Legends Of The Divine

Maybe if my heart stops beating

Legends are made, Legends are stories for children. Legends are real things that turn into, well fairytale things, but some legends are real and living, still breathing.

It was her own fault that she was feeling the way she was. She had chosen to stay, had chosen to let him go, so it was her fault. Kagome had stayed behind once the jewel was completed, she had said goodbye to her family, and stood by her friends as the well closed, leaving her behind with them. She was happy with her choice, even if sometimes she was not happy.

Yes, it was her own fault she told herself, but again it was not all her fault. She stood with a smile on her face as she watched her friend get married, as they kissed, but after the couple left, her smile faded, and she went for a walk. Kagome found a log and sat down, she looked up to the sun and played with the flower in her hand, and had thoughts.

It had been a few months ago when Kikyo showed her face, living, and breathing without the help of soul stealer's. For some reason, Kagome knew in an instant she would lose to her. After a fight with her own self, she took a deep breath and told Inuyasha to do what he wanted to do, after all, Love takes two people, and while she knew he loved her, he also loved Kikyo.

So it was her own fault that today she had to stand with a smile and watch as him and Kikyo get married. Kagome sighed, though she was a little sad she did not regret staying behind.

Kagome turned quickly and saw Sesshomaru standing at a nearby tree; she had thought it was him lurking. She turned back to the setting sun.

"You missed it," She spoke,

"I miss nothing Miko," He was not really there to bear witness to it.

Kagome looked at the flower in her hand, then tossed it on the ground. Sesshomaru could smell her doubt; he turned to walk away "You are still young Miko,"

"And when I'm old, what will you say when I'm old?"

She was now looking at him, but he turned on his path and began to walk away, he had come to see if his foolish brother had been foolish, and he had.

Kagome settled into protecting the village with Kikyo, with little word between the two of them, while Kaede healed people with sickness. Miroku and Inuyasha would go off and fight low-level demons for money and food, while Sango would say behind and farm. They had all settled into a little life, some more alone than others, some like Kagome. But as time passed Miroku and Sango wanted to return to the slayer village, it, after all, was home to Sango and it was were her family laid. So they traveled back, and with the help of Inuyasha, Kikyo and Kagome, they settled into life there.

Kagome, Inuyasha, and Kikyo returned back to Kaede's village. Miroku and Sango traveled back and forth a few times a month to see Kagome, Inuyasha, and his mate. But soon Sango became with child and had to stop traveling. Kagome was happy for her friend Sango and even more happy for Miroku, who had been wanting children for a VERY long time. Kagome traveled and stayed with Miroku and Sango while Sango was pregnant to help out, it is after all what a Miko is for, and at the age of 20, Kagome delivered Sango first born child, a girl.

It was night and Kagome had walked to a stream near by to wash some cloth that had been stained with blood from the birth. It was night when he had come up to her; it had been two years and nine months since she had seen him last.

"The slayer gave birth," As always he stated his questions. Kagome stood up and rang out the clothes "Yeah, she did, a baby girl."


He had been close when he smelt the blood of a newborn and then the smell of Kagome, the monk and slayer. Kagome looked at Sesshomaru not really sure what else to say, when they did speak they never said much.

"Hows Rin?"


"Good will you tell her I said hi?"

"As you wish miko," He said with a slight bow of his head.

"Well, um, I guess I need to get back,"

He said nothing and watched as she ran back to the camp. She still looked the same. He could tell, though, that she was still alone, but she was still young. He waited a moment more before leaving the place.

Kagome never spoke of seeing Sesshomaru, it never really crossed her mind to speak of him, like he, she went on with her life alone.