cart rigged up to a thestral. He was about to place Cho on the cart, but stopped when felt a gust of wind and heard the landing of a beast. He turned around to see Buckbeak, the proud hippogriff.

"Oh thank god," Harry said. With Cho in his arms, Harry managed to bow while staring unblinkingly at the creature. Buckbeak bowed straight away and stood ready to be ridden as though he already knew the gravity of the situation. Harry ran over and Buckbeak kneeled to let him place the limp Cho on his back. Harry quickly mounted and grabbed a strong hold of Cho and the bird's feathers.

"Let's go, boy. Quickly," Harry whispered. Buckbeak bend his legs and sprung to action, getting lift off the ground. He flew with urgency back to the castle. Harry prayed that it would be quick enough for Cho.


After a night in the hospital wing and a day spent re-growing her wounded flesh, Cho was finally able to leave the hospital wing. Cho said a farewell to Ron, who was to spend one more evening re-growing his leg bone, and walked out into the hallway. When she rounded the corner, she spotted Harry making his way down the hall. They stopped when they saw each other and exchanged looks of relief. They continued down the hall and when they met, Cho pulled Harry into an embrace. He was at first taken by surprise, but soon wrapped his own arms around her. They broke apart and continued their walk down the hallway.

"I was going to meet you when Dumbledore said you were to be released," Harry explained.

"I was anxious to get out of there. I'm not one for hospitals, even if it is just a school wing," Cho replied.

"We're to head to Dumbledore to recount yesterday's battle," Harry said. Cho nodded.

They walked in silence to Dumbledore's passage.

"Fizzing whizbees," Harry said. The door opened and they walked int. They ascended in silence till Harry could no longer take it.

"Cho, what were you thinking yesterday?" Harry asked. Though Cho knew Harry was angry, he didn't show signs of wanting an argument.

"It was Malfoy in the woods who attacked you," Cho explained, stunning Harry with the new knowledge. "I only caught a quick glimpse, but I'm sure it was him. I had to go after him, Harry. Up till now, he's just been the self-entitled, psycho whose father is a Death Eater. But him being there, proves he's the enemy in our midst."

Harry sighed. He was angry that Cho took off by herself, but he probably would have done the same thing in her position.

"What happened in the woods, Cho?" Harry asked as they came to the top of the landing.

"Yes, Miss Chang, please elaborate," Dumbledore chimed in. Harry and Cho looked up to see the headmaster in the center of his office waiting for them.


Harry and Cho told Dumbledore about the explosions and how the D.A. assembled. Harry recounted the details of the fight. After Cho left, the students fought for several more minutes before the Order, including Dumbledore, arrived. With their help, they managed to get the upper hand. One of the Death Eaters was killed, a pure blood by the name of Charles Reddick, and three other Death Eaters disapparated away from battle. Their battle was interrupted by the Dark Mark, which appeared in the sky. As soon as it took form, the rest of the Death Eaters left. Harry explained to Cho that the Order members stayed to create port keys and accompany critically injured students back to Hogwarts and then left.

Dumbledore and Harry then turned to Cho for her story.

"I saw a hex flying at Harry from the forest. If I hadn't blocked it, it would have broken his charm that was protecting our unit. Then I saw Malfoy and chased him into the forest. I followed his tracks till they suddenly disappeared. Then he came out of nowhere dressed like a Death Eater. We dueled and he caught me off guard, blinding. He knocked me down and I felt frozen. I couldn't move. I tried. He hit me what a sectumsempra curse."

Cho touched her stomach where the wound had been and shuddered.

"What happened next, my dear?" Dumbledore coaxed.

"I think he took out a bottle. He took my blood professor. He filled it with my blood," Cho said. "I was going to pass out, but I had these visions. I… I think I was Fawkes. And I sang or maybe he sang. I don't know, but it woke me up. When I came to, there was another Death Eater. He took the bottle and sent up the Dark Mark before disapparating. I was able to grab my wand and hit Malfoy with a hex, but I couldn't catch him."

