Broken Bones (1176)

When he finally climbed up the last step of the boarding house to his tiny room, though room was used in the loosest sense of the word, Watanuki hardly felt the legs beneath him he was so tired. He practically crawled through the door, clutching a bottle of rice wine his employer had handed him at the end of the day. Though the alcohol was nice and he knew one other person who'd appreciate it, honestly Watanuki was more thankful for the wad of bills in his back pocket than anything else Yuuko had to offer him.

He managed to get about two or three more feet when gravity took over and his poor weak legs gave up the ghost. His face made fast friends with the thin tatami before he abruptly passed out, bottle rolling by his head.

It was as good a place as any to fall asleep. Though he could imagine what Doumeki might have to say about it, or not say, when he found him.

He didn't wake up until a full twelve hours later. In fact, Watanuki was pretty sure he would've slept longer, but something had disrupted his REM and dragged him abruptly into consciousness. Laying on his side facing the wall, he blinked stupidly and tried to figure out what it was.

His stomach growled. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Watanuki snorted. Of course his stomach would be the thing that roused him. Next thing you know he'd be scrounging around like that oaf Doumeki and demanding handouts with his insufferable, nagging -


Watanuki sat up like a shot. Looking down he finally noticed the jacket covering him, and immediately after, that everything was a blur. He pushed a hand through his unruly mop, before feeling around in a slight panic.

"Where are they?!"

A moment later, some darker series of blurs entered his vision and a much loved pair of glasses was gently pushed onto his face. He blinked rapidly, before refocusing on a familiar sight.

Doumeki. Doumeki really close to his face and studying him with concern in his golden eyes.


"Yes," Watanuki growled, before scrambling backwards a foot. Doumeki just winged an eyebrow as he lifted something to his mouth and took a lazy bite out of it. He then straightened from his crouch and sauntered back over to the window, where apparently he'd been watching life on the street go by.

What a moron.

Tossing the jacket off of him, Watanuki slowly moved to his feet, stretching out his back and other muscles that had tightened while he'd slept. He sniffed the air. One surreptitious glance at Doumeki told him the idiot was thoroughly occupied, and so Watanuki quickly zeroed in on the source of that delicious smell.

A plastic bag by the door. Casually sliding his hands into his pockets, Watanuki sidled up to the guilty bag with the name of an excellent bakery across the front and sneaking another peak at Doumeki, stuck his hand inside to rummage around.

He came out with a couple different pastries. Happily taking a bite out of one, he silently promised to make it up to Doumeki and make a really great dinner.


Jumping a foot in the air, Watanuki whipped his head around, his mouth half stuffed with pastry. He swallowed. "Uh, sorry, I didn't have the energy to buy food last night and I haven't eaten in a few days, but I'll -"

"I don't care about that, the rest is for you anyway." Doumeki interrupted, an annoyed look on his face.

"Oh," Watanuki finished stupidly, stuffing another bite into his mouth. He'd have to stop by that bakery again and speak to their chef, because honestly this was the best tasting pastry he'd ever had.

As if Doumeki could somehow read where his thoughts were going, he lifted a shoulder and sighed at him. Watanuki scowled. It wasn't his fault he was starving and had an inquisitive mind when it came to cooking. He'd never heard the idiot complain before.

"Are you going to tell me?"

Watanuki stared for a moment, before shuffling across the room and leaning against the window next to him. They both watched the moderately busy streets in silence.

"No," Watanuki answered finally.

Doumeki squeezed his fists so tight, Watanuki could see the veins pop out. Maybe he was sorry for the idiot's anger, but it didn't mean he was going to change his mind.

Laughing a little to lighten the mood, Watanuki nudged his shoulder. "You met me at a really weird time in my life. I'm sorry."

Doumeki gave him a hard look that easily melted into a reluctant half smile. Reaching out the moron slid a thumb down the side of his lips and came away with a bit of preserve. He licked it off.

Watanuki flicked his eyes away, blushing.

"Don't apologize. I expected as much." He chuckled lightly, content to stare at Watanuki than any of the flurry outside. It was amusing, really, how love could sneak up on you without a word sometimes.

"What, that you met me in a weird place or that I told you no?" Watanuki quipped easily, sticking another piece in his mouth.

"Both, I suppose. You have trouble sharing."

Watanuki sputtered at him, and glared. "Well, maybe I just know who I want to share with! Maybe you're not one of them!"

At the look on Doumeki's face, Watanuki felt instantly regretful. Of course the moron was important to him - and that's what made it so difficult. You want the person you love to see the good things only, never the bad.

Except that wasn't the way to develop a relationship.

Doumeki turned away from him, looking kind of tired and headed over to grab his jacket. The one Watanuki realized with a start that had been draped across his shoulders when he'd woken up.

Biting his bottom lip, Watanuki took a hesitant step forward. "When I was twelve," he began just quiet enough for Doumeki to freeze in the middle of pulling on his coat, "I fell out of a tree I was climbing and broke my arm. My folks were dead by then, so there was no one to ask for help."

He swallowed over the food that now settled uncomfortably in his stomach. "I walked sixteen blocks to the hospital. They patched me up all right, but I learned something from the experience. I had to take care of myself."

He made the last couple steps towards Doumeki and unsure, stuck his hands in his pockets. "Can you be patient with me? I've had a lot of broken bones and they're hard to share with anyone. I will though," He finished quietly.

"With you."

Doumeki glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. Abruptly, he turned and grasped Watanuki by the shoulders, hauling him into his chest.

With his lips curved a little, Doumeki pressed his mouth against the gaping one below.

It tasted a little like raspberries, actually.
