Hey everyone, this is my first Zoids fic.  I love the show so much; I just had to write a fic about it.  Just to tell you guys, the beginning isn't what it seems.  I just didn't want to chase anyone away from reading my fic.

I've told a lot of you that I wanted to write one, so here it is.  Hope you enjoy. ^.^


It was warm in the desert.  The sun beat down hard.  A car drove over the sands.  The driver was a blonde hair man with sea green eyes.  He stopped the car and got out for a second.  He took a drink of water from a bottle he had with him.  He walked away from the vehicle and looked out over the dunes.  As he looked out, something caught his eye.  Something shimmered in the distance.  His eyes went wide and his expression displayed fear.  He turned and started running back to the car.  He was almost there when a shot rang out.  Try as he might, the bullet hit him in his back and went right through him.  He fell to the ground, clutching his chest in pain.  He tried to stand up, but instead rolled over on his back.  He kept his hand where it was.  His breathing became hard.  He closed his eyes and turned his head to the side.  His breathing soon stopped, and he just lied there.


Leena sat up quickly, sweat running down her face.  She was breathing hard.  She got up from her bed and walked out of her room.  She went down the hallway carefully, and stopped at one room and opened the door, making sure not to make a sound. She peered inside to see Bit sound asleep.  A smile spread across her face.  She closed the door behind her and headed back to her room.  She lied down on her bed and closed her eyes.  'It was only a dream' she thought, as she attempted to go back to sleep.


"Good morning Leena," said Doc.  Leena just yawned.  "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just tired," said Leena.  She went over and sat on the couch.

"Hey Doc," said Bit.  He walked out in the area where they were, hands behind his head.  "Are there any battles planed for today?"

"Nope.  You guys are free to do whatever you want today."

"That's great.  In that case, can I borrow the car?  I wanna go into town and look around."

"Sure Bit.  Great idea."

"Thanks Doc."  Bit walked down to the hanger.  Leena stood by the window and watched as the car drove out of sight.

"Leena, why don't you rest for a while?  It's obvious that you didn't get much sleep last night," said Doc.

"Yeah, ok dad."  Leena lay down on the couch and soon enough, she went to sleep.


The Zoids were out on the battlefield.  The judge had just landed, making a crater as usual.  On one side were the Liger Zero, the Gun Sniper and the Shadow Fox.  On the other side were three zoids that looked the same.  They looked sort of like Lightning Sykes, but were different colors and also looked sort of like Saber Tigers.  They were a bluish greenish color.  They had machine guns on their backs that pivoted around if needed.  They all had a cannon on their stomachs.

"The area within a 20 mile radius is a designated Zoid battle field.  This zone is now restricted. Only competitors and personnel have authorized entry.  Danger.  All others must leave the area at once.  Area scanned, battlefield set up.  The Blitz team vs. the Thunder team.  Battle mode 0982.  Ready!  Fight!" said the judge.

"What kind of Zoids are those?" asked Leena.  Jamie came on the com-link.  "They're called Thunder Cats.  They have great maneuverability and a hard plate of armor.  Be careful out there," he said.

"No problem.  They don't look all that tough," said Bit.  He charged for them.  Liger prepared to use strike laser claw as he approached one of the zoids.  As Liger leapt into the air, ready to strike, the zoid moved out of the way and dodged it, then sped off, leaving Bit and Liger in the dust.

"Man, no way," said Bit.  Liger charged another one, but it dodged and ran as well.

"They're pretty fast," said Brad.  He was shooting at them as they ran.  Jamie sat in the hover cargo, still analyzing the enemy zoids.

"Here they come," said Leena.  She seemed ready for anything.  The enemy zoids were charging them this time.  Leena fired her guns at them, but try as she might; they dodged all her shots.  One of them got in close and rammed the Gun Sniper.  She flew back hard.  Soon after, another one took out the Shadow Fox.  One of the other two stopped and stood in place.  The cannon on its stomach started to charge up, preparing an attack.  Jamie came back on the com-link.

"Guys, be careful.  Those cannons are called Thunder Pulse Cannons.  They shoot out a stream of electricity.  If someone were to take in too much of it, it could be dangerous.  Remember, the Thunder team has no recognition for who gets in their way!"

"Get out of there Leena!" said Brad.  Leena couldn't get her Zoid up.  The cannon looked just about ready to fire.  Leena just sat there and awaited the attack, fear stricken.  The cannon fired and just as it did, Leena saw the Liger Zero jump into it.  The beam of electricity hit the Liger Zero hard, and the Thunder Cat showed no intentions of stopping the attack.