"Did you see Mr. Malfoy throw the hex at Harry or see his face or hear his voice during the time you were dueling?" Dumbledore asked.

Cho shook her head.

"Hm," Dumbledore hummed while stroking his beard.

"What, Professor?" Harry asked.

"I'm afraid it's something you're not going to like hearing. Though I do believe in your certainty, Miss Chang, there is not enough hard evidence to expel or charge him."

"But Professor," Harry protested.

Dumbledore held his hand up, silencing Harry. Harry could see the weariness in the headmaster's face. He did not argue.

"And what if he attacks her again?"

"Then you are authorized to defend yourself, but I'm afraid that that's the extent of it."

Harry huffed in anger and frustration.

"Remember, Harry, there is value to having your enemies close and in plain sight. When the time, he will be the first questioned and sentenced," Dumbledore said. Harry glared at the older man before giving him a curt nod, ending the discussion.

"Professor Dumbledore, why would they take my blood?" Cho asked.

Dumbledore looked grave. He reached up and stroked his beard, deep in thought, before saying, "Cho, has Malfoy taken anything else from you aside from your blood?"

Cho first looked at Harry who was waiting a response before turning back to the Professor.

"Yes," she said. "A lock of my hair."

Harry shook his head in disbelief.

"Your hair, your blood, the dark visions you've been experiencing…" Dumbledore shook his head. "It would seem the Dark Lord, in his weakened state, is attempting to Mentus Crux spell… and he's got his final ingredient."

Cho gulped and turned pale. She reached for a chair to steady her and moved to sit.

"Can someone fill me in? What's a Mentus Crux?" Harry asked.

"Voldemort is too week to access Cho's mind through legimency. The spell is more powerful. It gives the caster unlimited access to the mind of the victim. Similar to legimency, the spell's side effects are much more… cruel, as Miss Chang has been experiencing," Dumbledore said. "It can be dangerous in combination with other spells… for the victim and the people around her."

"How do you mean?"

Cho opened her mouth to speak, "He could get me to do things or believe things unquestionably without ever having to raise a wand to me."

"Like an Imperius curse?" Harry asked. Cho nodded. "Help us, Professor. What do we do?"

"Cho will start studying legimency tonight," Dumbledore replied.

"With Snape?" Harry asked.

"No, with me," answered Dumbledore.

Cho nodded resolutely.

"Isn't there some sort of counter-spell?" Harry asked.

"No," Cho replied. "It's an absolute spell."

"My dear, no spell is truly absolute," Dumbledore said. "No, we cannot conjure our own defense, but a powerful spell like the Mentus Crux cannot be contained in a human mind. It must reside in an outside vessel and accessed by the caster. Destroy the vessel and the curse is broken."

"Well, let's find it, then!" Harry exclaimed.

"Harry, now who's the one wanting to take off into the woods?" Cho challenged. "Aside from the fact that we don't even know where Voldemort is, we're not going to risk waltzing into his lair blind. Especially with the current state of the D.A.," Cho replied.

"Why not?"

Cho sighed. She stood and walked to him. Her closeness managed to calm him a bit.

"Because we don't even know where he is and we can't drive ourselves mad in search of a needle in a haystack. We aren't prepared for it either and I'm not willing to risk the safety and lives of others," Cho replied.

"Even if they're willing?" Harry shot back.

Cho nodded.

"I don't like this," Harry said, glaring at Dumbledore.

"Neither do I, Harry, but it's our best option for the time being," Dumbledore replied. "With the reemergence of the Death Eaters, the Order has established a stronger search for the location of the Dark Lord. Harry, you cannot go looking for him."

"Fine," Harry replied.

"I believe it would also be best that a member of the Order stands guard at your door every evening," Dumbledore said. "Tonks will organize the rotation–"

"I want to be added to the rotation," Harry said immediately.

Dumbledore saw that Harry was not going to back down.

