Well, here it is, the long awaited(sounds arrogant when I say that) sequel to The legend of Spyro: In Search of the Elements… the Legend of Spyro: When worlds Collide

And I'll tell you this, there is lemon content, kinda dark, and I mean rape dark.


It has been ten years since Lucifer has been dead, Deacon, Lynx, Kershaw, and Slash all lived happily together.

Deacon and Lynx have drastically increased in size, They are now about the size of the guardians. Which speaking of whom, have all passed from age.

The new Fire guardian, Inferno, was from a northern city, he was the best fire dragon there, Mainly because that northern city, was the north pole! He is white all over except on his under belly, that was a light yellow. His wing membrane and the spines going down his back were red. the tip of his tail was a steel spike, it used to be white, but over years of killing seals, Polar Bears, and artic foxes, has become permanently stained with blood.

He has Pure ivory horns which let him blend into the snow

The newest Earth guardian, Primus, was born and raised in an African Jungle. He was orange and had the tiger stripes to match. Also to match a primal tiger, he had retractable claws, and long upper fangs that hang from his mouth, giving the image of a saber tooth tiger. His wings were rarely used for flying, but they were also tiger printed. Since he was of a species known as a Tiger Dragon, he used only his claws, elements and fangs to fight, so his tail had no blade, spike, or spade, allowing him to run twice as fast, he also had no horns, only to increase his speed, He was discovered when Deacon stumbled across his dream

The new electric guardian, Daria, Is a Transylvanian dragon, She has a deep set accent from the same country.(Think Russian) She was a pure black dragon which made her feared in Transylvania, They all thought she was a vampire and that he would live off of their blood. This was true, she needed to live of off the blood of dragons, but usually never the living, she would hide in trees near cemeteries and wait for a freshly buried body. You'd know she was there when there was a freshly reburied body, and drops of blood near the tombstone. But she would also help, When he heard the news of a dragon with a disease of the blood, she would hunt down him or her and take his or her blood, not to kill, but to purify. She was like I said all black, even her wings and under belly were black. Her eyes were blood red and her horns weren't even horns, they were more or less ears, They still looked like regular horns, but were based behind her ear and curved up, they had an indent near the base and that allowed her to use sonar. Her tail blade had a small hole in the very tip, only so she can get more blood. And The lightning she shoots is black, instead of yellow. She is linked in a secret relationship with Mira.

The new Ice guardian was named Mira, She was found in a exploration trek led by Daria. She is the illigenament Daughter of Cyril, which makes Deacon her half brother. She looks a lot like Cyril too, but the spikes on her head are shorter. She is linked in a secret relationship with Daria.


Mira and Daria were snuggled close together on top of a cliff in the Valley of Avalar. After a moment Mira said "Is our love wrong?"

Daria, a bit shocked by the question, hesitated "Of coarse not dear, what makes you think that?"

Mira always melts at her lovers Transylvanian accent, but she told the truth " none of the books I've read or any of the people I've met have ever had or heard of two Dragonesses being mates, I don't know if anyone will ever accept our love…" When she finished saying this, a tear dropped from her eye, but Daria licked it up, kissed her cheek and said "dear, every one knows that you let me take some of your blood every night, if some one hasn't suspected anything by now, no one will, but if it helps we can go ask Deacon if anyone knows yet"

Mira smiled and nuzzled up to Daria, "Okay, and if no one knows, we can announce it tomorrow."

Daria smiled and took off flying "Race you there!"

Mira smiled back and said "Hey! Wait up!"


Deacon, Lynx, Spyro, And Cynder were all in the forest home of Deacon's.

"It's great that all our kids train at the same time, I mean I love him and all, but sometimes he's just a little brat!" Deacon said, now resting into the lap of Lynx, Deacon was an odd Dragon, he was stark black with a blue under belly and wings. He has a strong bodily build. His face is like Spyro's but his eyes were black, and his fangs were sharper. He used to have five elements, but since the death of his old master Lucifer, his dark elements have left, now he is only left with sleep. It lets him see your dreams while you sleep, and since dreams organize your memories, he knows everything, about everyone. Also, if he falls asleep or gets knocked out in battle, he can absorb any element that hits him for about twenty minuets, unless the effects of the element are permanent, then he can keep it. He is also the adopted son of Cyril and therefore the brother of Mira.

Lynx is blood red with three ivory horns on her head. She also has two ivory wing spikes of coarse on her wings, and two curved ivory blades of her tail, her underbelly and wing membranes are yellow. She has control over plant life and fire, which is an obviously deadly combination. Anyone who invades her home would be hung by the Italian style grape vines that decorate her home.