"Bit!" yelled Leena.  She opened a com-link to Bit.  The Liger let out a painful roar, as electrical currents seemed to serge through it.  Inside the cockpit wasn't much better.  Bit was suffering just like the Liger Zero.  He cried out in pain.  Leena could see the electrical surges in the cockpit.  Circuits were popping and smoke was coming out of the console.  Leena could only watch in horror as the cannon continued to fire at the Liger.  She kept her eyes on Bit in the cockpit.  His painful screaming soon stopped and his body lay limply back in the chair, the electrical surges still popping circuits.  More smoke appeared inside.

"Bit!"  The com-link suddenly turned off, and the last thing Leena remembered seeing, was the inside of the cockpit blow up, with Bit in it.  She had tears in her eyes.  "Bit.  No.  Bit!"


She soon sat up and realized that she was still on the couch.  She looked over to her dad, who was looking out the window.

"I see you've finally woken up," he said without turning around.

"Hey dad.  How long was I asleep?" she asked.

"Almost 6 hours," said Brad.  Leena turned to look at him.  He was also staring out the window.  She looked around and saw that Jamie was also there.  He, too, was staring out the window.  Leena was confused.

"Hey guys, what's wrong?" asked Leena.  They were silent for a while.

"Bit hasn't come back yet," said Doc.  Leena became a little scared.

"Well, haven't you looked for him yet?" she asked.

"Brad and I went out about an hour ago, and we found nothing," said Jamie.

"We also tried to contact him through the com-link, but there was no response," said Brad.  It was silent for a while, until Doc spotted what appeared to be a vehicle approaching from the distance.  Jamie and Brad seemed to notice too.

"Hey, is that Bit?" asked Jamie.  Brad and the Doc looked harder.

"No, it's Naiomi," said Brad.  Doc looked relieved when he noticed something else.  "And Bit is with her," said Doc.  The four of them ran down to the hanger where the Zoids were stored.  They opened the garage doors and the car drove in.  Bit and Naiomi got out of the car as everyone ran over to them.

"Bit!  What happened?  You said you would only be gone for two hours.  What took you so long?" asked Doc.

"Nothing much.  It's sort of a long story."

"We have all day," said Brad.

"Well, ok.  You see, it didn't take too long to get into town.  I walked around for a while and checked out all of the stores and sights while I was there.  I didn't find anything I wanted to get, so I decided to go back.  When I got there, I found out that someone had stolen the car.  I couldn't find it anywhere."

"Are you sure you just didn't forget where you parked it?" asked Leena teasingly.

"Of course not!  I'm not stupid!" said Bit.  "Anyway, I didn't have a car, so I really couldn't get back.  I wandered around the city for a long time, until I found Naiomi.  She offered to give me a ride back, so here I am.  Sorry I took so long."

"It's no problem, but the money to buy another car is coming out of your paycheck Bit," said Doc.  He turned towards Naiomi.  "Why don't you stay for dinner?" he asked.

"Sure, that'd be fine.  I don't really have anywhere I need to be, so I can stick around for a while," she said.

"Good, then let's all go back upstairs," said Doc.  They all went upstairs except for Leena.  Naiomi was parking the car.  When Leena was sure they had all gone upstairs, she walked over to Naiomi.

"Hey, Naiomi?" asked Leena.

"What is it?"

"Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, I don't see why not."  They walked over and sat down on some crates.  "What did you want to talk about?" asked Naiomi.

"Well, first off, have you ever had a reoccurring dream before?  You know, a dream you've had more than once?"


"Well, have you ever had a reoccurring dream that was different?"

"I don't follow you."

"I mean, one where the same event happens, but it happens in a different way?"

"Can't say I ever have."


"Why?  Have you?"  Leena just lowered her head.  "I'll take that as a yes.  What about?"  Leena seemed reluctant to tell her, but eventually lifted her head up again.

"I keep dreaming that…that Bit dies."  Naiomi seemed a little shocked and confused.

"Don't let it get to you.  They're just dreams; they don't really mean anything."

"It's just that…they're so real."

"How did he die?"

"Well, the most recent one was during a battle, but the first one freaked me out the most, especially because of what happened today."

"Why is that?"

"Because I dreamt that Bit was traveling in the desert in a car and he got out to take a drink and look around, but as he was, he noticed something in the distance.  He turned and started running back to the car, but before he could make it, a shot rang out, and…he was killed."  Leena looked down at the ground again.  "It scared me when dad had said that Bit hadn't come back yet, but I guess everything is alright, because nothing happened, so I really shouldn't be worried."  She got up and left.  "Thanks Naiomi."  Leena went upstairs and Naiomi stayed where she was.

"I'm starting to think Bit's idea was right.  Maybe it was a good idea to keep this all a secret.  I don't know how the others would act, but Leena would get pretty upset if she knew what really happened."  Naiomi decided to go upstairs and join the others.


"Well Bit, it's good to have you back," said Doc.  Brad and Bit were sitting down on the couch, Doc stood behind them, and Jamie sat across from them.