"As you wish."

"Are we done?" Harry asked curtly.

Dumbledore nodded. "For now."

Harry nodded a good bye to him and headed for the door.

"I'll see you after dinner, Professor," Cho replied before walking to the door after Harry.


Cho walked out into the hallway and saw Harry walking stiffly down the hall. Cho hurried to catch up.

"Harry," she called out. He didn't stop. "Harry, wait."

Cho reached grabbed his shoulder and pulled him around to face her. His face was tense, holding in his anger.

"Talk to me," Cho said.

Harry clenched and unclenched his fists as the anger built in him. He looked down at Cho's face. She was innocent and undeserving of all the pain inflicted upon her. Harry took two steps to the wall and howled in rage, sending his fist flying into the brick. The pain radiated through his hand and arm, but it felt like release. Cho gasped. Harry looked down at his bloody knuckles before turning back to Cho.

"I'm going to kill, Malfoy," Harry said. Cho walked up to him and took his fist in her hand. She placed her other hand over it. When Harry tried to pull away, she held on tight.

"No, you won't," Cho replied. "We're going to keep our eyes on him. We're going to follow his every move. He's going to slip up and reveal something that could help us. And when we win this war, you'll be the one to drag his hide to Azkaban."

Harry didn't say a word, but Cho knew that he was listening. He stepped closer to her so that they're faces were only inches apart.

"I'm sorry, Cho," Harry said.

Cho nodded. "I know, Harry. I'm sorry, too."

"I don't mean to get so cross. It's just the thought of anything happening… I don't know what I would do if anything were to happen to you," Harry confessed.

Cho let out a soft laugh.

"I'm sure you'd get by," she joked.

"I'm certain that I wouldn't," Harry answered. Cho breath caught in her throat. Like two magnets of opposite charge, Harry and Cho drew closer together till they met in a kiss. Harry brought his hands to cup Cho's face. After several heated moments, their lips parted. They stayed close, their foreheads pressed together.

"So you're really not with Ginny?" Cho whispered.

Harry chuckled.

"No. Never was."

"Good," Cho replied. Harry and Cho turned to walk down the hall, though this time much closer.


A heavy bead of sweat dripped from Cho's brow. She was doing her best to clear her mind's eye and visual herself building a mental wall. The effort was tiresome though, like the feeling of carrying a cinderblock uphill. She didn't know how much longer she could go with dropping it. Sudden her wall broke and a memory broke through. Laughter echoes through her brain and a vision of her family Christmas broke through. Cho tried to gather her bearings and pick up the wall. Her strength flickered, the vision playing out like a strobe light till finally, she broke.

She fell to her knees, as the vision flooded into her mind of her last Christmas at home. She saw the house lit up and decked out in garlands and wreathes. Her family members were each smiling as they opened up presents. Shendi opened up a box to reveal her pet toad. She squealed with glee and leapt into Cho's arms.

"Augh!" Cho yelled out as she felt the force leave her mind. When Cho opened her eyes, she found herself on all fours, heaving to catch her breath. Drops of her sweat fell to the stone floor. She looked up at Dumbledore who stood before her with a warm gaze.

Cho lowered her forehead to the cold stone, letting it cool her. She closed her eyes and tried to compose herself. After a few moments, she pushed herself to her feet.

"You're doing well, Cho," Dumbledore.

"You got through," Cho stated in defeat.

"In your first lesson, you've already learned the method to building you the wall to protect your mind. Your mental strength is stronger than you think," Dumbledore replied.

Cho nodded. She had been in Dumbledore's office for over an hour. After dinner with her friends, Harry walked her to her first legimency lesson with the headmaster. They started with simple breathing exercises and meditations and then moved on to the basics of forming a mental block.

"I think we should call it a night," Dumbledore said. "Before you go to bed tonight, practice your meditations and build the wall. Don't think of anything else. Let the wall be last thing you think about before you fall asleep. This is important in the beginning. It must be very conscious effort."

