Title: The Bet

Summary: Gibbs can't have coffee, and Abby can't have Caff-Pow! One week. The winner gets to make the loser do whatever he or she wants. And Tony and the rest of the team can't help but have a little fun.

Pairings: Gabby, there might be Tiva later on.

Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS, or Coca-cola

Please review! :) This is my first Ncis fanfiction.

And one question… is Caff-Pow! a soda or kind of coffee? I've been sorta getting confused. Thanks.



Abby immediately bolted from her chair and snatched the large cup of Caff-Pow! from Gibb's grasp as he stepped through the sliding doors. She quickly gulped down a good quarter of the fruity soft drink then glared at her "boss-man" with the look a mother might give to her naughty child… a child that just so happened to be sipping at a cup of black coffee nonchalantly.

"Why are you late?" Abby demanded frantically while standing on her toes, trying her best to match Gibb's height. "You're never late! You had me worried! I thought you were abducted by aliens or run over by some car or something, Gibbs! Do you know how long I've waiting for my drink? I was practically about to die! What if I did die? And it would have been all your fault! You know I can't go long without my daily dose of Caff-Mmph!" Her high and agitated voice was muffled as Gibbs put a finger over her dark lips.

"You're welcome, Abbs." Gibbs smirked and removed his finger. "The machine was broken again," he replied. "I stood there along with a crowd of people waiting for them to fix it." Shifting his weight to his other foot, he stood there, waiting for the goth's answer.

It came after a long slurp of soft drink through a straw.

"Fine, but make sure it never happens again, Gibbs," she chided, turning back to her computer work with her beloved Caff-Pow! cradled in her arms. Ridiculous, it was as if it was her baby or something. The former marine shook his head.

"Keep talking like that and I won't have to bring you anymore drinks."

Abby's pigtails swished as she immediately turned around and dropped her cup of soda on the metal tabletop. "Thanks for the drink, Gibbs! I know I can always count on you!" she squealed, crushing her boss in a quick hug. He had to struggle to keep his own cup of coffee from spilling through the flurry of thin, gloved arms, but even he couldn't help returning the embrace.

"What have you got for me, Abb's?"

They spent the next few moments discussing the crime scene and evidence, which Abby had just scanned. So far they hadn't found anything new since the time the team checked the place out. Today Gibb's was planning on pushing his team to their hardest, but even his hopes weren't that high. Leave it to Abby to change the subject.

"So the machine seriously broke down again this morning? I mean, that's like the third time that's happened this month, isn't it?" Then she gasped. "What if it breaks down for good, Gibbs? Then you'll have to walk down to that store down the block every morning, and I'd have to wait for you!" she exclaimed in horror. "What if they stop making Caff-Pow! I mean, like, for good! What would happen then, Gibbs? What would I do?"

He smiled playfully, not believing his forensic scientist's worry over something so unimportant.

"Well, I think you would have to switch to Coca-Cola then."

She gasped in horror at that. "I can't believe you would say that, Gibbs!"

He shrugged.

"Seriously, Gibbs, what do you think would happen?" she asked turning her seat around to see him.

"What would happen?" He leaned against the cold table, not believing he was being pulled into something as ridiculous as this. But it was hard to resist the cute pout she had plastered on her face. Staring at the floor he answered jokingly, "Well, I think my only forensic scientist would probably not get any work done at all or just finally die of thirst for caffeine." Gibbs looked up to find Abby gaping.

"Gibbs," she whined, hurt. "You seriously think that I can't work without my drink?" Her expression turned from that of a hurt child to a disgusted and unbelieving look. "You seriously think that?"

He pushed the joke further, not realizing where it was going.

"Well, here you are with your drink, and you're still not working. I can't help but imagine how you'll be without your drink," he chuckled. It was a big mistake.

Abby's gape opened wider. "I can't believe you, Gibbs!" she exclaimed angrily. "I can too work without my caffeine!" Gibbs was drilled with a green glare. "I mean, look at you! You're always drinking your coffee, and you don't see me going around saying you can't work without your caffeine!"

"Abbs." This was going way too far.

"And you drink it black too, for Pete's sake! What good is that?!"

"Abbs." How did their conversation come down to this, of all things?

"You think you're all tough and stuff carrying around that cup of coffee of yours, but you're not! You probably wouldn't last a week without your stupid-"

He interrupted before she could say the first word. "What did you say?"

"You heard me, Jethro," she replied confidently. "You wouldn't last a week without your daily fix of your nasty, black coffee." The way she said it made him sound like some junkie.

Gibbs stepped toward her, and she seemed to shy away a little. He pushed his face so close that his nose was almost touching hers.

"Do I hear a bet, Abby?"

Her head nodded vigorously. "You can't have coffee for one week," she stated while wiggling her index finger in front of his face.

"And you can't have any Caff-Pow! for a week either." Gibbs smirked. "The first one to give up loses."

"And the winner gets to make the loser do whatever he or she wants."

That made Gibbs hesitate, but he soon regained his composure. "Fine," he answered confidently.

"Okay. It's a deal." The goth thrust out a small gloved hand which Gibbs shook. After that was through, she loudly announced, "And the caffeine-free week begins now!"

"Wait… what?"

Gibbs watched in horror as Abby grabbed her huge cup of soda, rushed to the trash can in the corner of the lab, and practically thrust it down to its death. She then turned back and promptly held out her hand.

"Give it to me now, Gibbs."

It wasn't that he didn't want to prove that he could go through a week without coffee. It wasn't that he didn't want to start right at that moment, but he couldn't help admitting it to himself. He really didn't want to start right at that moment, partly because Abby hadn't finished the soda that he had waited for so long to get. The other part was that he really wanted to finish his coffee. So he gave Abby a look of disbelief.

It didn't work.

"Give it here or else I'll go ahead and declare myself winner." She wiggled her fingers. With a sigh, Gibbs reluctantly handed her his cup, which seemed to tumble into the trash in slow motion.

It was going to be a long week.

The forensic scientist immediately rushed back to scanning the debris found at the crime scene. The smile on her face said she was excited and ready.

Gibbs left the lab slowly and gloomily, though he did his best to not show it. He couldn't help tossing a quick and longing glance at the trash can on his way out. The doors swished open as he exited, but not before he stole a look at the camera up in the corner. He would have to have a talk to Tony later. A sigh escaped his lips.

It was going to be a very long week.


Tony Dinozzo could hardly suppress the guffaws bubbling from his mouth as he turned off the plasma screen showing the footage from the camera in Abby's lab. Gibbs not allowed to have coffee for one whole week? What time would be better to throw out some pranks? He couldn't help but imagine how much fun he would have.

Of course, the thought of a very cranky Gibbs ordering them around did nag at his mind, but it couldn't possibly be that bad. Kate and Mcgee did survive when they spilled his drink, this couldn't make Gibbs any crankier than that.

He hopped lightly on his toes as a huge grin formed on his face. He couldn't wait to tell the others. This was going to be so much fun!

The elevator dinged as its doors slid open, and Mcgee stepped out with a blank look on his face.

Dinozzo could no longer keep this new information to himself as the urge to tell someone finally took over. He had to tell, even if it was the "Elf Lord". Without another second wasted, he rushed out of the bullpen to greet Tim.

"Hey, Probie! Did you hear about Gibbs and Abby?"