"Yeah, but I do kinda miss them sometimes." Cynder said, nestling into Spyro's chest.

Cynder looked the same as she did as the terror of the skies, but her eyes were much more innocent and Spyro had grown as well, but is slightly shorter than her, and is often insulted for it, mostly by Sparx, Kershaw and Deacon.

"Yeah, what do you think shorty?" Lynx said smiling

"Ha, ha, make fun of the short guy" Spyro said, rolling his eyes.

"Well Spyro, you were taller than all of us ten years ago, but now were all taller than you!" Cynder exclaimed, just making Spyro sigh.

They all turned head when they heard a couple of dragons land out side the home. Deacon yawned and walked over to investigate, when he saw it was Mira and Daria, he welcomed them in "Daria, Mira! Great to see you two! Come on in!"

"actually Deacon, can we talk to you in private?" Daria pointed towards a nearby clearing in the forest.

"Uh sure!" Deacon looked over to Lynx "Be right back honey!"

"Okay, just remember, you have to get Slash!"

Mira, Daria, and Deacon walked over to the clearing, "So, what'd you guys wanna talk about?" Deacon said, oblivious to the situation at hand.

Daria stepped up first and said "Well, um, you can see every ones memories, so you know every thing about them, right?"

Deacon nodded, still not knowing what exactly is happening.

Daria, surprisingly shy, looked over to Mira, telling her to finish. "Well, Deacon, you know we're a couple right?" He nodded again "uhh…well…does any one but you know?" by now she was blushing furiously "Deacon laughed a bit at the fact he didn't see that coming, "Yes, sis, I'm the only one who knows, and I also knows the thing you two have done." He said winking, which just made Mira blush harder, Daria stepped up and said while hugging him in her wings "Thank you so much Deacon!" Mira then ran over, joined the embrace, kissed her brother on the cheek and said "Yes thank you! We were going to come out tomorrow but we wanted to check if anyone else knew first"

Deacon returned the surprise embrace, happily and exclaimed "great! And congrats on coming out!"

After breaking the embrace, he looked up to the sky "Its time for me to go get Slash, you two wanna come?"

Daria and Mira looked to each other, "Sure!"

And with that, they took off flying towards the dragon temple.


Slash, Deacon and Lynx's son, had grown as well, He is still the deep hue of purple that we left him in and still has a deep blue underbelly and wing membrane. His horns are in the same pattern as Lynx and Ivory as well, His tail blade is now fully grown. He is the size Deacon was ten years ago

He was walking with Spyro and Cynder's kids, Ripper and Tania. Ripper was the spitting image of Spyro but was Black and Gold instead of Purple and Gold. Also he had a tail blade and green eyes from his mother. He was the size Cynder was ten years ago

Tania was the spitting image of Cynder, But she had Spyro's amethyst eyes and tail spike, She was the size Spyro was ten years ago. No one but Ripper, and Deacon(secretly) knows it but, Tania and Slash are in a relationship.

Tania and Slash were walking next to each other, their tails intertwined. She heard Primus call to her in his deep voice and ran to the training room of the temple, but not before kissing Slash on the cheek. Slash and Ripper were still walking down the main hall to the exit. They sat on their haunches and waited Ripper turned to his friend "You know, one of our parents is gonna find out that your going out with my sister"

Slash was going to retaliate but he saw his dad flying up to the temple. When they landed, Slash asked "Hey dad, Miss Mira, Miss Daria, I missed your training today, where were you?" he tilted his head near the end.

Daria stepped up, patted his head with her tail, unknowingly growing blood lust for the boy, she also unknowingly ran her tail under his chin "Thank you young one, I think its very sweet that you missed my lesson as well" her eyes flashed red "Very, very sweet"

Getting slightly scared he went over to his father, tucked under his wing, Deacon shook his head and noticed that Daria was hungry. "Sis, feed her please." he said while taking his son into his arms and flying off.

Mira started to walk into the temple, coaxing Daria along with her wing "Mira! Could you smell the blood coming from that boy? It smelled delicious!"

Mira stopped and stepped in front of Daria, Her eyes flashed back to their normal color and she started to tear up, "Mira, oh my god, I am so, so sorry! I'm just hungry and the blood lust took over me!"

Mira smiled, "I understand Daria, here, take some of my blood, I got plenty" Daria smiled, but thought, "Instead of taking the blood from the neck…how about the tongue?"