Cho nodded. She was about to leave when suddenly Fawkes swooped into the room through the open skylight. She then turned to Dumbledore and asked, "Professor, why did I have visions that I was Fawkes's body?"

Dumbledore smiled as the phoenix landed on the arm of a chair next to Cho. She extended her hand and Fawkes leaned his face against it.

"Fawkes is an ancient creature. His origins are shrouded in mystery. Some say the phoenix was born from the sun. Others say it comes from old magic from the Far East. He has always served the side of good, protecting the same ancient bloodlines. He came to Hogwarts under the care of one of our founders, Rowena Ravenclaw. It's said that she dreamt in the eyes of the phoenix."

Cho digested Dumbledore's story.

"The phoenix," Cho muttered. She reached back and touched her finger to her scar. "My scar is in the shape of a phoenix. Professor, I don't understand what this all means."

"It's for you to discover, my dear," Dumbledore replied. Cho wasn't satisfied with his answer, but she knew not to argue with the old wizard. Cho nodded. She gave Fawkes a last stroke.

"Good night, my friend," Cho whispered to the bird. Fawkes let out a calming hoot that warmed Cho's body. "Good night, Professor."

Cho made for the stairs and descended the stairs.

When Cho made it out to the hallway, she was momentarily surprised to see Tonks waiting for her. This evening she sported in a lilac bob.

"Hiya there, Cho," Tonks greeted.

"Hello, Tonks. I assume you're here to take me back to the dorm," Cho said.

Tonks nodded and added, "And to stand guard tonight."

"Ah yes," Cho said as they made their way back to the dorm. They walked back making chat about classes and about their next Defense session. When they reached the door to Cho's room, she saw a chair placed next to it where Tonks would be seated for the evening.

"Thank you," Cho said a bit sheepishly. "I really appreciate it."

"Of course. You're now under the protection of the Order. We've cast a spell on your room to detect if you are in danger."

"Can it tell the difference between a nightmare and a vision from the Mentus Crux?"

Tonks nodded.

"Okay," Cho replied. "Good night, Tonks."

"Good night, Cho."

Cho walked into her room and closed the door. She changed into her sleeping clothes and climbed into bed. She let out a loud sigh as she relaxed her muscles and sank into her bed. It suddenly hit her how exhausted she was. The last few days were a whirlwind from which she was yet to rest. She tried not to let on to Harry how terrified she was. It was one thing knowing the man who killed her parents was still out there, but knowing he was on the offensive was a whole new level of fear. Cho shook her head, trying to rid herself of the loud thoughts. She had to calm herself and clear her mind, just like Dumbledore said. She breathed in and out till her mind was a vast emptiness. She then began to raise the wall around her mind. Soon, she was fast asleep.


Cho was in the air. The night sky was night and starlit above her. Below her, she saw the tops of trees. She was flying, but she wasn't on a broom. Cho craned her neck left and right to see the flapping of great starburst wings. It dawned her that she was once again in the body of Fawkes. She wasn't the one in the driving seat though.

Fawkes flew for what felt like miles till Cho finally caught a glimpse of something. In the distance, in the middle of the forest, Cho saw what she thought was a cottage. It was too small to make out, but she saw smoke looming from the chimney. Before Fawkes could fly nearer, Cho felt a sudden burst of pain. She blinked and the next moment, she wasn't in Fawkes body. She was careening towards the ground. She flailed about in panic, but there was nothing she could do to stop herself. She saw the forest floor rushing towards her. She closed her and braces herself for the pain of impact.

Cho startled awake. With erratic breath, Cho clutched at her surroundings to get her bearings. Her scar was tingling. She gripped her sheets and was brought back to the reality that she was in bed and that she had just woken from a dream. The feeling in her scar subsided. Cho pushed the hair from her sweaty face and took several breaths to calm herself. Once calm and cognizant, Cho sat up. Daylight was just beginning to pour through her window. Cho was already wide-awake so she decided to take an early fly to clear her mind.


