Author's Note: So, I finally just finished watching the 7th season of Gilmore Girls yesterday. I absolutely love the show, unlike many recent tv shows, the drama in this one is realistic, the emotions are authentic, everything is so real. It really lets you experience the ups and downs of life. Anyhow, I just think it's such a brilliant series, and I hated to see it end, so I decided to write a story on it.

Now, I'm not sure if she likes or watches this show, but because she has been such a great help, and an even better friend to me, I'd like to dedicate this story to nightcrawlerlover, and if I may, I suggest you check out her writing, as well...she's a very dedicated, talented author, and it really is an honor to have met her. (:

Also, disclaimer: I do not own the Gilmore Girls series, I wish I was that brilliant, but unfortunately, I'm not. I do, however, own the plot of this story and all of the feelings that were poured into it.

Super long A/N is now coming to an end, lol sorry about that. Hope you enjoy the story.


Summary: All is pretty well in the Gilmore world- Rory has a new job as a reporter in the presidential campaign, Richard has recovered from his heart attack, and the awkwardness between Luke and Lorelai has disappeared. But now, Lorelai has news for Luke. It will bring many complications into their new relationship, but are they strong enough to survive it?

Tears were falling, goodbyes were being was not the best way to start the day, but the Gilmore girls couldn't help it. Lorelai wrapped her arms tightly around her best friend and only daughter, and locked them there. An announcement rang throughout the station, but the Lorelais paid no attention. People around them started to move, and the train doors slid open. Rory pulled away slowly from her mom, tears stinging her eyes.

"I guess this is it," Lorelai whispered, before sucking in her breath. Her eyes watered again.

"I love you, Mom," Rory choked out.

Lorelai pulled her daughter close again, for a final hug.

"I love you too, hon. Call me as soon as you get there."

Rory nodded and forced a smile. She grabbed both of the handles of her suitcases. She walked off towards the train, but not without a final glance at her mother, and best friend off twenty-two years. In a matter of minutes, the train doors slammed shut once again. Lorelai searched frantically until her eyes set upon the window that framed her daughter's beautiful face. Rory caught her mother's eye and held her hand to the glass, almost like a five year old, on the first day of kindergarten...that first day your mother leaves you. Only this was much worse. She was leaving her mother, and she didn't even know when she'd be back.

Lorelai held up her hand for a faint, and final wave as the train pulled away. She watched it disappear, and didn't look away until she had convinced herself that the train would not be coming back. Not with Rory on it, anyway. She took a deep breath, and turned around. With her head down, she walked toward the glass doors. All she wanted was to get out of there. Suddenly there was a noise coming from her purse. She stopped in front of a bench and pulled her phone out. Not sure what she was hoping for, she flipped it open. Much to her dismay, it was only the alarm she normally used to get up for work. She must have forgotten to disable it. Sighing, Lorelai stuffed her phone back into her purse. When she did, a small piece of paper fluttered out. She caught it in midair, and turned it over. Lorelai sank down onto the metal bench at the sight of Rory's junior high graduation photo. Holding the picture in one hand, she buried her face in the other and could not help but to cry. Her sobs came out short, raspy breaths, and she could not stop herself. There was a firm but gentle hand on her shoulder, and Lorelai looked up. She drew in her breath.

"Luke?" She whispered.

"I thought you might need some support," He said, shrugging his shoulders. "It's not everyday you send your one and only daughter off to a whole different state."

Lorelai wiped her eyes and swallowed hard.

Luke motioned to the bench. "Can I sit?"

She sniffed. "Oh, uh, of course. Sorry."

Lorelai scooted over and made room for him. He put an arm around her shoulder and let her lean on him. Noticing she was looking at something, he followed her gaze. Luke slowly reached a hand out and picked up the photo from Lorelai's knee. He held it so they could both see it.

"It seems like just yesterday she was starting high school," Lorelai choked out, the tears welling in her eyes again. "That was scary enough."

Luke rubbed her shoulder with the arm that was wrapped around her. "She'll be back soon, don't worry," He consoled. He let her sit quietly for a few more moments, and then said gently, "Come on, let's go back to the diner, I'll get you something to eat."

"We just ate," Lorelai pointed out.

"Well, I'll get you some coffee."

Lorelai nodded. She allowed Luke to help her to her feet. She dried her eyes once again, and was led to the parking lot. There, they split up. Lorelai hopped into her jeep and followed Luke's green truck back to the diner. There, Luke unlocked the glass door and held it for Lorelai. Inside, she sank into a stool in front of the counter and waited as her coffee was poured. When she finished the whole cup, she set down the mug and sat there, staring at the counter.

Luke leaned over and touched her chin. He tilted it up so she was facing him. "It'll be okay," He said firmly.

Lorelai nodded, and paused before responding. "I just need time to get used to happened so fast."

Luke stood quietly for a minute. He checked his watch, which said it was still only six in the morning.

"It's still early, do you want to come upstairs and get a couple more hours of sleep?" He offered.

"But the diner..."

Luke waved it off. "Caesar and Zach can manage by themselves for a few hours."

Lorelai couldn't help but give up at least a small smile. "Well I don't know, we thought Lane and Zach could manage alone for awhile, and now they have twins," She joked.

Luke rolled his eyes. "I'm pretty sure Caesar and Zach won't be making twins while we're gone. Come on."

Lorelai smiled, and followed Luke upstairs, and they got into his bed. They were still for no less than a minute before Lorelai jumped up, her blue eyes wide open.

Luke sat up, and gently grabbed her arm. "What's wrong?"

"Paul Anka."

Luke frowned, confused. "What?"

"Paul Anka. I left Paul Anka at home."

Luke breathed a sigh of relief. "He'll be fine for a few hours. Would you quit worrying?"

"Right, sorry." Lorelai lay down again and made herself comfortable.

After a few moments of silence, Lorelai turned over and tapped Luke on the side, disturbing him a second time.

"Luke...are you awake?"

"Yeah," He replied. "Something wrong?"

"I can't sleep."

He turned over to face her. "Well, we could just talk, if...if you want."

Lorelai smiled. "Or we could do something else..."

It took Luke a moment, but he realized where she was coming from. He took on a serious tone.

"Listen, I know you're upset right now, and if that's the reason you want to do this, I'm gonna have to say no."

Lorelai looked him straight in the face, and matched his serious tone. "Luke, yes I am upset right now, I think the whole crying on a random bench in the train station made that pretty clear. But I want you to understand that this...this is not because I'm upset. This is because..." She paused.

"Because I love you," She finished with a whisper.

Luke pulled her close to her, and their lips met. They pulled apart for air, and Luke looked into Lorelai's deep blue eyes, filled with emotion, and passion. They sparkled the way they usually did, and he knew she was telling the truth.

"I love you too," He replied, meaning every word. And he unzipped his pants.