BMIK: Hello and welcome to yet another fic. This is actually a story following my one-shot 'Doll', but Kiki-slasha (and the many awesome reviews I got) convinced me that it had potential for a multi-chaptered 'sequel'. And it´s Renzoo, yay ^___^

For those who haven´t read 'Doll' here´s a short summary: Rufus Shinra, an introverted eccentric with money to burn, purchases a new 'Doll' from Hojo, owner of a company who creates robots that are specialized in taking care of their masters sexual needs and desires. This new Doll is something very special though; it is 100% organic and all that distinguishes it from a human is its lack of a free will.

Kiki-slasha: Ever since reading BMIK's story "Doll" it put all sorts of ideas in my head for the story, and she has agreed to write a sequel of it with me. Talk about the ultimate fan service! So of course, thanks to BMIK for her wonderful story in the first place and for being so open to co-authoring. Hope you can all enjoy it like I have!

(Yazoo: Kiki-slasha

Hojo: BMIK)

Please enjoy!

Deus Ex Machina


The time he spent alone in the dark laboratory never mattered. His creator had left, turning all the lights off, and he'd shut down partially, his system on sleep mode until reactivated by the lights coming on. His breathing commands were still active, as were the protocols that kept his blood running to his flesh. He blinked, he swallowed, but other than that there was no measure of the passage of time. The doll model Yazoo swallowed six hundred and forty-three times before the lights turned back on. His eyes opened and he observed his maker, waiting for a command.

Hojo carelessly walked past the unfinished machines that piled up in his laboratory. He didn´t even spare them a glance anymore. Obsolete rubbish. No, this was the past, the future stood right in front of him, cool and perfect as ever, beauty incarnated in every possible way.

With the ghost of a smile, Hojo intertwined his hands behind his back and ordered,

"Yazoo, activate." It was time for a last few tests before his masterpiece would be delivered to Rufus Shinra. Not that this tests were necessary, Hojo knew that his creation was absolutely above any flaw, he simply loved to get another demonstration of his genius.

Yazoo's body jerked at the command, his system restoring itself to readiness. He tilted his head slightly towards his creator, the small movement disturbed a few silver strands around his face and caught on his eyelashes. He only blinked, not appearing to heed the tickle on his skin.

Satisfied, Hojo turned, starting to walk around his doll with idle movements.

"What is the first law of robotics?" It was just standard procedure, but still it thrilled him to no end to hear this living, breathing thing, this human organism react like the most refined machine.

"A robot may not injure a human being, or, though inaction, allow a human being to come to harm." Yazoo's voice was another aspect that Hojo was particularly proud of. It was soft but distinctly male. Previous tests had explored intonation and pitch; he could moan and sigh, whimper and command. But, for now, his default was mild with a hint of interest.

"Second law," Hojo commanded, rather distractedly. There was no need of course to praise a machine for doing the job it was supposed to do. There was no need to pay attention to what Yazoo actually said either, because it was, of course, exactly what he had been asked for, down to the last letter. So Hojo took his time to admire the smooth, naked skin stretching over a perfectly toned body, tight, firm buttock, the elegant curve of a hip, long legs… Yes, it had indeed been a pleasure to condition and program Yazoo, and he had taken this task upon himself… His hand slipped away from behind his back to glide over an impeccable, beautifully shaped calf. Oh, he would miss this doll. But it wasn´t like he couldn´t make a new one, and even though this was perfection already the next one would surely get even better.

The signal of being touched registered and Yazoo's flesh raised underneath Hojo's hand, tiny bumps textured along his skin.

"A robot must obey orders given it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law." Yazoo's voice remained smooth--he had not yet been asked to react any more than the autonomous responses of his flesh.

Third Law?" Hojo drawled, his glasses glittering coldly in the sterile room. Maybe he should check on the doll´s special functions as well, he pondered, as his skinny fingers travelled up Yazoo´s leg like a hungry spider. Then a thin, derisive smile twisted his lips and he withdraw his hand. They were running a bit late already, and he wouldn´t give up his professionalism over a piece of organic junk.

"A robot must protect it's own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First and Second Laws." The laws governed every task he had to perform, and Yazoo had listed them countless times to his creator as part of his procedural command checks. He had noticed the withdraw of Hojo's touch--apparently there would be no use of his specially programmed behaviours...

"Who is the Master you will obey?" Hojo finally asked, and glanced at the watch on his wrist.

"Rufus Shinra." Yazoo said, although only hours before it would have been a different name. The transfer of authority had been made flawlessly as soon as the transaction had been verified.

"Well, well." The doctor nodded his head more to himself, once again impressed what wonder his shrewd mind had created. "Move to your box now and deactivate once you are in there. You will lay dormant until your Master receives and turns you on again." With a dismissive gesture, Hojo stepped away from the podium and called for the robot who had waited with his box outside the lab until he was called via remote. The smooth, metallic machine rolled in, box in its gripper arms, and stopped right in front of the doll.

Yazoo nodded, stepping one foot from the podium and into the padded interior of the carrier. It would protect his flesh from bruising during delivery, and still let enough air into the container through the holes on the outside to allow him to breathe. Yazoo positioned himself against the back of the box, arms at his sides, for a snug fit against the padding. As the light was extinguished by the lid, and the sound of the other robot screwing the fastenings on, Yazoo had a small flash of sensation, he had been programmed with those after all--apprehension. But then the command to deactivate won over and his eyes closed, his breathing slowed and he fell into a robot's equivalent of sleep.


So, this was our first try... You think it´s worth continuing?

Please tell us and there might be more chapters ^__^

*Bows down in advanced thanks*

Disclaimer: We do not own Final Fantasy VII Advent Children and we do not make any money from this. The Three Laws Of Robotic were borrowed from Isaac Asimov.