Harry walked out into the crisp morning air. The grass was bright green and fresh with dew. He had woken up and met Hermione in the common room and said Cho left her a note that she had gone flying. Harry went to go meet her and see if Cho wanted to head down to breakfast with him.

When he reached the practice field, he was surprised to see Bill Weasley standing in his black robe, staring up at the sky.

"Bill!" Harry called. Bill turned to see Harry and smiled. Harry jogged over and met the older Weasley in a brotherly hug.

"Hello, Harry," Bill greeted.

"What are you doing here?" Harry inquired. Suddenly Cho zipped above both men, narrowly missing their heads by a couple of feet. Harry shook his head and grinned as his eyes followed Cho's chase.

"I'm on rotation," Bill answered. Harry nodded. "Cho wasn't too pleased to find me at her door this morning and was even less pleased that I followed her to the pitch."

Harry chuckled. "I can imagine. I can take it from here, Bill."

Bill nodded before turning back to the castle. Harry watched Cho fly for a few more minutes. Cho dove straight down to the ground in pursuit of the snitch. She caught it but proceeded to hurtle downward. Harry's eyes widened and he ran onto the pitch. He was about to call out when Cho pulled up, turning away from the ground. Harry let out a breath when he saw Cho circle and touchdown. She made her way over.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Harry asked playfully. Cho smirked.

"Oh, please, that was nothing compared to the thing's you've seen in your lifetime."

"Bill is here. I wonder if Ron and Ginny know," Harry commented.

Cho rolled her eyes. "He insisted on guarding me out on the pitch."

Harry was about to open his mouth and defend Bill when Cho cut him off. "I know it's for my safety and that he's doing his job. And I appreciate it even if I don't show it. It's just annoying to feel watched."

Harry nodded, understanding what she meant. The two proceeded to the castle for breakfast.

"How was legimency with Dumbledore last night?"

"Difficult, but he says I'm doing well. Apparently I have an aptitude for mental ability. Who would have thought given the mental insanity I've gone through the last year?" Cho joked.

"Maybe that's why you're mentally strong," Harry suggested. "Think about it. You've gone through so much, nearly losing yourself to your mind, but managed to come back from it. Stronger, I might add."

Cho thought about it and nodded. "I suppose that makes sense. It's not only that though."

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"I'll tell you at breakfast. I want to get Hermione's input as well," Cho said and the two continued to the Great Hall.


When the two arrived in the Great Hall, they were greeted by Hermione, Ron, and Ginny who were in the middle of breakfast. Ron and Ginny along with the rest of the injured students had just gotten out of the hospital wing. Ron had broken his leg and had to spend an extra day growing back his bone. Ginny had been thrown by a hurling hex and was knocked out with a bad concussion. Up until the previous night she was seeing double. Harry asked them if they had seen their brother Bill. Ron said he had surprised them in the hospital wing that morning.

Harry and Cho sat and served themselves breakfast. Harry sat between Cho and Ginny. It was awkward only for a few minutes. The tension disappeared as soon as Cho began to tell them about her dream. She told them about how it was almost like she was a visitor in Fawkes's body and how she saw a cottage in the middle of the woods somewhere. The told them about the pain in her scar and how she woke up in bed.

"The dream didn't set off the protection spell. So it must not have been from the Mentus Crux," Cho said. She had filled in Hermione the other evening who undoubtedly filled in the Weasley's because no one batted an eyelash. "Dumbledore also told me more about Fawkes yesterday. He was brought to Hogwarts by Rowena Ravenclaw who supposedly could 'dream in the eye of the phoenix.'"

"Could it have something to do with our connection to Voldemort? I mean Harry can talk to snakes. Can Cho communicate with a phoenix?" Ronald asked.

"It could, but that doesn't explain the connection to Rowena Ravenclaw," Hermione muttered, deep in thought. "I think I read something about Rowena in 'Hogwarts: A History.' I'm going to head to the library to do more research on this."