"Mira close your eyes and open your mouth, I have an idea" Mira inwardly smiled and complied "I hope she's doing what I think she is"

Daria put her tender lips to the slightly chilled lips of Mira. Daria went further when she put her tongue into Mira's mouth, then after a moment, she pulled it back in, causing Mira to follow it with hers, but Daria put her plan to action, and bit her tongue with enough force to bleed, at first Mira yelped, but that turned into a moan, "This…feels…great! It may sound weird but, this is the best feeling ever!!"

Their passionate moment was interrupted by Primus' deep voice clearing his throat, then he spoke in an African accent "Mira, Daria, Inferno would like to see you both."

They blushed and broke, blood dripping from both of their muzzles. They waited till Primus walked off, smiled to each other said "I guess now is a better time than ever." and walked off following Primus' trail, not noticing the wet spot on the ground left by Mira.


When they reached the pool of visions Inferno was standing behind it "welcome, circle around here"

"Wait, Inferno, can me and Mira announce something first?" Daria asked, with hopeful eyes.

"Why of coarse Daria" he said with a flirty smile, You see, because he has a little crush on Daria, It started when he first saw her soaring the skies of Transylvania. He thought she was beautiful and since she was an electricity dragon, he put her in the place of Spyro for the lightning Guardian.

Daria didn't notice the flirty smile and went on "Thanks Inferno, Okay, ever since I stumbled upon Mira and made her the Ice Guardian, Her and I became best friends, right" She looked over to Mira and smiled "Well, we became, uh… more than friends." Mira stepped in "We…got into an…intimate relationship, and fell in love" When they finished speaking They wrapped their wings around each other and gave each other a peck on the lips.

Primus yelled at the top of his lungs "yes! Our partners our lezzes! LEZZES MAN!"

Inferno hung his head and sadly said "yeah, cool…"

"Now to business" Inferno continued "The leader of the guardians is always the one who can see from the pool of visions. So Lets all take turns trying to do it. Since the last leader was of fire, I'll go first, followed by Primus, then Mira, Then Daria." He spat venom at saying her name.

He sat over the pool and focused, hoping desperately to see Daria falling off a bridge.

But to no avail.

Then Primus tried to image Daria and Mira…getting uh… intimate, so to speak. But to no avail.

Then Mira tried, she wanted to picture her and Daria kissing, but it was only in her mind.

But when Daria tried, It worked, it had a vivid image of her asking Mira to be her life mate, and in both real life, and in the pool, she graciously accepted.

Inferno couldn't take it, he was filled rage "God damn it! She was supposed to be my dragoness! I saw her first!!" he made his rage physical when he slammed his tail into the pool, distorting the image. And without a word, he left to his quarters.

Mira saw this and asked "Daria, do you think that he's jealous?"

Daria's eyes quickly flashed red in rage, but returned to normal in sympathy "I know he is, he's been crazy about me ever since he first met me, and to tell you the truth, I thought it was cute, until we met. Then it just became desperate, but I never had the heart to tell him that I was in love with you"

Mira still felt guilty "Should you talk to him?"

"No, he'll get over it" Daria said, returning to her normal, almost cruel self.

Mira inwardly agreed and offered Daria to stay at her place, and Daria graciously accepted


Primus had retreated to Inferno's quarters, to try and try to cheer him up, but not succeeding, but the alcohol he brought helped

"C'mon Inferno, cheer up, there are many fish in the sea, she's just a fish that likes another fish and not the fisherman." As Primus was saying this he was patting the back of Inferno with his wing.

"I know man, its just that I was so sure I'd be able to get her, you know?"

"yeah, back in my village, some like this happened, I fell in love with a dragoness, and she did with me, but after our first date, she was over powered and eaten by a pride of lions. If she would've survived, my whole village would've raped her violently for not killing the lions, then puncture her whole body through a stick and hang her over the Nile river, to get eaten by Piranhas and the mighty Nile Crocodile, Do you see what I'm saying?" Primus said, the drinks now kicking in.

Inferno, in his drunken state, thought that he should rape Daria "yeah, I see exactly what your saying.


Daria was currently flying over the Avalarian valley. She started to grow a blood lust, and didn't want to wake Mira so she decided to go on a late night hunt. Mira's home was hanging off a cliff side, the only way you can reach it is by flight.

She started to tire and landed on a small plateau. She closed her eyes, but they shot open red, as she heard a sound of flapping wings, her eyes were red to scan for heat, when she saw a dragon In the distance, she gasped "Inferno? What's he doing here?" when he clumsily landed, she sighed and flew off , towards Mira's home, he was drunk

He clumsily stumbled over to Daria, or who he thought was Daria, It was reality just a wondering Dragoness, she recoiled at the smell of his breath. "W-what do you want?"

