A/N: I wrote OT9. I mean, I sort of wrote OT9. I didn't know how to include the whole team, and this seemed fun. Plus I got to write Atobe, and I love writing Atobe.
Disclaimer: Konomi-sensei's.
Drabble the fifty-second: Inui/Tezuka/Oishi/Kawamura/Momo/Eiji/Fuji/Kaidoh/Ryoma
"Tezuka, Echizen. This is a surprise." Atobe motioned for them to sit in the chairs in front of his desk. "What brings you to my office today?"
Tezuka glanced at Echizen, who shook his head, and sighed. "We are in a rather... awkward situation, Atobe."
Atobe raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Do tell."
"We found out recently that Echizen is expecting."
"Oh, how wonderful! I expect you want Ore-sama to throw you a fabulous baby shower, then?"
"No," Ryoma deadpanned, "and if you do, don't expect me to show up."
"How rude, Echizen-"
"Atobe," Tezuka interrupted, "the thing is-Echizen is not entirely sure who the father is. And in this particular case, the cost of paternity tests will be... extraordinary. We would pay you back in full over time, but we simply don't have the money to pay for them all at once."
Atobe sighed. "Ore-sama would be glad to help, but honestly, Tezuka, you only ever come to see me to ask for money."
"I've never asked you for money before," Tezuka protested.
"Well, you've never visited me before either. How many tests do you need done?"
"Eight," Ryoma said.
Atobe blinked, then smirked as comprehension dawned. "Well," he said to himself, "let it never again be said that Seigaku is less adventurous than Hyotei..."
A/N: The end! That's the last of the drabbles. Keep an eye out for The Parenting Drabbles next Wednesday, and thanks to everyone who has reviewed over the last year!