"Why do I have to pay for the car again?" asked Bit.

"Because you're the one who lost it," said Brad.

"I told you I didn't loose it!  It was stolen!" said Bit.

"Of course it was Bit.  But you're the one who went into town and let it get stolen, so you'll have to pay for it," said Doc happily.  He slapped Bit's right shoulder playfully as he and Brad laughed.  Jamie looked at Bit as Doc hit his shoulder.  Bit winced in pain, but didn't moan or say anything.  Jamie wondered what was wrong.  Bit stood up and walked out of the room, and Jamie wasn't too far behind him.  Bit walked into his room and looked in the mirror.  Jamie stood by the entrance.  Bit gripped his right shoulder. Bit then removed his jacket.  He wore a white T-shirt with very short sleeves underneath.  Jamie then noticed that Bit had bandages on his right shoulder.  Jamie leaned over to far and fell across the doorway.  Bit turned quickly and gripped his shoulder.  He looked down at Jamie who just lay there.  Bit looked irritated.  "Jamie!" yelled Bit.  Jamie stood up and was quickly pulled into the room by Bit.  Bit closed the door behind him.

"Bit, what happened to you?  I don't think that the guys who stole the car did that," said Jamie.

"Shhhh.  Keep it down.  I don't want any one to know," said Bit.  "Look, you have got to keep this a secret.  You can't tell anyone, not even Doc.  You promise?"

"Yeah Bit.  I promise.  So what happened?"

"Well, when I went out, I drove for a while and then decided to take a break.  I got out and took a drink of my water and then I walked away from the car to look around.  I saw someone in the distance.  I knew what he was and what he was going to do.  He was a desert robber.  I heard that some were seen in this area, so I turned and ran back to the car.  I knew I wouldn't make it in time, so I leaned to the left and ducked down, and the bullet he shot at me only hit my shoulder.  I was also lucky that it passed right through.  It hurt a lot, so I fell to the ground.  I was also lucky that I was far from the car, because he shot at it a few times and it blew up.  After I was sure he had left, I got up and started walking towards the next town.  I hadn't gotten too far before I became tired.  Luckily, Naiomi came by.  She took one look at me and offered me a ride back here.  I told her that I wanted to go into town first; so on the way there, I explained what happened.  She asked me if I was sure that I wanted to go to town instead of coming back here.  She took me, even though she was against my idea.  I went to the hospital, because she told me I should.  They wanted me to stay over night, but I told them to just bandage up my shoulder.  So afterwards, Naiomi took me back here, and so here I am."

"But why didn't you stay at the hospital?  They must have had a good reason for wanting you to stay."

"I didn't want to worry you guys by not coming back, so I came up with the excuse that the car was stolen.  Pretty smart, huh?"

"Not really.  Bit, you should…"

"Look, you can't tell anyone about what I told you, ok?  I wasn't even going to tell you, but you left me not choice.  Naiomi also promised that she wouldn't say anything."

"But Bit…"

"Jamie, you promised, remember?"

"Ok Bit.  I won't tell anyone, but I don't think that you should go into any zoid battles for a while."


"Come on Bit.  You could really hurt yourself."

"Look, if I don't go into battle, then I'll have to have a reason, and I don't want to tell anybody about what happened."

"I hope you know what you're getting yourself into Bit."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine.  Trust me."

"Hey everyone!  Our next battle has been decided!" called Doc.  Bit put his jacket shirt back on and he and Jamie left.

"Who are we up against?" asked Bit.

"We're up against the Thunder team," said Doc.  Leena straitened up at hearing that name.

"Who are they?" asked Bit.

"They're a team that hasn't lost a battle.  They have some kind of new zoid that has been recently developed.  They also have a new kind of weapon that is said to be pretty strong," said Jamie.

"Don't worry team.  I'm sure we can pull it off and rack up another win," said Doc.

"Yeah, it'll be no problem at all," said Brad.  Everyone walked off again to go do their own things.  Naiomi was just coming upstairs.

"Hey Bit," she said.

"Yeah, what?"

"Are you sure you want to go into battle.  You could really hurt yourself you know."

"That's what I told him," said Jamie, who came up behind them.

"So, you know too," said Naomi.

"Yeah, and he wouldn't listen to me."

"Look, you guys are worried for nothing.  It'll be fine," said Bit, as he walked off again.


Well, what do you think so far?  I'm expecting some flames for this.  The next chapter will come soon.  I've already got most of it planned out.  And don't worry.  I don't plan on making this a death fic unless a majority of you wants me too, but I doubt that any of you will want me too, so don't worry.  I'm having fun writing this and soon I hope to put up some more Zoids fics.  If I made any spelling mistakes, then just tell me.  Hope you enjoyed this.  Bye^.^