Having finished up breakfast, Hermione stood and collected her things.

"We'll meet you there after breakfast," Harry said. Hermione nodded and left.

"Ginny and I have got to go. We're going to spend the afternoon with Bill," Ron said. Harry nodded and the two stood up to leave.

"I'm glad you two are alright," Harry said.

"You two as well," Ginny replied, offering a small smile to Cho, making it clear that she didn't want there to be any hard feelings. Cho nodded and the Weasley's left.


Harry sat with Hermione in a corner of the library. Hermione a huge book open in front of her and she was scanning the pages. Cho was looking for more history books in a nearby aisle. Harry stood and made his way to find Cho. After exploring the aisles, he found her on a ladder, pulling a book off the shelf. She turned her head when she saw him and smiled. Harry approached as she made her way down.

"Did you find something?" Harry asked, indicating to the two books in her arms.

Cho nodded. "I've got 'A History of Magical Creatures' and 'Creatures of the Far East.' Going to see if I can learn more about the phoenix."

Harry nodded. Harry reaches out and ran his arms up and down her biceps. Cho walked into him, letting him wrap his arms around her. They stood like that in the quiet of the library.

"The last of the D.A. is out of the hospital wing. We should call another meeting," Cho suggested. Harry leaned back to speak to her.

"Good idea. I'll have Hermione put it on the coin," Harry said.

Harry looked at Cho affectionately. Cho put on a good face, but he could tell that she was overwhelmed.

"How are you doing?" Harry asked.

"As well as can be expected considering I have an evil wizard trying to crack my brain open and take over the world. You?"

"Same," Harry replied. He appreciated she was trying to have a sense of humor. Harry leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. Cho closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh.

"Guys," Hermione called from the table. Harry and Cho walked back to see Hermione scanning the lines of a page. "Rowena Ravenclaw inherited the phoenix when it came to her one day. The valiant creature, who served Ravenclaw's ancestors since before recorded history, was her magical familiar and she, his keeper. Upon her death, she entrusted the bird to the succession of Hogwarts headmasters till the next keeper arises."

"Could Cho be the next keeper?" Harry asked in amazement.

"According to this, if she was the next keeper it would also mean that she's related to Rowena Ravenclaw," Hermione replied. They both looked at the stunned Cho.

"This is madness," Cho said, taking a seat at the table. "I can't be."

"I think if there's anything that we've learned during our time at Hogwarts, it's that really anything is possible," Hermione replied.


After spending hours trying to find out more about their school's founders, the group came up with nothing. Cho and Hermione decided to each take on book on phoenixes to read and report on. They met with the rest of their Gryffindor friends for dinner. All the students were gathered to eat when Professor Dumbledore stood at the front of the Great Hall. The students hushed as he began to speak.

"I would like to take this time to express my gratefulness to the D.A. who fought the Death Eaters in Hogsmeade so bravely earlier this week. Thankfully, our students were for the most part uninjured."

The school burst into applause and whistles.

"Students, we should be thankful for the year of peace we have enjoyed up until this point. I wish for all of you to have peace of mind, but also feel it would be unfair to you not to know the whole truth. Lord Voldemort is once again making a play for power. The skirmish at Hogsmeade might be the first of many. I caution you to take care and to be brave in the face of adversity. To my younger students, study hard and become masters of all you are learning. And to my older students, who have experienced the backlash of Voldemort's terror firsthand, set an example to the younger ones."

With that Dumbledore turned and walked out of the Great Hall. The food appeared on the table leaving the students to chatter about what Dumbledore had just said. Cho looked around to see the varied expressions, especially the younger students many of whom looked frightened. She then cast her gaze across the hall to the Slytherin table to find Malfoy staring straight at her with a twisted smirk. Cho felt her scar tingle, but this time it did not hurt. It empowered her. She turned away from him and back to her friends who were discussing the D.A. meeting scheduled for that evening.