"You baby" He said, forcing himself on to her, pinning down her paws, she struggled but struggled even more when she felt his dragonhood rubbing around her entrance, his drunken state not letting him find it. When he finally found it, he thrust in, tearing her Hymen, and taking her virginity, and making her scream. The scream traveled all the way to the Avalarian village, awaking Hunter, he recognized the screech as the one of a dragoness, so he grabbed his bow and arrows and ran to the direction of the sound.

Inferno saw her charging a weak lightning bolt, so he clamped his jaws down on hers, shutting her jaw and thrusting faster, she screamed again in pain and continued to struggle, he was tearing her inner walls "Calm down and relax Dar, and it'll feel better!"

The dragoness continued to struggle, getting more violent, "Dar? Who's that?!"

Inferno started to thrust faster, coming to his release. The dragoness' eyes widened and she screamed as a warm substance flowed into her womb, the scream was only countered by Inferno's moan, but his moan quickly turned into a scream as an arrow shot into his side. He pulled out of her, blood and semen dripping out of her slit. The dragoness ran over to the side of Hunter, heavily sobbing "w-w-why did you save me?" she asked, happily nuzzling his leg.

"I heard you screaming, I can't bring you back to my village, but I can bring you to the home of two very kind dragonesses. They will take care of you until you're back to health, do you have any parents?"

The small dragoness shook her head as a no. "Well, get on my back, I'll take you to that house, but I have to ask you something, how old are you?"

The dragoness shakily replied "five…"

Hunter nodded, and jumped to the nearest cliff, bounding left and right to get to the home. "it's a good thing she's only five, if she was only a year older, she could become gravid. But she's probably lost all hope in male dragons."

When he reached the home he set down the young one and recoiled slightly at the feeling of the wicked mixture coming from the dragoness that had seeped through his fur and onto his back. When he knocked on the door, instead of it making an echoing knock, it just opened, the stop had been knocked away, Hunter readied his bow and arrow and moved on, signaling the young one to follow. He heard giggling and moans coming from the bed room of Mira, he dropped his bow and arrow and covered the ears of the Dragoness.


Mira had awoken when Daria walked back into the room, she had an arousing dream and long story short got Daria to re-enact it. But they both stopped when they heard a dragoness ask "Hunter help her! He might be back!" and Hunter shushing her.

Daria got up from between Mira's back legs, and walked out her door to see Hunter covering the eyes and ears of a young Hatchling. "Hunter, what are you doing here?" Hunter took the time to explain what just happened, and after hearing it all, her eyes reddened in rage, and took no time in spreading her wings to find Inferno. By this time Mira had walked out to see if Daria was ok, when she saw Hunter, he again, explained the situation.

Mira didn't get as angry and just said, "I hope she doesn't suck him dry, if he's drunk, she'll be drunk too." She looked down to the young dragoness and laid down next to her, wrapping her tail and wing around her body "So little one, what's your name?"

The dragoness hesitated a bit, getting more comfortable in the embrace of the larger ice guardian, the embrace feeling like a mothers touch. "My name is Hope, and can I call you my mommy?"

Mira's heart warmed, "Of coarse dear"

Hope smiled and laid down in the embrace, quickly falling asleep, Mira smiled and grabbed her by the nape of her neck and laying her on her pillow, forgetting the wet spot. She walked over to Hunter and thanked Hunter "Thanks for saving Hope, Hunter. She would've died if it wasn't for you"

Hunter bowed graciously, "no need for thanks Mira, I was just doing what I thought was right, now would you like me to make sure that Daria doesn't do anything drastic?"

Mira shook her head and laughed "no, she won't kill him, just rough him up a bit, or a lot."


Daria was still enraged, was scanning the area for Inferno, and found him, trying to hump a purple cheetah, only to get a spear in his side. She saw him charge a fire ball so she dived down deflected the ball with her tail, the cheetah bowed in thanks and ran off. "Inferno you drunken perverted bastard!" Daria's muzzle was sparking with dark lightning.

"C'mon Dar, I just had you! But I knew you'd be back for more!" Daria just snarled and shot him in the side with a lightning bolt, immediately after he fell, she tackled him, biting his neck and purifying his blood. She spat the intoxicated blood back in his face and yelled "That wasn't me you bastard! It was just a little girl!" Inferno's now sober eyes widened in horror, "that was just a little girl…I'm worse then I thought" He didn't say a word, he hung his head and flew towards white isle, to redeem himself in the eyes of the ancestors.


And there we go, first chapter, very graphic. Sorry if you were offended but yeah, he was a depressed drunken dragon, it was bound to happen. Again sorry if you were offended and I'll be back soon!

P.S. I got my old laptop back!