
Hey, guys!

First of all, I'd like to thank all of my readers for keeping up with this story for so long, leaving such ego-boosting reviews, and supporting it by putting it on their favorites or alerting it. It was because of you that I was able to win the Humor/Parody category for the Veritas Awards Round Three.

I suggest you check the Veritas Awards out (there's a link to it on my profile), because they're dedicated to rewarding the best in Percy Jackson and the Olympians fanfiction through reader nominations and voting, and I think it's a real honor that I won, so I'd like to just plug the site here because I think it deserves it. ^^

As for the status of the fic itself, I will probably not be making any more chapters in the near future (cue the AWWs!). I have school as well as other things to do, but this does not mean that I am flat-out discontinuing this fic. You can definitely expect one more chapter before I end it for good, though it's not going to be up by, say, tomorrow.

Anyway, thanks again for supporting the Hall of Shame and being such loyal readers!

Signing off,

Kaleidoscope Flowers